Thursday, December 1, 2022

 Hey, Georgia voters.. think about this... Dr Martin Luther King's niece, evangelist Alveda King, has been outraged at comments by Georgia Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock that she says appear intent on stoking anger and resentment. The director of Civil Rights for the Unborn for Priests for Life, King said Warnock will “misuse the Bible to defend indefensible positions” on abortion and other prominent issues.

From the "3 strikes and you're out!" department - Online headline/story: "Student loans relief: 5th Circuit Court rejects Biden's latest plea to reinstate program * the 5th circuit court does not include any Biden appointees as it is composed of Judges Jennifer Elrod, James Graves and James C. Ho, appointees of former Presidents George W. Bush, Barrack Obama and Donald Trump, respectively" -- Three different Senate confirmed philosophies all agree on one thing... a President cannot usurp a Congressional power specifically granted by our Constitution!

You know...Resident Biden has given his new green energy program a new shade..
With China pumping out 100s of new coal plants and now the US will be buying low quality crude oil from Venezuela, the Biden GREEN energy program is now PUKE GREEN.

Online headline: "Biden slammed for claiming public didn't know 'what the hell a supply chain was': 'Insulting Americans' * One frustrated Twitter user asked, 'Instead of insulting Americans why doesn’t Biden apologize to them for ruining their economy and then resign?" -- Hmmm...and, sadly, Biden is smarter than Democrat Senators and Congresspersons and the Democrat voter base.... Now, why should Georgian's send Warnock back to Washington?

Today is December 1st... and property tax due date for Muscogee County properties.. Since there is no current PUBLIC RECORD available, wonder how much the GA POWER Company and the new owners of 25 acres on River Road that was the previously "exempt" property of Wynnbrook Baptist Church have paid...

Speaking of this being the "due date" for 2022 Columbus/Muscogee County GA's property taxes, and the payment office is at the Government Service Building where the Early Voting Site is as well, it would be nice if the City's Tax Assessor's Web Page had a link to the "pay on line" option...(if you delve deeper into the "departments option" there is another separate "dept" for the Tax Commissioner versus the Tax Assessor's Department.... where an option is located).. If you need this, it's:


Be advised there's no electronic check option, and there's an exorbitant fee on debit and charge cards..
Seriously... How do the teachers who belong to the union headed by Randi Weingarten support her? As the president.. leader.. of this teachers' union, Weingarten should be promoting solutions to issues, not just spewing excuses trying to justify her previous decisions.

From the "well, so much for that 'family vacation trip' to california" department - Online headline/story: "California returned thousands of pedophiles to streets after less than a year in jail, 'shocking' report finds * One offender convicted of continuous sexual abuse of a child spent just 2 days in a California prison * A Daily Mail investigation, which examined a database of convicted sex offenders in California, found that there were more than 7,000 pedophiles convicted of "lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age," who were released from prison after serving less than one year. * (the reporter said) he had to bypass limitations on California's Megan's Law (*) website to gather statistics on registered sex offenders in the state as the California Justice Department refused to (voluntarily) provide him with the data. * we asked them to give us the data, but they refused," he said" -- Over 7,000 sickos continue to walk the streets of california because Governor Newsom feels they wouldn't be safe in prison... plus now they can vote for him again...
(*) Note: Megan’s Law is a federal law that requires law enforcement to make information on sex offenders available to the public. It was passed during the Clinton administration after the murder of New Jersey 7-year-old Megan Kanka in 1994.

Online story: "New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz got into a heated exchange Tuesday after Shaheen shut down Cruz's questions for an ambassador nominee concerning allegations that then Vice President Joe Biden pressured Ukrainian officials to fire the country's top prosecutor in 2016. * he gas company, Burisma Holdings, was under investigation in 2016 by Ukraine's top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who himself faced allegations of corruption. In 2018, Biden admitted that while he was vice president, he pushed Ukrainian officials to fire Shokin by threatening to cancel $1 billion of loan guarantees." -- Hmmm... and I still want to know if the Ukraine paid it's BILLION DOLLAR LOANS or did the US have to pay it as the co-signer?

Online headline: "Karine Jean-Pierre Repeatedly Mispronounces Nobel Prize As 'Noble Prize'" -- This is what happens when you just read what's placed in front of you and do not know anything about the subject matter...... It probably explains why Karine Jean-Pierre refers to Resident Biden "President Biden"....

Online headline/story: "Biden administration commits millions of dollars to relocate Native tribes threatened by climate change * While relocating entire communities is increasingly necessary due to climate change, it is a politically fraught subject. Some residents are reluctant to leave their home" -- "necessary"? Talk about a dictionary example of "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" ! Looks like the Democrats are creating "Trail of Tears 2.0" to compliment it's "Jim Crow 2.0" plan...

Good grief! The College Football playoff system is expanding to 12 teams in 2024...Surely no team that is number 12 who by providence wins the final championship game could ever be considered the Number 1 team in the country!

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