Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Would someone please "remind" Kama-LIAR and Walz..… and Karin Jeanne-Pierre for that matter…that ASKING  questions is not "misinformation". Misinformation is "ANSWERING"  questions with incorrect information (a.k.a. “Misspeak”).

From the “Have you noticed” department:  Democrats recruit women to vote on the "my body, my choice"  option, yet Democrats berate Black Men who want the "MY VOTE, MY CHOICE" option.

From the “With friends like this, who needs 3rd Party PACs pointing out things” department – Online headline: “Bill Clinton suggesting Laken Riley would be alive if the border was secure stuns social media: 'He's right” – Hmmm… guess Bill has decided that if Hellary couldn’t beat Trump, he doesn’t want Kama-LIAR upstaging Hellary…

Online headline/story: “Brittney Griner Has 4-Word Message For Everyone On Columbus Day * “Columbus Didn’t Discover America” --  Hmmm... notice that Griner doesn't mention her disregard for other countries' laws concerning marijuana, or that Biden/Harris negotiated her release by returning evil Russian arms dealer,  Viktor Bout, a.k.a. "Merchant of Death", back into the world.

Have you noticed that Kama-LIAR and MSM pretty much are avoiding conversations about Ukraine, Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Afghanistan , and our Southern Border ... looks like Kama-LIAR  and MSM don't want to talk about voting issues that hurt her election chances anymore than they have to..

Online headline: “Former Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby seeks to replace home detention with curfew due to new job” --  Hmmmmmm...With her new  job as Global Strategic Planning Director, it sorta sounds she definitely would be a FLIGHT RISK, so no judge should let her have an eight hour head start escape by eliminating “home detention”.

I hope you saw the AMAZING "SpaceX" test launch over the weekend.. the launch itself was “exciting but mundane", but.....but what was AWESOME is that Musk's "Launch Team" not only steered the rocket back to the launch site, they actually CAUGHT it with the Launch Tower clamping device. Hey, Walz...MSM..this was the equivalence of firing a Beretta a400 shotgun straight into the air, and using the gun barrel to catch all the slugs as they tumbled back to Earth.

Online headline: “Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee mocked for saying Moon is ‘made up mostly of gases:’ ‘Dumb as dirt” -- Hmmm... betcha congressman Hank Johnson, GA-4 Democrat, probably thinks the moon will tip over if we put too many of our military equipment up there.

Online headline: “Kamala Harris claims she's got a gun, but Second Amendment supporters say good luck getting yours” --  So ..... Kama-LIAR says she "has a Glock".... hmmmmmm…. wonder if she knows what Model number or even the caliber it is?

Kama-LIAR has renamed “FEMA”… now it is known as “Federal Emergency MISSPOKE Again”

Online headline: “Whoopi incorrectly says Reagan's 'Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall' was directed at Germans, not Soviets” – Incorrectly? It’s way worse than that.. Whoopi gets her news and history lessons from CNN & ABC debate “Fact Checkers”.

Online headline: “Gretchen Whitmer Apologizes For ‘Distasteful’ Doritos Stunt Amid Catholic Backlash “ -- Hmmm....wonder if she said she "misspoke"  or "mis-poked" a Doritos Chip?

From the “Not enough credit is being given” department - Online headline/story: “Hunter Biden ‘laptop from hell’ scandal turns 4: How media, intelligence community misled Americans * 'The real sin... was the collaboration between social media, legacy media and the intelligence community,' Emma-Jo Morris says” * Hunter Biden’s scandalous laptop - falsely dismissed as Russian disinformation – became part of the American lexicon four years ago today, on October 14, 2020, kicking off a years-long scandal with big tech, corporate media and the intelligence community.” – Hmmm… let’s NOT forget the importance that the DOJ/FBI played in this… before and AFTER the election…

Online headline: “NAACP Launches Campaign In Georgia To Boost Black Voter Turnout” --  Wait a minute..... I thought the NAACP was all about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)! Isn't White a  "color", too?

Hmmm…. Former President Obama must.. well, SHOULD.. feel conflicted… he campaigns excessively on “skin color” but forgets he’s equally as White as he is Black…..

After Tim Walz embarrassed himself as a man, an outdoorsman, and as a hunter, it was hard...very hard ...not to think of his name being:

                                                                "Elmer Dudd" .

Kama-LIAR Mart Announcement: "Klean Up on Lie 4"

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