Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Online story: "Studies estimate that nearly one-quarter of the population, with varying degrees of light sensitivity (photophobia), may suffer negative physical effects if this ban (on incandescent Lightbulbs) becomes a reality. For this portion of the population, the most commonly found alternative, fluorescent lights (particularly the CFLs), may triggers headaches, migraines, stomachaches, fatigue, eye strain, anxiety, and irritability. Fluorescent lights can also negatively impact the immune system, literally making people sick." -- Whoa! Truth may be that these 'eco-green proponents may actually be 'green', as in green around the gills.
From L-E story: "(Mayor Obamalinson) asked the crowd of more than 200, "Can we continue a system of placing a disproportionate property tax burden on new homeowners when that system has been shown to drive young and middle-income residents to our neighboring counties and when the reasonable solution of sunsetting our property tax freeze exists?” * The proposal would preserve the freeze, which locks a home’s assessed value when it is purchased, for all property owners who have it now, Tomlinson said. But new property owners would not be frozen, so over time, frozen assessments would gradually disappear, she said." -- Mayor Obamalinson must have learned "new math"! How does removing the freeze on new property purchase protect the new homeowner if his/her home can be reassessed/revalued and re-taxed annually?
For future Civic Center events, a spotlight should be shown on every free ticket seat, so the people who got worse seats will know exactly where our City politicians and employees are sitting for free.
L-E headline: "Merle Haggard concert at Columbus Civic Center canceled" -- Knew the concert was in trouble when ads offering "buy 2 tickets, get two tickets free" started airing. The problem was probably exacerbated by the thought that those already getting two free tickets wanted two more freebies also.
How about if Council starts charging itself for those free concert tickets and using the money to buy new trees to plant near billboards? That way the paper tickets would have a back up source in the future.
From a fellow BCer: "Thought for the DAY: " A good idea ?? If you wore an LSU shirt last Monday, and wore a Saints shirt this Saturday past, for goodness sake start wearing Obama shirts everyday."
Online headline: "Smoke Bomb Thrown at White House" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought the BarackObama2012 campaign committee was in session and someone sent out a press release.
Thinking about those Blue Bird school buses.... You would think that the price of those buses would go down each year since Blue Bird obviously doesn't have the expenses of making a new desogn for the outer body ever so often.
A school bus transfer station? There must be enough angst among parents who depend on their minor children being bused directly to schools, but knowing their children will have to depend on strangers to get them on another bus for the completion of the trip to school should send the parents climbing up walls. Lets get back to neighborhood schools!
According to an inside source at the MCSD, the current enrollment as of yesterday is 32,084. That includes BRAC. What's so revealing is that the MCSD had 32,000 students in 1990.....and 1959 as well. The MCSD is growing like a weed....not! But our tax burden is!
Why is it that if you protect yourself, your family, you have to be judged by the police as to whether you did it legally? You already know the burglar is breaking the law.
L-E "soundoff": "The biggest problem with the human race is greed. The rich never have enough." -- Oh, but it's not greedy to want. to crave, to confiscate what the rich have?
Speaking of outsourcing jobs overseas to save money...why doesn't the US government follow suit?
L-E headline/story: "Scientists: Rocks fell from Mars * So far, no NASA or Russian spacecraft has returned bits of Mars, so the only samples scientists can examine are those that come here in a meteorite shower. " -- Without one core notarized sampling of the Mars soil, scientist are making the claim that meteorites have signature chemical traits of Mars soil... Give me a break! These are the same scientists that proclaim evolution and global warming based on no true connecting evidence. Who needs scientists?

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