Friday, July 7, 2017

Pray more for Congressman Steve Scalise..since being shot, his condition is worsening at the moment.

I tell you what, with today's environment of tolerances and "gotchas", I don't think I'd blink an eye if it wee revealed that "Victoria's Secret" is that she was a "Victor"

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Poll: Most Americans think President Trump's dealings with Russia were unethical or illegal" -- Good grief.. according to HuffPOOPOO Polls, Hellary IS president..

From the "charity begins at your wallet" department - Online headline: "Mark Zuckerberg thinks universal basic income is a 'bipartisan idea' worth exploring in the US" -- Hmmm.. hey, 6uckerberg, lets' start by divvying up some of your $61.9 BILLION.. if you gifted all 300,000,000 in America..say $205.00 each, taht would come to $61.5 BILLION which would leave you with $400,000,000.00 "to get by on".

You know, why are silver brokers claiming silver is going to $200.00 an ounce, yet are "willing" to sell it to anybody who wants it for $16+/- per ounce?

Watching the German police turning water cannons on the crowds of protesters just basically was showering them off on a hot summer day. To be effective, police ought to fill their tanks with liquid manure..I imagine crowds would disperse pretty quickly

Following Volvo's announcement that it would be producing no gasoline burning cars beginning in 2019, France announced it would have a ban of all gasoline burning cars by 2040. Wonder if anyone ran the figures by the French budget preparer before making such a law.. France currently gets $3.07 in taxes  PER GALLON that would completely disappear.

Online headline: "Obama touts Paris accord despite 'temporary absence of US leadership'" -- Good grief.. will someone inform Obama that America finally HAS leadership after an 8-year vacuum...

Our District 29 State Senator, Josh McKoon, has announced he's running to be GA's next Secretary of State. It will be nice to have a Columbusite holding a state-wide elected office..having a Democratic Party mayor like Tom-LYING-son surely hasn't helped us.

L-E headline/story: "Sheriff Tompkins: Cut to inmate’s head not likely cause of death *  Five days after Feaginess Wood Jr. died after sustaining a head injury at the Muscogee County Jail, Sheriff Donna Tompkins said the superficial cut most likely didn’t cause Wood’s death." -- Good grief.. why do you call a press conference to announce, as Sgt Schultz would say to Hogan, "I know nothing".  The Sheriff should be better prepared before going public by KNOWING the cause of death.
L-E headline: "Strangers respond to traffic fatality by forming prayer circle around victim" -- Ecuse me, but why the secrecy of the driver's name and whether alcohol was an issue?
L-E headline: "N.Y. police look into motive for deadly ambush" -- "look into motive"? Good grief.. it was a hate crime that has been accelerated by the politics of the last administration.
From the "excuse me, your bias is showing" department - L-E headline: "On health legislation, Trump misses opportunities".. Has Congress even presented a healthcare bill to the President? No,, but, what's amiss is this headline, and why the L-E/McClatchy didn't use it to question OObamaCRAP during Obama's 2 terms in office.
L-E headline: "Chick-fil-A gives free entrée to those in proper bovine attire" -- Hmm.. you know, I remeber when Chick fil A announced it's new ad direction was going away from using the cows.. looks like Chick fil A may be moving away from the new advertising guru. Good mo-o-o-o-ve, Chick fil-A!
L-E story: "Muslim groups in Malaysia and Indonesia have called for a boycott of Starbucks because of the coffee chain’s support for LGBT rights." -- Hmmm.. and I would have thought the discovery of fecal matter in Starbuck's coffee would have taken priority for a boycott.. after all.. it could have been "hog s***"...
L-E headline: "How bad are things at the Government Center? Sign up for a public tour to see" -- Good grief.. why would the people in charge want to promote their own malfeasance in doing their jobs? Hope Council tours with them and hands out pink slips at the end of the tour.
Random Thought: Do you think any of the supporters of "Single Pay Healthcare" realize that they would be the "single payer" for their healthcare?
L-E headline: "Coming soon: Higher prices, food upgrades at AMC theaters here" -- You know, if AMC wants to keep our business, it will definitely need a menu change.. scrap the popcorn it now serves and go back to the formula used by Carmike.

A L-E story goes after the CEO of Hobby Lobby for getting Christian relics out of Iraq.. Let's face it.. Hobby Lobby's CEO should be praised for getting Christian relics out of the Mid-East.. we've seen to much utter disregard.. and criminal vandalism by Islamic terrorists to risk more Christian tenets being destroyed in the future.

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