Monday, January 23, 2012

Today should be fun in San Francisco when VPOTUS Joe Biden-Biden calls Nancy Pelosi to congratulate her on the San Francisco Giants winning the NFC Championship, and asking her if she can get him good tickets to the Super Bowl.
From a fellow BCer:
Piss on a Crucifix, and they'll call you an "Artist"
Piss on The American Flag, and they'll call you a Freedom of Speech "Constitutionalist"
Piss on a Police Car, and they'll call you an Occupy Wall Street "Freedom Lovin' 99 percenter"
Piss on a Taliban piece of shit that just tried to kill you and your fellow Marines, and they'll call you a "Villain"
Sure is a ****ed-up administration we have running this great country!!!!!
Be sure to vote them ALL GONE in November!!!!!
Have you noticed all the signs on our right-of-ways? Sales pitches for guitar lessons, junk car buying, fire wood, pine straw, homes by owners, et al. Two questions for the City: 1 - Why aren't they removed and the perps fined for costs of removal, and 2 - Are you taking phone numbers and seeing if these folks have City business licenses?
Letter to Council we sent this morning:
Dear Ticketmasters:
For Christmas, my wife and I bought (as in PAID) for two tickets (plus all the fees and taxes) to the Lady Antebellum Concert on March 3, 2012 as a Christmas gift - one for her, and one for a friend for her to invite. That was easy enough, but recently, we have agreed to house a foreign student at our house while the student attends our daughter's school for a month.

That's right, the Lady Antebellum concert is during that time period. We need another ticket, either next to the 2 we have already bought, or another set of three we can trade our two tickets for.

We were wondering that since y'all have so many free tickets, that perhaps, in the name of good foreign relations, one of you could give up a ticket either next to our two, or 3 even closer?

It is an election year for half of you, so think of it as a good photo op and good public relations..
Looking forward to a prompt answer.

Liberal, probably an unemployed liberal at that (or the parent of an unemployed adult child), L-E "soundoff": "Repair the economy by replacing the minimum wage with a livable wage. It would create a large new group of retail shoppers, car and home buyers. " -- Oh, and why not let the job seeker decide what is a livable salary for himself as long as you are smoking something?
Romney-negative Super-PAC ads did not make Gingrich the winner in SC this past weekend. Newt's staunch and articulate debate responses reached voters in a positive manner.
Kelsey...Move that Tree!
While I'm at it, John Thayer, REPLACE those dead Veterans Parkway median trees!

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