Monday, January 4, 2021

 From the "welcome to the world of Socialism" department - Online headline/story: "Rep. Cleaver ends opening prayer for new Congress: ‘Amen and awoman’ * Cleaver is an ordained United Methodist pastor and was tapped to lead the opening prayer to start the new session. * A 45-page package that will be voted on Monday strips all mention of gender-specific pronouns and terms such as "man," "woman," "mother" and "son." * Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, R-Pa., took to Twitter to note that the word amen is "Latin for ‘so be it.’" * "It’s not a gendered word," he posted. "Unfortunately, facts are irrelevant to progressives. Unbelievable."" -- "UNBELIEVABLE!"... is a good word... no..a GREAT word to define Socialist-Democrat philosophy!..... If you haven't voted, this should be alarming...

Hmmm... you know, since the Democrats are so intent on elimination of "gender" designation words/pronouns in government.. why are the Democrats so interested in in "who the first "females" elected are?

Online headline: "Senate race thrusts 'Black America's church' into spotlight" -- Hmmm... well, it looks like the Soc-Dem Party is also confused over the designation of the Lord as well...

I tell you what, after tossing out a plethora .. daily.. of high cost premium paper flyers promoting Ossoff and Warnock as ecologically responsible politicians, I am wondering if here will be any trees left in Georgia following the runoff.

It's really amazing... amazing that all the claims from Ossoff and Warnock about what they can..will do.. if they win and Dems get the Senate control along with the House and White House. I guess Ossoff and Warnock have conveniently FORGOTTEN the first two years of the Obama-Biden administration when they had super-majority control of the House and Senate and got nothing done about police reform, education reform, healthcare costs, social justice reform, job creation, or climate change.

From the "eenie, meenie, miney mo, betcha he's a DemocRAT who voted for Joe" department - Online story: "A Wisconsin pharmacist working at the Advocate Aurora Health Hospital in Grafton deliberately removed 57 vials of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine from a fridge and left them out overnight knowing the vaccines would be 'useless' to those who received them. * According to Grafton, the pharmacist intentionally removed the vials out overnight on Christmas Eve, with the intent of destroying their effectiveness and making the people who received them think that they had been properly vaccinated when they had not. * On Thursday, police arrested Brandenburg on charges of first degree recklessly endangering safety, adulterating a prescription drug, and criminal damage to property." -- "charges of first degree recklessly endangering safety"? -- Good grief! He should have been charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER! The early vaccines are supposed to protect Americans most at risk.. healthcare workers and seniors.

From the "BIAS? What bias?" department - Online headline: "Facebook suspends Republican ad campaign days before Georgia election" -- Fancy that... The Republican's overrode President Trump's veto of the Section 220 regulation which gives social media the ability to shut down opinions liberals don't like, and now have to live with the results!

From the "cancel culture" gets TRUMPED" department - Online headline/story: "Trump supporters 'uncancel' Rose Parade after New Year’s tradition scrapped * "Trump 2020" flags and patriotic "Don’t Tread on Me" banners were seen as vehicles traveled the parade route * At least 600 vehicles participated in the event along the usual Rose Parade route. Many vehicles sported American flags from their windows or from the beds of pickup trucks – and drivers honked their horns as they traveled down Colorado Boulevard" -- Hmmm... This will be known as the "AROSE Parade!"

From the "it ain't over" department - Online headline/story: "Speaker Pelosi's house vandalized with graffiti, pig head * The graffiti included two marks typically associated with anarchism * On Friday, photos surfaced on social media and TMZ showing graffiti on a San Francisco garage door purportedly at the home of the Democratic congressional leader. The apparently spray-painted message read "$2K" with a line through it. * "Cancel Rent?" "We want everything!" Another line appeared to read "UBI!" referring to the concept of universal basic income" * It's unclear whether the police have any suspects"-- " graffiti included two marks typically associated with anarchism"? Hmmm... associated with anarchism? Looks like they were copied out of the ANTIFA play book! What really gets me is "It's unclear whether the police have any suspects,".. Of COURSE the police have suspects! That neighborhood probably has more cameras per square foot than any iPhone store!

Online headline/story: "Order delaying execution of Lisa Montgomery, only female on federal death row, vacated * Montgomery killed a pregnant Missouri woman in 2003, taking the baby girl from the womb and later tried to claim the child as her own. * "Given everything we know about Lisa Montgomery’s mental illness, her lifetime of horrific torture and trauma, and the many people in positions of authority who could have intervened to save her but never did, there can be no principled reason to carry out her execution, " she said Montgomery's attorney Meaghan VerGow" -- "there can be no principled reason to carry out her execution"? Good grief! Montgomery's lawyer should be executed, too, for making such an inane and insane statement at=s this!

My bride nailed Notre Dame's football helmets.."they look like little football ornaments" she observed..and she was right .

Online headline/story: "Bank of America freezes unemployment benefit accounts just before holiday * in California, thousands of jobless workers still don't have this year's benefits - Bank of America froze their accounts - leaving them with nothing right before the holidays." -- Hmmm... wanna bet that Bank of America DID NOT FREEZE Governor Newsom's personal nor campaign accounts?

Online headline: "NY business owners slam Cuomo for allowing Bills fans into stadium but not restaurants: 'Totally unfair'" -- Seriously...? .. seems to me that every outdoor sports arena is an outdoor restaurant/bar as well.

Online headline/story: "Chicago Teachers Union leader under fire for pushing remote schooling while vacationing in Caribbean *
When you look back at 2020, nationally the number one story of the year was how the Democratic Party transitioned blatantly into the Socialist Party and attempted a political coup of our Constitution and election process, but... the worst story was how a federal judge in GA did not recuse herself from a case that involved the decisions of her sister! What should be going on is a judicial impeachment action.

From the "super-hypocrisy" department- Can you believe the unified "sound-byte" response of the Socialist-Democrat spinmeisters? Everyone of them is advocating that (even though it has not happened) since JoKKKe Joe is the new president so everyone just has to get on board and accept JoKKKe Joe is their president.. know, I don't remember 1 Democrat or MSM organization that has been on board with President Trump being their president in the past 4 years.

From the "what do Pelosi and McConnell have in common" department - Online headline: "McConnell, Pelosi homes vandalized after $2,000 relief fails" -- Hmmm... what do they have in common... well, the only 2 things thing I know of are they are career politicians... and both have Socialist-DEMOCRAT governors...

No F-ing Logic! That's what the NFL must stand for... As bad as it's been that the NFL has stood up for disrespecting our military, our veterans, our law enforcement officers, and our National Flag, fining a player for wearing red and green shoes during a game played on Christmas Day makes even less sense. It was bad enough that the NFL forced two teams to to forgo family time on Christmas Day, but to fine a player for making the best of the situation defies Logic! While I didn't watch it, I'm proud Saints running back Alvin Kamara matched Gayle Sayers all time record of scoring 6 TDs in a single game back in 1965.

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