Wednesday, December 23, 2020

HuffPOOPOO "poop" headline: "Biden warns Americans that 'darkest days' of COVID-19 pandemic are still to come" -- Hmmm... yeah... beginning about January 20, 2021.

You know, the US Supreme Court has one real job... to make sure states and politicians follow the US Constitution at all times...John Roberts will go down as the worst Chief Justice... ever.

Online headline: "Trump threatens to not sign COVID-19 bill, wants bigger stimulus checks" -- Hmmm... personally, he should pocket veto it based on unrelated programs included, .. but he should go even further... and veto any/every "continuing resolution" that doesn't shut off Congressional paychecks until a proper budget is passed and signed.

Seriously? MSM-13 is going to harp on a handful of pardons President Trump issued .. many of which were dragged under by Pelosi's "witchhunt? Somehow, I don't recall MSM-13 being upset about President Obama pardoning/commuting more people's sentence that the previous 7 presidents COMBINED... especially egregious was the quietness of MSM-13 when Obama pardoned Muslim terrorists held at Gitmo...

Online headline: "Some U.S. Black pastors, key players in COVID education, are hesitating to push vaccine" -- Hmmm... what they should have hesitated on was believing ANY Democrat politician!

From the "nothing new" department - Online headline/story: "Flint joins $641M deal to settle lawsuits over lead in water * The disaster made Flint a nationwide symbol of governmental mismanagement, with residents of the city of nearly 100,000 lining up for bottled water and parents fearful their children had suffered permanent harm. " -- Yep.. nothing new.. Michigan is a disaster for water and voting...

From the "what did he actually say" department - Online headline/story: "Biden says U.S. will 'respond in kind' for SolarWinds hack blamed on Russia * “When I learn the extent of the damage and in fact who is formally responsible, they can be assured that we will respond. And probably respond in kind. There’s many options, which I will not discuss now,” Biden said during a press conference with reporters that followed his remarks on the coronavirus pandemic, cybersecurity and the upcoming Christmas holiday." -- Hmmm JoKKKe Biden a scene out of an Uncle Remus Classic... "he just sat there...he don't say nuthin".

From the "don't ho;d your breath!" department - Online headline: "California desperately searches for more nurses and doctors" --Good luck with that! After seeing all the current and the proposed new taxes, what doctor even wants to go to california to practice?

From the "Reality? Wherefore art thou?" department - Online headline: "San Francisco mayor says Newsom's California Senate pick 'a real blow to the African-American community'" -- With the entire Black population of california being at less than 6%, London Breed should have no racial complaints since she was elected Mayor of San Francisco. and no complaints that a Latino becomes the first US Senator to represent the largest (39%) population segment in california.

Online story: "A Seattle-area Antifa member, Mikaele Andrew Baker, 23, who has been arrested multiple times during violent protests and tweeted out a list of businesses that supported the city's efforts to clean out a homeless encampment, has been identified as a children's camp counselor and substitute teacher. " -- Hmmm... what this story is missing is that Baker is not a FORMER camp counselor/substitute teacher.

Online headline: "Iowa Democrat Rita Hart seeking House intervention in lost election was on payroll of 2 Chinese firms * Hart received $3,180 from Confucius International Education Group and $2,135 from Pangaea International Academy" -- A little more background.. Hart was seeking RE-election.. so she's been in Congress for the past 2 years , and I do believe that no foreign donations can be accepted by elected officials.

Online headline: "The ex-wife of Raphael Warnock, one of the Democrats running in Georgia's Senate runoffs, accused him of running over her foot during an argument in newly-released footage" -- Hmmm.. so this "man of God" believes soldiers can't be Christians, Mary had a God-given right to "choose", and opted for divorce from his wife and two small children. Maybe he's a "man of god" instead....

Hmmm... AOC is calling for "new leadership" in the next Congress ... with a Democrat House majority that may on be between 3 & 5 ... Pelosi certainly isn't guaranteed re-election to the Speaker's office.

From the "excuse me, but what the... is Harris talking about?" department - Online headline: "Harris rallies for Georgia Democrats, tells voters to overcome suppression efforts" -- "Suppression"? The only "suppression allowed in our Constitution is to keep not citizens and 100% unredeemed felons from having the right to vote until they meet specified standards.

Why is Ex-Atty Gen Bill Barf still around? Nothing he's said about the election being "over" is actually true... in fact, no court has actually heard evidentiary arguments so far.

JoKKKe Biden beat Bill Clinton's campaign promise back-tracking by 6 weeks! Remember when Clinton ran and promised a tax cut as soon as he got in office, but the first thing he did about 3 weeks into his administration was to make a speech "apologizing " that he worked REAL HARD but just couldn't do it. Well, JoKKKe Joe was out yesterday telling his uber-left base that "he just can't change the immigration policy", as he promised, on day one. Sounds like "bait & switch" fraud.

As I recall. the Chase Homes on 2nd Ave were deemed a bad environment because of the their proximity to the GA Power Sub=station just south of the property.. Now,, will Chase homes be built elsewhere or just new units built back on the same "unfit" property?

Online headline: "Barbaric killings, amputations, ruthless extortion: The alarming rise of Mexico's Jalisco New Generation * The bloodletting and fight for control near the U.S. border is slated to only worsen" --- Hmm... doesn't sound exactly like this will be a good time to shut down constructing the Wall President Trump is working on...

Remember, Pelosi presented the ObamaCRAP healthcare bill and told Dems they could read it after they vote on it; now she gives the House and Senate a 1200 page Covid-19 Relief Bill no one COULD read it before voting on it.

From the "hypocrisy personified" department - Online headline: "California union members campaign in Georgia days before asking LA for 'strict' lockdown" -- Yep... "some animals are more equal than others"...


Once and for all, there is no "concede" policy/procedure in the Constitutional Election process..the Constitution sets the states' responsibilities, dates for the General Election, the casting or Electoral ballots, the certification of Electoral ballots, and the actual President/Vice-President inauguration. There is no provision...repeat.. ..requiring any concession at any time, by a candidate. 

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