Friday, December 2, 2022

 Is there anyone who doesn't understand that federal election laws allow candidates to malign and lie about their Congressional opponents without recourse? Of course, when it's a purported man of the cloth doing so, or just "approving that message", God does take note..hey...Senator Pastor Warnock.. you should be listening?

Online headline/story: "Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki blasted Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker Thursday for his latest campaign ad featuring a female NCAA swimming champion speaking out about competing against biological males * The MSNBC contributor claimed the commercial was "attacking" trans people and included it among several "very good signs" for his Democratic opponent, Sen. Raphael Warnock" -- Hmmm ..sounds more to me that the "trans" are attacking real women...

WTVM-TV9 headline: "Liberty Theatre Will Now be Owned by the City of Columbus" -- The Liberty Theater has stood longer than the 1970 built Government Center which is scheduled for demolition... what makes the community feel the City will take better care of the Liberty Theater? Now, before the City "takes" ownership, how about a complete audit of all the current and previous bank accounts connected with The Liberty....

From the "truth be told" department - Online headline/story: "Georgia lawmakers shelve controversial electric vehicle proposals * “We talked about this for four months and never figured out how to do it,” Rep. Rick Jasperse, R-Jasper, co-chairman of the Joint Committee on the Electrification of Transportation, said." -- "never figured out how to do it"? Hmmm... for that matter, what government entity has "figured out how to do ANYTHING efficiently"?... well... other than wastefully spend tax dollars...

Hmmm...has former Columbus, GA Mayor Queen TT Tom-LYING-son moved to San Francisco? I ask because a new Public bathroom was built for $2 Million dollars, and after 3 days it's already broken.

It's legal... but sad.. that the local Whitewater business here in Columbus, GA is not held responsible for collecting sales taxes.. While "hey" do pay Columbus a
"fee" for business generated on our side of the Chattahoochee River.. it's considerably less than what consumers would pay (4% State & 5% LOCAL), and to best of my knowledge, the local School system gets ZERO from the fee that is collected... Now.. why is it that Whitewater can operate here in Columbus, GA while using vans with tags from Alabama and Tennessee to transport customers and rafts to the GA starting point?

Online headline: "Georgia Senate race: Republican lieutenant governor says he did not vote for Herschel Walker" -- Hey.. former Lt. Gov Duncan... I can assure you Senator Ra-Fail-us Warnock DID NOT nor WOULD HAVE VOTED FOR YOU EITHER!

Online headline: "President Biden's first state dinner puts Jill Biden in the spotlight" -- "spotlight"? More like a "{dear in a headlight", or a Caregiver reading him the menu so he'll think he knows what he'll be eating.

Online headline: "Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, criticized Apple for their content moderation policies, citing a 'conflict of interest' in how they conduct business." -- Good grief! 6uckerberg is just PO'd that Tim Cook's personal wealth hasn't been crumbled like his when Facebook stock collapsed.

Online headline/story: "Oakland passes measure to give adult residents $100 voucher to donate to local political campaigns * To qualify for "Democracy Dollars," candidates must first show they received a certain number of traditional cash and/or electronic donations from voters. * "The leader of another group that supported the Oakland measure said it would help candidates who lack funds to actually make a run for office and win"?.... Wait a minute....I thought the "rule" is that a candidate has to already have received substantial cash/donations before getting any of these vouchers, but recipients can "give" them to any local candidate, and you know candidates will be "bidding" on all those vouchers with other donated cash..

Online headline: "FDA likely to end blanket ban on sexually active gay men donating blood * Research backed by the Food and Drug Administration "will likely support" ending a blanket ban on blood donations from sexually active gay men, the agency said Wednesday. The move would mark a significant reversal of a measure aimed at curbing the spread of HIV that experts and activists have long criticized as overly broad and misguided." -- "overly broad and misguided."? Good grief! Tell that to someone who has received blood then finds out there's a possibility of it containing HIV and see
overly broad and misguided" this is! I can say this because in I received a "packed pint" ((a pint of blood packed with red cells from 4 pints) following a bleeding ulcer, and going through a 5 week period of uncertainty and anxiety when it was discovered that the blood had not been tasted nor screened for HIV before it was given to me!

And somewhere in here is the FDA:

Online headline: "FBI denies purging conservative employees in letter to Jim Jordan" -- Hmmm... As it stands now, the FBI is probably right... I can't think of any senior FBI management personnel that have been "conservative".. even by CNN standards... in the past 3 decades!

Online headline/story: "Judge OKs rare federal intervention in city's struggling water system * Attorney General Merrick Garland said the proposal is necessary to "stabilize the circumstances" in Jackson, Miss., as soon as possible after the water system" -- Wait a minute... It's not just a massive failure.. it's another Democrat run city's massive failure!

To Democrats, this makes "sense"... After shutting down the Maine lobster business "to save the whales", the White House gets over 200 Maine Lobsters for a State Dinner... Hmmm... Is that even legal?... Well.. it is legal and as well as ill-advised, but like the ILLEGAL student loan forgiveness program, that doesn't stop Biden from going ahead and doing it..

Online headline: "Biden appears to declare himself the greatest president in US history * Biden claims no other president has done as much as his administration." -- WoW! This just PROVES WITHOUT A DOUBT that Biden has no clue what he's reading off the Teleprompter and that Biden will READ ANYTHING that comes across the screen of the Teleprompter...

Rumor has it tha @lec B@ldwin is sending Halyna Hutchins' family a Christmas package of autographed pictures of himself, and reserved tickets for the Opening Night of "Rust" when it makes it to the big Screen ... Like I said... it's a rumor..and first reported by me.. but who among you even questions whether B@ldwin's ego would do this?

Online headline: "Pelosi says husband is 'going to take a while' to recover" -- Hmmm... and almost as long as it will take Queen PeLOUSY to recover...

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