Tuesday, December 22, 2020

From the "look what Pelosi slipped into the Covid-19 relief bill" department - Online story: "a pair of assistance programs in Pakistan, whereby $15 million will be put toward “democracy programs” and $10 million will be distributed to “gender programs.”" -- "Democracy"? ... "Gender programs"? -- Good grief.. There is no "democracy" in counties with 96% of the population practicing Islam, and if a person signs up for a "gender program", it's sorta like signing up for an execution...To boot, with a population of 220,000,000, the Pelosi "gift" is of about $0.11 USD per Pakistani, but we all know that the $25 MILLION will be eaten up in transfer fees and bribes for "Friends of Pelosi" Pakistani elites.

Now, ask yourself, how does giving $25,000,000 to Pakistan help US citizens... in any way or capacity?

From the "another product of a liberal public education curriculum" department - Online story: "Congressman-elect Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., said in an interview published Monday that he believes the U.S.' current system of capitalism is a form of slavery. * "I believe our current system of capitalism is slavery by another name," said Bowman, a new member of the progressive "Squad." * One that keeps the majority of Americans unemployed, or underemployed and struggling just to survive, while the power elite continues to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few," -- Hmmm.. obviously, whoever taught "Animal Farm" to Congressman Bowman twisted the facts about the Socialist government's ideal of equality being that while "all animals are equal, it's "good" that some are more equal than others", and none of the "lesser equals" can ever escape the "fenced in area".

You know, JoKKKe Biden stating up front he won't be asking his Atty General to continue investigating his family money scandals is basically him "taking the Fifth Amendment".

Online headline/story: "Joe Biden’s niece Caroline gets no jail time after DUI guilty plea * Joe Biden’s niece Caroline Biden pleaded guilty to DUI on Dec. 3 — and was sentenced to 20 days to six months of “confinement,” Pennsylvania court records said. * But the small print shows Biden, 33, won’t see a day behind bars after she negotiated a plea deal with the Montgomery County district attorney. * Instead of jail, she got five-plus months of probation, with 20 days of rehab in January counted toward her sentence.
* The walk-free plea continues a long Biden family tradition of avoiding jail time. A Post investigation in July found at least eight other busts of Bidens resulted in wrist slaps." -- Hmmm... wonder if he mentioned his brother's child when interviewing prospective Atty General candidates?

In another Biden's niece's history: "Caroline Biden, 31, offered a heartfelt apology and promised that her wild-child ways were behind her Thursday when she was sentenced to two years’ probation for racking up over $100,000 on a stolen credit card." -- Hmmm... it's easy to apologize when you're caught with your hand in the "cookie jar", but being accustomed to reaching into any "cookie jar" you see is a learned trait and seldom is a forgotten one.. looks like it's a shared trait of Biden 1st cousins..

Whoa! My 5 week, 2 day old grand son turned over by himself over yesterday! ...

It really seems hypocritical for politicians who didn't miss a paycheck, constantly held up President Trump's efforts, shut down the economy, and railed against voters getting vaccines when available to eagerly cut into the front of the line.... and without apologizing to the voters or President Trump.

Irony - You know,, there was a time that "honkies" was a derogatory term for Whites... now it describes a 2020 Political Rally for Democrats.

From the "these are obviously more JoKKKe Biden jokes... aren't they...?" department - Surely the Department of Housing and Urban Development should have more political leadership experience than as the Mayor of a town of less that 14,000 people, and the Head of Department of Transportation should have more experience that being the mayor of a city that had a public transportation "fleet" of on 66 buses.. Please... please tell me JoKKKe Biden was joking!

Online headline/story: "Coalition of Black pastors slam Loeffler campaign ads as a 'broader attack against the Black Church' * A group of Black pastors, mostly from Georgia, penned an open letter to Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler and her campaign this weekend to respond to recent attacks from Loeffler against Democratic Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock's faith and sermons. * "We call on you to cease and desist your false characterizations of Reverend Warnock as 'radical' or 'socialist,' when there is nothing in his background, writings or sermons that suggests those characterizations to be true, especially when taken in full context," the letter reads. * I believe in the American system of free enterprise," Warnock said on The View last week." -- "false characterizations"? I see nothing "false" in his history of support of socialism... One cannot support free enterprise, individual freedoms, our Constitution, nor religious "Free Will" as a Socialist-Democrat.

From the "Leghorn Foghorn, I say there, he's as strong as an ox and nearly as smart" department - Online story: "Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced Wednesday that UGA’s School of Public and International Affairs would examine the authenticity of absentee ballot voters’ signatures. Absentee ballot integrity has been criticized by many Republicans this year as a record number were cast in the general election and they helped sway Georgia in favor of President-elect Joe Biden over President Donald Trump." -- Hmmm... and who will be the Republicans watching over the signature checkers?


Another from the ""Leghorn Foghorn, I say there, he's as strong as an ox and nearly as smart" department - Online story: "Georgia’s election code “is designed to be as restrictive as possible,” said Nsé Ufot, CEO of the New Georgia Project, a nonpartisan group that aims to register and engage new voters. “It is only through a massive, sophisticated, connected organizing campaigns and huge media narrative campaigns that we’re even able to make the kind of interventions that we need so that Black people and new Americans and women, quite frankly, can vote.” -- "new Americans"? First.. the "nonpartisan" aspect "New Georgia Project" is BOGUS ... at best. Voters rights should be 100% non-political... secondly, ALL Americans voting rights are not only protected, but guaranteed by our Constitution, but you  know, unless every state strictly monitors the Constitutional guidelines, no legal American citizens of any other state voters rights are protected.  

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