Wednesday, December 14, 2022

 From the "Fred Sanford, "It's the BIG ONE, Elizabeth.. I'm coming to see you!" department - Online headline/story: "Biden administration working on more fixes to Trump border wall construction * Officials said the latest work, authorized by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, will focus on Arizona, California and Texas and is aimed at addressing safety and environmental concerns brought on by the building of new or upgraded barriers along the border with Mexico." -- "addressing safety and environmental concerns"? Good grief! SECURITY is.. well.. should be the NUMBER 1 PRIORITY... but did you notice that "they" are focusing on California, Arizona, and Texas... Hmmm... not only is Texas "last", there is an obvious GAP where New Mexico is... Oh! Obviously.. the midterms are over so it's OK for the White House to feign concerns about the border issues...

What media doesn't ever discuss is that when 2,000,000 illegal aliens cross over our border every year, that in 10 years, that's 20,000,000 people that get counted in our Census, and because the Census Form doesn't designate citizenship, this effects 30 Congressional seats, and from patterns that have evolved, the Democrats are using tax dollars to direct illegal aliens into areas to solidify and/or influence more Liberal Districts. This is the Democrat Agenda.

When Trump was our President, Mexico became a partner in securing the common border... now, Mexico is actually busing it's citizens to our border so our tax dollars will take care of a Mexican problem.. Hey, Border Tsar Chuckles Harris... is this your solution?

From the "real progress is finally made" - Online headline: "Robert Griffin III apologizes after using racial pejorative on ESPN during 'Monday Night Countdown'" -- What he said was a lot more " non-politically correct" than a racial slur, but the reaction of MSM shows that making racist comments is not just a White faux pas...I've read the comment.. and wasn't offended ... a bit surprised... but I can see RG3 wasn't being hateful.. just colorful... Of course, the world will... or already has.. "forgiven" him.. but sadly, had RG3 BEEN White, ESPN would have already fired him...

Online headline/story: "Oregon governor commutes all 17 of state's death sentences * Kate Brown, a Democrat with less than a month remaining in office, announced Tuesday that she is commuting the sentences of all of the state's 17 inmates awaiting execution, saying their death sentences will be changed to life in prison without the possibility of parole." -- "without possibility of parole"? Good grief... we know that there is ALWAYS gonna be some probability of a technical issue that may come into play. so there is no absolute about "no possibility", but think about his... this is Oregon, and for Oregon to have sentenced some to death means that they were .. at best... rabid animals!

Online "headLIE": "Trump in trouble: Republican support for his 2024 bid falls amid political, legal setbacks" -- If this were true... MSM wouldn't even bother to try and promote this.. this is disinformation... propaganda!

How convenient was this... Bahama arrested and charged Bankman-Fried with crimes THE DAY BEFORE HE WAS GOING TO APPEAR IN FRONT OF Maxine Waters' House Finance Committee? There was no way Resident Biden was going to allow Republicans on the Committee to publicly ask Bankman-Fried to which Democrats he donated a total of $40,000,000.00 in the past election!

Online headline: "Environmentalists want jaguars reintroduced to US Southwest" -- Wow! A sensible solution to an existing issue ... adding Jaguars to the Southern Border in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas may help curtail illegal alien crossing into our country!

Sanity may have returned to the NBA...slow down.. I said may have.... The NBA just named it's new MVP Trophy for Michael Jordan... thank goodness the NBA didn't name it for LeBoob James...

Online headline: "STD rates in Muscogee County are significantly higher than the state average. Why?" -- Why? In two words.... "Unprotected Promiscuity"!

Online headline/story: "Political leaders call on voters "one more time" * Many registered voters in Georgia's House District 129 may recall voting for a state representative very recently. * The late Henry Wayne Howard secured the democratic nomination in May but passed away before the general election in November. Because the incumbent was to run unopposed in November, this democratic primary will determine who takes the seat in his place." -- What is this! No election to fill a vacated Representative's seat should be limited to candidates of a single party unless others elect not to run!

Online headline: "Trump aid gives shocking reason for Herschel Walker loss" -- Good grief! Everyone of the Republican Senators would have been overwhelmed had $400,000,000.00 of character assassination ads been run against them 24/7 for 6 months!

Online headline/story: "Scientists Discover Mountain Is Really an Ancient Cosmic Observatory * Mount Tlaloc and its ruins are “an observatory that aligns with the rising sun on one day of the year," which is the beginning of the Aztec new year." -- What BS! Landmarks such as this are effected and shifted by earthquakes and Earth orbit shifts as to their positions today versus its exact location 900 years ago.. if something "fits" a concept today, it didn't fit centuries ago.

WRBL-TV3 Online headline/story: "Columbus Public Works Department receives APWA accreditation for the second time * The Columbus, Georgia Consolidated Government Public Works Department recently received full accreditation by the American Public Works Association (APWA) for the second time, says a press release from the Public Works Department. The accreditation formally recognizes the agency for being in full compliance with recommended management practices in APWA’s “Public Works Management Practices Manual.”" -- Hmmm... then why is the CWW paying lawyers for the past 7 years combating and EPA claim?

WRBL-TV3 headline/story: "Residents at Sea Breeze Mobile Home Park continue to face challenges * COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL) – The residents of Sea Breeze Mobile Home Park are facing another challenge. They have been told that they will not be individually billed for their water usage but instead, as a whole and the total price will be divided among all residents. * Residents are now facing a monthly water fee of $77 on average and are not receiving statements that say how much water each unit used. " -- Hmmmm... $77.00 dollars a month water bill for a trailer? There needs to be an investigation of the management figures! Oh.. and while Columbus Council is checking this out, how about finding out how much the Columbus Water Works has spent on lawyers for the past 7 years fighting an EPA Water Quality suit...

Online headline: "Los Angeles, CA * Fallout from LA racism scandal keeps shaking City Council" -- You know.. with all the racist/racism issues that erupt from California, one "item" is never discussed... that less than 6% of California's nearly 40,000,000 population is Black.
Black or African American: 5.72%

WTVM-TV9 headline/story: "Columbus, GA * Columbus pools to reopen in 2024 after several area pools are replaced * officials in the Fountain city say they plan to begin renovations soon, but it’ll take time and will be a couple of years before local families can swim there again. * Locks blocking entry to pools across Columbus will remain for a few years. The pools were closed over the summer to the dismay of many residents as temperatures hit triple digits." -- Good grief! They've been CLOSED FOR YEARS! * This was caused when Council literally "stole" SPLOST money earmarked for outdoor pools and built the unnecessary AquaCenter Natatorium money pit instead..

Online headline: "Teen who irked Elon Musk by tracking billionaires’ private jets says he’s been shadowbanned on Twitter" -- Banned? And rightfully so... it's a personal invasion of another's privacy and possibly a crime of extortion/blackmail!

Online headline/story: "FBI may have violated First Amendment with Twitter moderation requests, experts warn * White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted. "We were not involved. I can say that we were not involved." -- Hmmm... "I can SAY that we were not involved"? Well... Jean-Pierre can SAY that... we know she wasn't working yet... but who actually believes this about any one else in the Biden Administration?

Did you know that AOC just released a documentary on Climate Change? Well... she has... and it bombed....Well... what did you expect from someone who's expelled as much hot air as she has...

More from the BS department - Online "headLIE": "Karma for Taylor Swift fans as Ticketmaster offers second chance for 'Eras Tour' tickets" -- Really? and where are the tickets coming from.....all reports indicate a complete sellout.. Well, I guess they could manufacture some new ones BEHIND the stage area and let those ticket holders watch in on their iPhones via live streaming

Online headline/story: ":New Zealand imposes lifetime ban on youth buying cigarettes * The law states that tobacco can't ever be sold to anybody born on or after Jan. 1, 2009.
* It means the minimum age for buying cigarettes will keep going up and up. In theory, somebody trying to buy a pack of cigarettes 50 years from now would need ID to show they were at least 63 years old." -- What political stupidity! All this will do is create a "black market" for cigarettes, and make criminals out of adults who buy/provide cigarettes for friends and family.

Did you see how smiley Resident Biden was when he gleefully proclaimed tha November's inflation rate WAS ONLY 7.1%? Excuse me, but an inflation rate of 7.1% is NEVER something to smile about! What we did have confirmed was, though, is that the bigger the lie, the more Biden smiles... and that Biden is clueless concerning economic issues.

A moment of reflection please.. Coaching legend Mike Leach died Monday night following a massive heart attack... Coach Leach was most recently at Mississippi State (Hail STATE), but effected college football in general at a number of university programs across the country... His ingenious "Air Raid" offense generated QBs to hold 4 of the top 9 single season yardage records in NCAA history..

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