Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Breakfast Club - June 27, 2010

Succinct online nutshell of the McChrystal resignation: "By replacing McChrystal, Obama appears to be supporting Eikenberry/Holbrooke and putting the overall mission in jeopardy. Petreaus now has the upper hand. If he fails he can blame everyone before him and Obama is stuck with him. If Obama tries to get rid of Petreaus he will look indecisive, grasping first at one general and then another. By firing McChrystal Obama has succeeded in letting Rolling Stone run the campaign--not the best result for a commander in chief." --
Online story: "When Obama and Cameron met later in Toronto, they exchanged bottles of beer in a semi-pay off of their bet on the U.S.-England game that ended in a tie. Cameron got a bottle of Chicago's Goose Island while Obama was presented with Hobgoblin from the Wychwood Brewery. "I advised him that in America, we drink our beer cold (so) he has to put it in a refrigerator before he drinks it," the president said of his advice to Cameron. Some Brits drink their ale at room temperature, but not Obama. "I will not drink it warm," he said. " -- What a diplomat....NOT! POTus Nero-bama gave the previous British PM DVD's in a format not used in England, and now snubs the current PM by refusing to drink the gift of ale in the British tradition.
Barbara go girl!
Online headline: "Couple Charged With Beating and Starving Children" -- Ooops, my bad! Thought this might have been about Pelosi & Reid.
From a Zogby poll:
Suspicions confirmed! 90% of Republicans get news updates from daily TV news, and only 73% of DIM/DUMBorats get daily news updates on TV. Even more revealing is that quite a number of DIM/DUMBs have moved over to Fox News.
While 12% say they are watching Fox News, 61% of DIM/DUMBorats get their news opinions from NBC/CNN. That means over 80% of the DIM/DUMBs who watch news get misinformed opinions. It also shows that 1 in 4 DIM/DUMBs are completely uninformed.
From the same BCer:

One question survey from WSB, Atlanta . Take this survey and pass the link on to anyone you know in Georgia . There is only one question.
L-E headline/story: "Midget wrestling at Oxygen nightclub Thursday night * By SONYA SORICH - * Some partiers raved about midget wrestling days before it came to town, calling it an entertaining break from the usual downtown mix. * Others weren't as keen on the idea, describing it with terms like "exploitative" and "demeaning." * And me? I arrived at Oxygen with an open mind and a photographer/videographer on hand." -- Sounds more like she arrived to capture the exploitation on film & tape so she could be the biggest exploiter in the room.
Why is it acceptable, no, reasonable, for more money per square foot be spent building the new City Service Building than is spent on new luxury housing?
L-E story: "NEW YORK — Two U.S. Census Bureau managers in Brooklyn have been fired over allegations that they forged questionnaires. * According to reports in The New York Times and the New York Daily News on Saturday, officials said about 10,000 household interviews would have to be redone to ensure that the count is accurate. * The two managers were fired on June 18 but do not face criminal charges, (The Census Bureau’s New York regional director, Tony) Farthing said." -- Say what! At a minimum, since this is a Constitutionally mandated function of government, all NY Senators and Congresspersons should be publicly flogged if they don't press charges.
All these pundits that see the all-electric car as "the solution", obviously never had teenaged children. Remember when parents who let their children take the family car off for the evening based on the child's promise to put some gas in the car before coming home, but when the parent got in the vehicle the next morning, the gas gauge was sitting on "E"? Do parents today think their teenage drivers will be responsible enough to remember to "plug in" the car before coming into the house? I'll bet the parents who 'feel" that 'yes' is the answer also 'feel' their children will pick up their rooms and take out the trash without being asked.
Give me one good reason POTus Nero-bama has not waived the Jones Act so foreign ships can aid in the Gulf oil spill cleanup. Oh, union support... Give me one good reason why American citizens should support unions or the politicians who kowtow to them.

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