Sunday, July 31, 2022

i'm b-a-a-c-c-c-k-k-k-k!  This is a Special Sunday edition .. I'm send ing it out so Monday's normal "Weekend Update"  won't take you 'til Tuesday to read..
A local Columbus, GA charity group offered "Free Gas" over the weekend.. it paid for gas for 200 cars. Well, it dispensed 573 gallons to 200 cars...that's less than 3 gallons per car.. Normally I'd just applaud their effort, but the "event" had ulterior motives to raise money and ATTENTION to sell tickets to a politicized event in September.. One note: If my info about gallons "given away" is wrong, it's the number WRBL-TV3 posted.

Hey.. remember the L'il Caesar's $5.00 Pizza-Pizza? Well, it did go to $$5.50 then $5.99... well, now it's $7.49!!! hey, Resident pizza JoKKKe... This is how the rest of America defines INFLATION!

Hey, Columbus, GA.... especially Columbus Council and media... What's the latest on ex-mayor TT Tom-LYING-son's "bullet train" to Atlanta? Guess we can consider that money spent "analyzing/researching" as being flushed down the $244,000.00 Queen TT Lounge on the RiverWalk...

As Columbus GA Council starts receiving the revenue from the $400,000,000.00 SPLOST tax, have they realized that with inflation and the "supply and demand" issues of materials & labor increases that none of the estimates for project costs are even in the ballpark of what they will cost? Maybe NOW is the time to start weeding out projects that won't ever get started.

Why is it that government workers can get raises simply by another group of government workers signing an "order", while non-government workers in the private sector must EARN a raise by performance?

Online story: "The House of Representatives voted to pass an assault weapons ban Friday evening, with legislators narrowly approving the bill with a 217-213 vote. " Republicans, Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Penn., and Chris Jacobs, R-N.Y., broke with their party to vote yes on the bill" -- It's an absolute shame that the Republican Party has not supported better Constitutional supporters to put on state ballots!

Quote of the week: I think it was Steve Scalise who said, "I wish the White House had a vaccine for DENIAL"... Hmmm ... Of course it would take multi-boosters and never would work on Resident Biden.

Why do liberals and MSM feel that the Supreme Court can create a Constitutional RIGHT for an abortion? There is no such Amendment or Article in the Constitution that creates such a path.

Vacations, especially family ones at the beach are fun. Meals are particularly fun.. Sitting down with my bride, 3 daughters, 2 sons-in-law, and my 5 grandchildren is joy... But I hate it when the restaurant owners manipulate with the bill to milk more more profit for themselves. This past week, I got a bill with a "non-adjustable fee" of $7.98 added to my $225.00 bill (plus automatic $45.00 "tip", and $15.00 tax). I asked, and was told it was the credit card processing fee. (This is close to 3.5%, while most high volume restaurants only pay between 1% and 1.5% for charges or a nominal "swipe" fee for a debit card). I told them I'm using a debit card so adjust the fee accordingly.. They said it applied to all cards.. then I said, I'll pay cash..bring me another bill with the corrected bill, and was told that the "computer" would just make an adjustment when it was rung up. I just quickly deducted $7.98 from the bill and paid the exact amount, and walked out. We won't go back to Bayou Bill's on the Gulf.

Did you hear that the Democrats are giving themselves $10,000.00 plus $150.00 a month for security systems for their homes. Wait a minute! Do any of them NOT HAVE a home security system or live in a gated community right now? At a minimum, all Congresspersons need to sign a sworn affidavit that they do not have security of some sort at their homes. Also, all Congresspersons need to "feds up" whether they have investments in home security companies.

Senator Mitch McConnell needs to step down as Republican Senate leader... He just got "played" by Senator UpChuck Schumer .. McConnell allowed the "chip" bill to pass based on the basis that Senator Manchin was not going to vote for the "Bilk Budget Benefits", but Schumer already had Manchin "bought and paid for".

Biden may be right in believing we're not in a "recession" more like a " regression" or "repression"

WRBL-TV3 headline: "Ben Richardson, Pete Temesgen sworn in by governor, fill Superior and State Court judgeships" -- Congrats to both!

WTVM-TV9 headline/story: 'Man arrested on multiple traffic charges in Columbus, found with over $300K in drugs * The driver was detained and found to be in possession of 3.34 kilos of methamphetamine with an estimated street value of $303,560. * The driver was arrested on the following charges: Trafficking methamphetamine, Fleeing & eluding law enforcement officer, Obstruction, Reckless conduct, Failure to maintain lane, Window tint, Failure to obey traffic device, Reckless driving, Duty to report accident
Driving while license suspended" -- Hmmm... that much "meth".. and no mention of past record, nationality, nor gun present seems very odd under the circumstances...nor whether there may have been a passenger in the car as well..

Is it just me, or have you noticed the lack of libs protesting that Climate Change causes HURRICANES is pretty much absent so far in 2022?

I have figured out Nike's shoe sizing algorithm...When you see the size stamped on the sole, that's the age of the Chinese kid that made them.

Online story: "Kamala Harris opened up a roundtable meeting last Tuesday afternoon with disability advocates by announcing her name, sex, gender identity and what she was wearing. * ‘I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit,’ the vice president said at the top of the meeting." -- How pathetic... It's taken her this long to realize something she should have been admitting/knowing all along..

You know.. the libs railed against folks chanting "Let's go Brandon!" yet those same libs are now chanting "GO,Brandon! Brandon must go!"

The latest Consumer Confidence Poll came in less than 50%...AGAIN! Guess Resident Biden is scrambling to get a Clinton... any Clinton... to redefine "confidence".

Biden bin Lying days, "We are not in a recession." Hmmmm.. sounds like Resident Biden bin Lying is keeping his statements 100% fiction!

From the " it's merely a matter of word semantics" department -- Did you hear Queen PeLOUSY's carefully chosen words that her husband didn't buy those stocks based on information from her? Well.. more than likely, Hubby Paul probably told her what sticks he was buying and that her guiding new spending programs to benefit those companies would benefit them.

Of course Resident Biden wants to "redefine" RECESSION.... he already thinks he's getting away with redefining what a US President is..

Do liberals realize how similar they are to NASCAR drivers? They both both run around in circles all day, and make nothing but left turns trying to be the first to get back to where they started from..

After hearing about American citizens being sentenced to jail by a Socialist-Democrat Kangaroo Court on "Contempt of Congress" charges, there's one thing that's become more than evident... every American citizen should be able to file suits against their Representatives for "Contempt of American Citizens" and "Failure to Enforce our Constitution"! As Jon Lovitz might add, "Yeah..that's the ticket!"

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