Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas.... may you all be safe at home with your loved ones, sharing the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
Online Headline: "First Lady Answers Kids' Calls On Christmas Eve" -- Guess we should have expected this; potUS O'Blather wants DIM&DUMBERats to believe they can't exist without 'his' gifts, and now 'his' wife wants to get into the game.
potUS O'Blather still blames "Congress" even though his first two years he had a controlling majority in the Senate and the House. The truth is his lack of leadership ability cannot move his own party, and when he points the finger of blame at the Republicans, he uses his middle finger.
Of course the DIM&DUMBERats are against photo ID as a requirement to vote. Computers have made it harder for dead voters to renew their licenses.

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