Tuesday, December 15, 2020

 From the ""clueless" department - Online "story": "Geraldo Rivera maybe shouldn’t expect another call from President Donald Trump anytime soon. * “It is over. I want the president, my friend, the current president, the 45th president, to understand it is over. The Electoral College has voted. The longer we drag this out, the more we damage the fabric of our democracy.” * In footage shared online by The Daily Beast, the pundit also warned Monday that Trump’s refusal to concede, and repeated challenges of the vote, would damage his legacy." -- ""The longer we drag this out, the more we damage the fabric of our democracy"? "damage our democracy"? I'm more proud of President Trump now than at anytime of his presidency! Without his challenge to the corruption at the ballot boxes, Democracy would indeed be damaged.. possibly over. What I am disappointed in is media ... and our court system.. especially the US Supreme Court... so far. Even if the courts "feel" they don't want to stand up for Trump, they should stand up unwaveringly for our Constitution... Regardless of whether the Courts feel they should overturn election results, the US Supreme Court should be standing strong on insuring ONLY legal US citizens should be able to vote.. only living US citizens be able to cast votes, and votes only be cast by legal citizens whose identity has been verified..

From the "Good Riddance!,,, But why is this actually news?"" department - Online story: "Rep. Paul Mitchell, R-Mich., said Monday he is leaving his party and becoming an Independent because Republicans have not stood up to President Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the election." -- First, Republicans should have stood up FOR President Trump...period...Second, Mitchell isn't even a Congressman anymore and the replacement Republican Representative beat Mitchell's 2018 opponent by a considerably higher percentage and margin...than Mitchell did in 2018. Third... other than MSM-13, who cares what Rinos feel...

From the "Hypocrisy... thy name is Paul Dolan" department - Online story: "The Cleveland Indians are changing their name — they just don't know to what or when. * The Cleveland Indians are changing their name — they just don't know to what or when. * Expressing that “it's time," owner Paul Dolan said that after months of internal discussions and meetings with groups, including Native Americans who have sought to have the team stop using a moniker many deem racist, the American League franchise is dropping the name it has been known by since 1915 * Dolan said the team will continue to be called Indians until a new name is chosen." -- Like all liberals. it's all about "me and MY money!" MLB and Dolan made such an obvious "symbolism over substance" announcement, yet with no conviction of making the change effective with "the moment".. No, it's purely a "follow the money" ruse! Dolan and suppliers (Nike) don't want to be stuck with all the excessive "Indians" apparel and paraphernalia already filling outlets and storerooms.

From the "let's clarify this ONE LAST TIME!" department - Online "headLIE": "Hillary Clinton calls for abolishing Electoral College after casting electoral vote for Biden
Clinton won the national popular vote but lost Electoral College count to Trump in 2016 presidential election" -- Philosophers throughout history have described the :half-truth" as "the blackest of ALL lies", and Hellary's is no different.. her "popular vote" victory margin was 2.8 Million NATIONALLY... but she had a 4.3 Million vote margin in "california" (not a spelling mistake.. all the Capitals have moved out of California) which means that President rump won the other 49 states by a 1.5 Million popular votes.

For the record.. I no longer sympathize with conservatives in Portland, Oregon over all the police issue mess there. The mayor substantially won re-election when he should have been overwhelmingly tossed out. My advice to them is simply move to where they are supported and appreciated...let Portland suffer by having it's tax base leave..

As promised by President Trump, the first Covid-19 vaccination was performed yesterday.. I think it would be most appropriate for the FCC to order all media outlets that stated that no such vaccine would be available before years end have to replay all their reporters predictions and comments that this would not happen 24/7 for about a week, then show public chastisement for those "journalists" for another 24/7 week, then air another 24/7 week of apologies to President Trump and our nation.


From the "Yes, Illinois, there is a Santa Claus" department - Online headline/story: "NRA delivers Nerf guns to 4-year-old after mall Santa denied his request for the toy * The mall then posted a video on its Facebook page showing the "real” Santa giving DeCarlo a wrapped gift at his home – and said the Santa who denied his request has since resigned." -- The "Bad Santa" was ALLOWED to "resign"?... he should have been fired immediately for expressing his personal political opinion while impersonating a mall Santa..

You know..It's sad..real sad ... to ask "if" versus "when" ..the House Ethics Committee will start investigating Smalwell and Pelosi on there Chinese Spy connection..

Looks like a segment of Auburn fans finally got their wish.. Coach Gus Malzahn has been fired...Can you imagine how potential AU coaches will feel after seeing Malzahn's 6 season results, and realizing they would be happy with his record which got him fired?

Online headline: "Computer repairman who claimed he gave Hunter Biden data to Giuliani closes shop as laptop saga gets stranger" -- Good grief! I'd have shut down my shop too! It's in Wilmington.. JoKKKe Joe Biden's neighbor hood! I want to comment how brave.. patriotic.. John Paul "Mac" Isaac was to turn the hard drive over to the FBI rather than to the Biden's or the Socialist-Democratic Party where it would have disappeared.


From the "the public needs to know" department - Online headline: "Hunter Biden requested keys for new 'office mates' Joe Biden, Chinese 'emissary' to CEFC chairman, emails show". -- read this for yourself:



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