Thursday, July 14, 2022

 From the "trying-to-pull-another-skunk-out-of-my-hat" department - Online headline/story: "Trump tried to call a WH support staffer who was in talks with Jan. 6 panel, source says * The committee’s vice chair, Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., asserted Tuesday that Trump tried to call a witness involved in the committee’s investigation. She did not identify the person. * “You know, we are concerned, obviously, about the witness. And we’re not going to put that witness in unnecessary jeopardy,” Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., * said Wednesday," -- Hmmm... Now the House Select Committee says it has an 'unnamed, double-secret White House staffer that Trump "tried to call" on Jan 6, 2020.. ho-hum... Have you thought about this.. during both "impeachment hearings", Queen PeLOUSY was hovering around any microphone you could find.. well, now she's vacationing in Italy.. guess she disassociating herself from this 3rd abortive committee kangaroo court proceedings as well as from Resident Biden..

Would you believe NYC is running "PSAs" alerting New Yorkers of what to do if under a nuclear attack... basically, it says to "get inside, hide in a windowless bathroom, and stay there until you hear it's safe to go back out"... Good grief! If a nuclear bomb lands in NYC, following the PSA instructions has basically just sped up your burial as your house or building will be flattened and you have already put yourself securely in your burial vault..

Good grief! I need to backtrack about the story of the 10 year old Ohio girl being pregnant by a rapist.... it now seems the story was NOT "made up", but since I heard it from JoKKKe Biden, I do not feel guilty about not believing him.. . Now, when a 27 year old rapes a 10 year old, I want to know where her parents were, and why he was with her alone at any time... Then I want to know why he hasn't already been neutered and and chained to a stall in a prison shower stall, but... BUT when I hear the @-hole is an illegal alien and in Ohio, and some judge has actually put a monetary bail he could possibly meet, I want to know the judges name and why he/she isn't chained to that same prison shower stall.

Judging from Resident Biden"s response to a question about polls showing his unpopularity among Democrats, you have to realize his White House "handlers" are not putting all the poll results on his Teleprompter.

Was it just gloating ... or arrogance.. that President Obrador, in front of Resident Biden, invited Americans to drive into Mexico and buy gasoline at $3.12 a gallon. Hmmm... on the other hand, that might get illegal aliens in Blue and Red border states to go back home..

Talk about politickin' , could you believe President Obama E-MAILED "his anger/disappointment" to the White House doctor who mentioned Resident Biden's lack of cognitive recognition... and hen Obama took to the airways to "double down" to make sure EVERYONE knows where he stands.. Why didn't Obama just CALL the doctor and ask him to back down a bit on announcing such damaging info? Obama just made it all about himself!

Online "headLIE": "Biden's approval rating would be higher if inflation wasn't 'constantly in the news,' suggests WaPo column" -- Good grief! The public is getting it's"news" about the soaring inflation at the gas pumps and cash registers at grocery stores, not MSM!

Trans..... It's a favorite prefix of the Socialist-Democrat Party.. whether it's about trans-gender or TRANSformtion, Democrats want change.. even when the change is not better for America... America is great, God's creations are great, and to "transform" something great into something else means you want to make things less great.

It's ironic that Resident Biden keeps pointing his "finger of blame" at Putin.. ironic because the Russian government is what Biden and the Socialist-Democratic Party are trying to bring to America.

I do think the Republicans can win big in November.. but it's going to take a better effort by them than I've detected so far...Like 1994, the Republicans need... NEED a common ground "Contract WITH America" that all their candidates sign up to keep. I haven't seen one ...yet

Online headline: "U.S. consumer prices accelerated again last month to the hottest print of the current inflation cycle." -- 9.1%! The highest inflation figure in 41 years... This is what happens when Democratic Party....uh....Socialist-Democrats and the.... control the House, Senate, and White House..

I also need to correct something I wrote yesterday.. something concerning the announcement of the "Dragonfly Trail" extension... First, neither route I suggested is/was right, but based on the WTVM story, either one could have been right.. but there was a 3rd route I had not considered. The other route decided on for a walking/bicycling pathway takes a route from 10th Street and takes users across Veterans, under the ":underpass, up Wynnton Rd to "Bradley Dive, across 13th St, onto Warren Williams Rd, through Dinglewood Park grounds to 18th Avenue and then to 13th St.. I, for one, though will not travel that section at dusk or later.. I've also been told no "City Money" is being used, but that is not true...some money does come from "Dragonfly, Inc", but also from T-SPLOST, grants, Housing Authority, Columbus Museum, MCSD, and some other private sources.. City officials tend to "forget" that government grants, the Housing Authority, the Museum/MCSD, and TSPLOST are all funded by tax dollars.. and that means it's straight out of our pockets...

Here's a view of the proposal:

From the "Biggest LIE of the day" department - Online story: "Last month, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the decision in 1973 that established a constitutional right to abortion." by BETHANY BRUNER, MONROE TROMBLY AND TONY COOK, USA TODAY NETWORK" -- "established a constitutional right to abortion? WRONG!!! Absolutely WRONG! The US Supreme Court is not authorized... nor empowered... to create Constitutional Amendment, write legislation, nor add rights to our Constitution.. SCOTUS's one power is to stop Congress and a President from enacting legislation that violates our Constitution, as well as keeping it's distance from actions reserved for the individual states to decide on...

Online headline: "Trump hosts controversial Saudi-funded golf tournament as he mulls 2024 bid" -- You know, real golfers are behind Trump and the LIV... When organizations such as the PGA, USGA or R&A put politics ahead of "the game", hey deserve.. NEED .. to be challenged. This is no different that when MLB erroneously took the 2021 All-Star game out of Atlanta on an overreaction to an error in interpreting the new GA Voters' Rights Bill...all chaos could have been diverted if MLB actually read that bill... but MLB decided to just play a game of politically correct WOKENESS.. and MLB LOST! MLB lost the "game" and credibility... and audience... The PGA is traveling on that same path as MLB did...

Online story: "TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — The White House said President Joe Biden would try to limit physical contact during his Middle East trip because of concern about rising COVID-19 cases" -- "The White House said President Joe Biden would try to limit physical contact"? Hmm... in other words, the White House "handlers" will use the Covid-19 excuse to keep Resident Biden away from being close enough to hear or respond to any questions from any body... and the Democrats will use the Covid excuse as a way to keep Resident Biden of the November campaign trail, too.

The Breakfast Club will be back Monday.. This weekend is our 22nd Wedding Anniversary, and we're devoting all our time to each other.. Will catch up then..

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