Tuesday, January 12, 2021

 From the "out of the mouth of boobs" department - YAHOO headline: "Congress mulls legislation to remove those who 'engaged in insurrection'" -- Good grief..when my generation grew up, history and universities taught us about recognizing the evils and pitfalls of Socialism/Communism..and why our forefathers stood up against the Socialist-British rule..but today's history and universities are teaching our children that Socialism/Communism are better than freedom...SMH....

From the "what are they thinking?" department - Online story: "The Supreme Court on Monday formally refused to put on a fast track election challenges filed by President Donald Trump and his allies. * The court rejected pleas for quick consideration of cases involving the outcome in five states won by President-elect Joe Biden: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. * Several justices had expressed interest in a Pennsylvania case involving the state Supreme Court's decision to extend the deadline for receipt of mailed ballots by three days, over the opposition of the Republican-controlled legislature. *(but) even if the court were to take up an election-related case, it probably wouldn't hear arguments until the fall." -- Good grief! Can you not see what MSM and the Socialist-Democrats are currently hiding about their idyllic Venezuela? After economy destroying Socialist Chavez and Maduro regimes, he people wanted change, and elected Juan Guaidó, but the entrenched Socialist government still rules. If the US Supreme Court does do it's sworn Constitutional duties, and upholds the Constitution's election protection articles, America will face the same situation with a Socialist regime in place that will not accept the Court's decisions..

Hey Google.. Amazon.. Facebook... Twitter... you too, Apple... have you seen this? The Obama-Biden Administration EMBRACED the government of Hugo Chavez... after Chavez re-nationalized CANTV, or, to be more precise, CANTV has fallen under the state’s direct control. More serious still, from a political point of view, is the fact that the government has decided not to renew the concession of the Venezuelan television station with the widest coverage, RCTV, the only open-signal station that remained beyond the control of Chávez supporters * The government acquisition of private enterprise has no economic or social justification, because the companies that were bought operated successfully, making reasonable profits and providing good service to consumers. CANTV, for example, was privatized in 1991, because, while under state control, it had been incapable of meeting the needs of the population. Under state control it had been practically impossible for the company to function normally: It was hard to obtain new telephone lines, the facilities became obsolete, the business lost money constantly, and cases of corruption abounded. * By taking over communications and television broadcasting, (Chavez) can assure their complete control over everything that happens in Venezuela"


Poor Twitter... it capitalized on the past 5 years of Trump "tweets", and now feels Trump was not the reason for it's growth.. so Twitter decided it no longer needs Trump's interaction ... what Twitter failed to grasp is that when it shut the door on Trump, it shut the door on Trump supporters as well...

JoKKKe Biden's pick to head the OMB is perfect for a Socialist... As a politico and non-profit administrator, she's never been responsible for raising revenues, so her only budget experience is in spending other people's money, and asking.. hoping for more when that runs out.

Online headline: "Manchin calls second Trump impeachment bid 'ill-advised': 'Let the judicial system do its job'" -- Sen Joe Manchin, D-WV, could cement his political and historical legacy for America's prosperity by simply changing his political party.

From the DOH!" department - Online headline: "CNN pulls combative questioner Jim Acosta from White House beat with Biden set to take office" -- Good grief.. the DNC must feel that JoKKKe Biden does not need to be swinging at even the softball pitches from Acosta..

From the "me thinks their are still Socialist moles in our Government" department - Online headline: "State Department website changed to say Trump’s term has ended (as of yesterday)". -- You know, when any business has people working who are undermining the goals of business, those people need to be exposed and weeded out of any future involvement.


People who "want" censorship of others feel they aren't able to defend their own opinions with knowledge and civility.

Online headline: "House Democrats introduce Trump impeachment resolution claiming president incited 'insurrection'" -- Isn't the definition of insanity... stupidity for that matter...doing the same thing over and expecting different results.

Liberal "snow birds" must be in anguish.. they are hitting the slopes in deference to Democrat's policy while knowing it's been only Trump who has supported their plight.

Over 1,000,000 ca (note: all the CAPITALS have left california) voters have signed a "recall" petition for Governor Nancy Pelosi's Nephew.. another 500,000 are needed by March.. hmm..since what Newsom does also affects us in Georgia and the other states, why can't we sign the recall petition, too... as well as ones for Pelosi and Schi** ...

Hmmm... looks like homicide number 2 for Columbus, GA has already been entered into the 2021 book..that's 2 in less than 2 weeks... and is already an upward trend for Columbus' worst year of homicides ever!

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