Tuesday, January 17, 2012

In order for Sunday sales of alcohol to bring in 'more tax revenue', one can only assume the proponents believe people will consume a lot more alcohol than they do now. If this premise is false, Sunday sales will basically errode current Saturday and Monday sales, which will mean that liquor prices will rise as store owners pay for the costs of more employee hours and more utiliity usages.
Excuse me, but didn't we read recently that American gasoline is being exported? Then how do recent gasoline prices at the pump get 'justified'?
Rush Limbaugh nailed atheists the other day. He said never have more atheists prayed that Tim Tebow would lose.
Washington, D.C. laws are such that exterminators cannot kill rats. In fact, they must take any captured rats a minimum of 25 miles and release them. Wish DC would pass a law requiring DIM&DUMBErats to be driven 25 miles from the Capitol and abandoned in some wasteland.
A school in New Hampsire (Bedford High School) doesn't allow prayer in school, but took another step by assigning the students to read "Nickled and Dimed" (by cultural critic Barbara Ehrenreich) where our Lord, Jesus, is described as a "wine-guzzling vagrant and precocious socialist".
All, elected or not, City employees who use free tickets to Civic Center
should be given a 1099 form for unearned income.
Hope Scholarships are not a failure, but there has been educational failure attached to the Hope Scholarship. School systems ceremoniously announced that all its grads would get a 3.0 GPA to be eligible; colleges added boatloads of teachers to teach remedial students what they should have been taught in secondary schools; there has been unfettered escalation of college jobs/teachers/administrators salaries and benefits; and there have been non-curriculum costs forced upon all college students (mandatory high priced school owned dorms for non-local freshman students, and huge student activity fees). Hope Scholarship is not a 'failure'; those who have benefited/profited from the distribution of the lottery funds have failed the Hope Scholarship.
L-E story: "ATLANTA — Politics loomed over the ceremonies held Monday to mark the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s holiday as black clergy, elected officials and others tied the civil rights icon’s legacy to the 2012 election, urging African-Americans to reelect President Barack Obama and condemning voter ID laws they warned are meant to suppress black voters." -- What a racist statement! Voter ID laws are meant to suppress unlawful voting which protects the vote of every citizen, whether he/she actually votes or not.
The L-E is 34 pages today. Without the "Foreclosure Section", it would only be 22 pages. This economy is on fire! NOT!

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