Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Reflection - Looking back a month or so, potUS O'Blather really screwed up a game changing opportunity to look like a leader. With the Super Committee deadlocked as everyone anticipated, potUS O'Blather could have stepped in, done a little bargaining with the DIM&DUMBERat group, offered a scrap or bone to the Republican group, gotten some sort of deal agreed on, and walked out looking like a leader heading into the 2012 election cycle. But he didn't... stupid man.
One question not asked of Eric Holder: How many people have access to your office who don't have either a work related photo ID badge or have shown a photo ID to get a visitor's pass?
After dipping into the fund balance, Mayor Obamalinson claimed the City's salaries/benefits ratio to revenues is 59.4%. When challenged on the veracity of that, she said that was the figure the finance department gave her. Guess the finance office should be the next target of an internal audit.
Albany? What short memories at the L-E... or have all the employees here when Rigdon Road School's scores were 100% for a year or two been down-sized out? Oooooops, the principal was moved out and over to Macon as I recall.
As long as GA is passing new laws governing golf carts, how about one getting golf carts and Segways off our sidewalks. Of course, unless the CPD enforced such laws, the laws would be ignored like bicyclers now.

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