Online headline: "Rev. Al Sharpton Announces Boycott Against Companies Ending DEI Practices" -- Talk about iconic stupidity! Al Sharlatan wants to "damage" companies that practiced "DEI", and hired employees following the "DEI" guidelines, and those hires will now have their jobs endangered when their companies close because of Al Sharlatan's rantings. Fortunately, other than CNN/MSNBC, nobody even listens to Al Sharlatan anymore.
know... Leaving the Biden White House has to be traumatic to Karine
Jean-Pierre! Where will she find another job that actually will pay her to lie?
headline: "Trump Declassifying All JFK, RFK And MLK Jr. Assassination
Records—Here's What That Means" -- Hmmm... let's pray the Democrat staffed "Jan 6
Committee" didn't get their hands on all these files, too, and delete them
as well!
headline: "Columbus GA police handle over 1,250 calls during
snowstorm" -- Thank you Columbus GA Police Officers, you, too,
Sheriff's officers , Fire and EMTs... for answering the call of duty under such
severe weather conditions!
headline: "Now the truth comes out: Reporters admit Politico snuffed
out Hunter Biden laptop story to protect Joe in 2020" -- It's ironic... "journalists" threw themselves onto
the fire ..not to protect JoKKKe Biden but penalized Trump.. and after 4 years
are "woking up" to find their reporting jobs lost! To boot, liberal
MSM Corps are struggling to stay afloat amidst dwindling audiences!
headline: "Georgia PSC passes rule for data centers' power usage"
-- "By approving this new rule, the PSC is helping insure that
existing GA Power customers will be spared the additional costs associated with
adding these large load customers to the grid."? GOOD GRIEF!
WHAT BS! Existing GA Power customers WON'T get a "cut", and
since the new "large-load" customers will be hit with much higher
costs, the "existing GA Power customers" will pay high prices to
utilize the "large-load customer's" services!!!
headline/story: "Fourth time’s the charm? After other deals fell through,
this ex-Columbus school is sold * During its monthly meeting Tuesday
night, the MCSD board unanimously approved * Superintendent David Lewis’
recommendation to sell the property containing the former Rose Hill
School , 433 21 st St., to Olympia Development LLC of
Albertville, Alabama, for $100,000. * (Previous incomplete sales): In 2017, for $535,000 from a
limited partnership called Rose Hill Redevelopment, led by principal partner
Celadon Holdings of Chicago. * In 2020, for $350,000 from Oracle
Consulting Services of Louisville, Kentucky. * In 2022, for
$375,000 from Peak Partners of Atlanta." -- Wait a minute! That piece
of property, with its proximity to Piedmont MidTown and the John B Amos Cancer
Center, should bring a huge amount.. even bigger if the MCSD razed the old
school building to the ground! How did our Real Estate connected
School Board member not object to this sale (or recuse)... unless there was
something to gain personally!
Columbus, GA…You ain't gonna believe this! It was bad enough when Boy Scouts of
America kowtowed to political correctness and became coed. Then it got worse
when the Boy Scouts changed its name to "Scouting America", but now
the Boy Scouts have thrown themselves under the train.. the Chattahoochee
Council of Scouting America's (Boy Scouts) new CEO is a woman.. Don't get me
wrong.. I do not mean or imply she's not fully capable or qualified, but it's
just not the image the organization needs.
lawyers for the man accused of murdering 4 students in Idaho in 2022 are
wanting the court to throw out ALL evidence in the case... Hmmm, you know, if
my client was innocent, I would want all the evidence present so I could
connect it to the real guilty person.
headline: "204 House Dems vote against bill to give lifesaving treatment
to infants who survive abortions" -- Think about this... 204 of 215
Democrat House members .. that's 95% of Democrats House members... voted to not
give medical treatment... voted against Doctors applying their God-given
skills... to save post-birth abortion survivors! Think about God's hand in
delivering life after such a procedure.. and the plan God has for such a baby that
Democrats go the extra mile to murder!
headline: "Eric Adams told to ‘be a good Democrat’ by Biden aides over
illegal immigrants" -- And who said the days of slavery and Jim KKKrow
were in the past!
headline: "NY Dem blames Biden admin for 'fatal miscalculations' on
immigration that cost them the election" -- Representative Torres could have stood up for his constituents. and
America.. if he wanted to do so at the time!
headline: "Biden Justice Department 'manipulated' crime data to fit Democrats'
narrative: retired police officer" -- Dang! Sorta sounds like what we're hearing about crime here
in Columbus, GA!
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