Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Bredakfast Club - December 3, 2011

Online story: "Vanessa Gibbs had no problem getting her Western-themed purse through (TSA) security at Jacksonville International Airport. But, on her return trip from Norfolk, Virginia, she was told her purse was a federal offense, reports News 4 Jax. * Agents eventually recognized the gun was fake, but she was told to check the bag or surrender it. The ordeal caused Gibbs to miss her flight and be re-routed to Orlando * The TSA still upholds the position that the purse could be considered a replica weapon, which have been prohibited since 2002. * This isn't the first time the definition of replica weapon has been stretched. Last January, two tourists were stopped at Gatwick because of a toy soldier's three-inch rifle. And, back in 2009, an eight year old had his Disney plastic sword and toy gun confiscated in Ft. Lauderdale." -- What are these guys doing...establishing themselves as qualified to be a member of their local School Board?
Online headline: "Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Director, Says Lone Wolf Threat Growing " -- Well, well, well...nothing a little 'profiling' couldn't handle.
There has been a list published naming "The 10 Saddest Cities". Good news for Mayor Obamalinson in that Columbus wasn't on the list, but that's probably because the judges only went to cities that they could find via Expedia.
Online headline: "Time Magazine Attacks GOP Candidate" -- DOH! TIME probably just left a 'fill-in-the-blank' spot so liberals could insert the GOP candidate they hate the most.
L-E headline: "State weighs Detroit takeover" -- Why not just turn it over to the unions like potUS O'Blather did Government Motors? Or, make it a sister-city with Chicago? Why drag down the rest of Michigan...
Don't believe anything is earthshaking about 'jobs' for the next 6 to 8 weeks. Temporary Christmas (or 'holiday' if you're a DIM&DUMBERat) help always gets potUS O'Blather's spinmeisters in a tizzy.

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