Thursday, December 29, 2011

From the "Looking back" department...remember when the Big 3 auto CEOs were called to appear before a Congressional Committee, and they were all vilified, publicly 'whipped', for arriving in their private corporate jets in spite of their companies' losses? The liberal media waged personal crucifixions on them! Fast forward to this summer when potUS Obama, Flotus Michelle, AND "Bo", the Kennedy gift dog ALL took separate jets to Martha's Vineyard, and more recently, potUS O'Blather and Flotus Michelle separately took Air Force 1 and 2 to vacation in Hawaii, and who knows how "Bo" got there, yet none of the liberal media raises an eyebrow.
Online headline: "Youth Vote Expected To Decrease In 2012 Election: Report" -- DOH! They are 4 years older and job hunting, and potUS O'Blather doesn't sound so wise anymore.
Did you see the 'cute' picture of the baby sticking its hand into potUS O'Blather's mouth? Perhaps it was a sign that the young voters want him to shut-up... or maybe the baby had a sock in its hand just before the video began.
Ron Paul sorta looks like and reminds me of Mr Windish.... Mr Windish was the maintenance engineer at CHS when I went there. One year, the Seniors protested and voted to dedicate the Cohiscan to him, but the powers that be 'nixed' the idea, and used a teacher as the dedicatee. That's how I see the Iowa Caucus shaping up. Ron Paul is a joke for consideration.
Have you ever considered that military weapons would be cheaper and more efficient if manufacturers designed and developed them on their own rather than getting grants/contracts to develop concepts at taxpayer expense?

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