Monday, April 15, 2024


Online headline: "Biden meets with national security team over attack on U.S. soldiers in Jordan" -- MEETS WITH!.Wait a minute… Biden is supposed TO BE AMERICA'S SECURITY LEADER!

Hmmm... when a reporter asked Resident Biden on Friday if he had any advice to Iran about attacking Israel, Resident Biden said, "Don't".. but what Iran heard was, "Duh!".

Online headline: “Iran offers Israel off-ramp to 'conclude' attack after launching missiles, drones on Jewish state” – Are we seeing a pattern develop here? Like HamASS’ attack on Israel… Islamic terrorists throw ANOTHER suckerpunch, then yell “Time Out! Can we talk about this?”

Instant replay: Online headline: “Iran offers Israel off-ramp to 'conclude' attack after launching missiles, drones on Jewish state” -- Good grief! What do HamASS, Iran, and the Democrat's "Squad" all have in common... all three groups like to throw "suckerpunches" then ask for their victims to "play nice" in return!

Another thing HamASS, Iran, and "the SQUAD" have in common besides Jewish genocide is “Death to America”!

Israel...with a little help of its friends.. and some from the Biden "political campaign expediency" committee...blew back the Iranian assault.. hmm.. with so many Iranian launched drones and missies intercepted before getting TO Israel, wonder how much collateral damage happened in Iraq and Syria from the debris and shrapnel from the in air explosions?

Online headline: "Biden calling for G7 meeting in response to Iran's 'brazen' attack"
-- Good grief! Resident Biden is calling for a "G7 meeting"? What he should have ALREADY CALLED FOR is the destruction of Iran's oil fields, refineries, pipe lines, and tanker ports!


The citizens of Columbus GA need answers about the backroom deal "Mayor Skippie the Phew" made to get our legislators to (probably illegally) override the Golden Park area legacy that required a 2/3rds voter approval to change its use status! The main question to ask the legislators is whether "Mayor Skippie the Phew" told them ahead that an existing codicil said it couldn't be changed without aforementioned approval. If the legislators didn't know is one thing, and they can correct their mistake, but if any DID KNOW, then the GA House and Senate Ethics Committees need to "call them on the floor" and censure them!

Never has our country been controlled by so few people than now....there are a handful of Communist Democrat Representatives and Senators that control the Democrats' bloc votes, and combined with a couple of House RINOs and rogue Republican , a dozen or so people can get destructive measures added to legislation that eat away at America's future.

Online headline: “Scandal-ridden mayor jeered for telling 'Black and Brown communities' not to fight her at contentious meeting” -- As bad as this Illinois Mayor is, Columbus, GA citizens have more reasons to think their mayor, Skippie the Phew riding herd on his "100 Acre Scam" is even worse!

Online headline: “O.J. Simpson estate executor vows to contest $33.5M payout: 'Goldmans get zero, nothing'” -- Good grief! Of course the estate lawyers will fight the Goldman's .. every penny the Goldman's get will mean that much less for the estate lawyers to get.

Online headline: “Six House seats that could flip from blue to red in 2024, potentially giving GOP a bigger majority” – It's really disappointing that at this time, ONLY six Democrats are looked at as vulnerable to losing to a Republican in November elections... the economy and it's direction under Democrat control should be more than enough to eliminate MOST of the current sitting Democrats!

You know, after watching the Masters this weekend, I think professional golf is going to
have to rethink its rewards system... There's so much money floating around, it's not necessary to win to do well on tour.. and players just aren't as hungry for victory as they use to be... In this years Masters, 3 tied for 3rd/4th/5th place were paid $1,040,000.00 EACH, ties for 35th/36th/37th place paid off $103.000.00.. ( last place, 60th, paid $39,600.00.

It was perplexing to see where soldiers competing for honors for their skills in the Ft Moore , GA (famously known previously as Ft Benning) were riding zip lines and kayaks in Uptown Columbus GA during the "competition".. In combat, what soldier would open themselves to the vulnerability of being fully exposed 30-40 feet in the air with no cover, or riding a kayak the required both hands to be on the paddle and not being able to return fire while in an open position? My guess it was a commercial advertising gimmick..

Online headline: “Georgia's Secretary Raffensperger Acknowledges Trump and Speaker Johnson's Support in Noncitizen Voting Battle” -- Hmmm ..well I hope all candidates support the Constitution.. especially elected ones who are running for re-election and have sworn an oath to honor and protect and defend our Constitution… especially Democrats!

More bad news for Bidenomics… and America... 3.5% inflation rate for March.. Even more disturbing, the 3.5% doesn't include new mortgage or rental rates which are sky high!

Online headline: “Room goes silent as Bill Maher admits that he thinks abortion is murder but says he is okay with that because “there's 8 billion people in the world.” -- hmm...Hey, Maher…then why not feel the same way about drug and gang murders... even assassinations? Murder is JUST murder… even when it’s NOT JUST!... Hmmm… maybe you can book a series of serial killers.. you could rename them… hmmm.. “Population Adjusters”… Yeah! That’s the ticket!

Online headline: “House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries calls on Republicans to release
funding for Haiti” -- Hmmm...Excuse me, but who's account does Jeffries plan to
deposit these tax dollars?

Interesting... THE candidate for the Muscogee County (Columbus) GA Tax Commissioner job’s "declaration" lists an address that doesn't appear in the Tax Database .. 2903 Inverness Parkway...did I say "interesting"....I meant STRANGE...especially considering the job.

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