Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Breakfast Club - June 30, 2010

Online headline: "Larry King Says He's Ending CNN Show" -- Too bad he had to announce it on Fox News so someone would hear it.
Online story: "Cuba uses repressive laws, a well-oiled state security apparatus and complicit courts to stifle political dissent as it harasses, spies on and imprisons those who openly oppose its communist system, Amnesty International said in a report released Wednesday." -- Reckon potUS Nero-bama is trying to overtake Cuba so DIM/DUMBorats will be happy by 2012?
How can universities and colleges claim to be centers of diversity and enlightenment, yet prohibit conservative, Christian, and 1st Amendment groups and speakers?
How can the upper echelon of the DIM/DUMBorats extol the abusive confiscatory practices of Senator Byrd for using his committee powers to divert 100s of millions of tax dollars to WV for self-aggrandizing projects yet blast ex-Governor Blagojevich for wanting to capitalize on his position?
I've had it! Kleenology of Columbus should be shut down! Every number I have is registered on the list, but Kleenology robo-calls them all. If any one is doing business with them, please discontinue doing business with them. I'm just glad I can file complaints about them, and I hope the government will fine them for every penny it can!
How much more will England take? Since he's been in office, potUS Nero-bama has insulted the Brits by sending a gifted bust of Sir Winston Churchill back, gifting one Prime Minister with a DVD set in the wrong format for European TV, considered a gift of an iPod full of his speeches, and refused to drink an ale with the current Prime Minister because, in English tradition, it was served at room temperature.
WTVM9 headline: "Marshals arrest several during evictions, traffic stops" -- Wow...making arrests after making stops for other offenses... Hey, Lee, isn't that all that Arizona's new law is allowing?
Unnecessary law and probable expense: From a L-E story: "Legislation requiring the Georgia Department of Education to provide each school in the state access to a list of all registered sex offenders" -- Any teacher, actually any person with internet access can already get this info from not only the GBI, but our own Sheriff's Department. Making it another law just insures it will cause an additional MCSD employee (or department) to be added at taxpayer expense plus diverting those tax dollars out of the classrooms.
L-E headline/story: "Uninsured in poor health can enroll in new program this week * here’s the catch: Premiums will be a stretch for many, even after government subsidies to bring rates close to what healthier groups of people are charged * In California, for example, the cost for a 50-year-old is estimated at $575 a month, with a $1,500 annual deductible and 15 percent co-insurance." -- Hmmm, so for an individual, $8,400 in premium & deductable plus 15% co-pay is suppose to be a bargain that the uninsured can afford? Based on IRS rules of tax deductions for medical expenses exceeding 7% of your income, an individual would have to be making in excess of $120K to benefit from this policy. How much will it cost if it's for a family of 4?
L-E headline: "Czechs oppose plan for Michael Jackson statue" -- Hmmm, maybe I have some, no, a lot Czech blood in my ancestry lineage...
L-E's "Thought for Today": “The good Lord set definite limits on man’s wisdom, but set no limits on his stupidity — and that’s not fair!” — Konrad Adenauer, German statesman (1876-1967). " -- Hmmm, guess Adenauer recognized DIM/DUMBorats way back then..
A L-E "soundoff": "Gen. McChrystal was not fired for telling the truth. He was fired for violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice — insubordination. He’s lucky he wasn’t prosecuted. " -- What a liberal dilemma; having to admit McChrystal was truthful, and potUS Nero-bama was vindictive in order to digest what happened as being just!
From L-E story: " “The overall picture that she portrayed of the situation seems to me to be disconnected to the reality,” Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the top Republican on the committee, said after an extended spat with Kagan. “I believe that’s a serious matter.” He also said she was not “rigorously accurate.” Sessions said he expected “intellectual honesty” from prospective justices." -- "Intellectual honesty"...from a self-assessed DIM/DUMB who worked for XPOTUS Clinton and potUS Nero-bama; you have to be kidding, Senator Sessions!
Speaking of Kagan, how can someone even be considered for a seat on the US Supreme Court who primarily defines herself as a DIM/DUMBorat versus an American?
L-e story: "The Canadian Civil Liberties Association called for a public inquiry Tuesday into security operations at the G-20 and G-8 summits, which resulted in the largest mass arrests in Canadian history and included the use of tear gas and rubber bullets on protesters. “We have police brutality, illegal searches, arbitrary detentions, people being asked all sorts of questions and being harassed,” Nathalie Des Rosiers, general counsel for the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, said Tuesday." -- Excuse me? 20 of the worlds leaders are amassed in one location, and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association wants the police to play a game of 20 questions before determining if a protester may or may not be a threat to one of the 20? Only in the minds (versus brains) of liberals....
L-E's "Quotable": "Guard against the impostures of pretend patriots" George Washington, First US President, 1732-1799 -- Obviously, George Washington was not a DIM/DUMBorat.
L-E headline: "ALABAMA FOOTBALL * Saban statue may not be done by season opener * Unveiling may wait until midseason " -- OOOOOOh! He better be careful for what he wishes for; by mid-season Bama fans might be ready to "suspend" that statue from the limb of an Oak tree.

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