Tuesday, November 26, 2019

From the "Bias? What Bias?" department - MSM-13 story: "- The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday gave President Donald Trump a boost by extending its hold on a lower court ruling that required his longtime accounting firm to hand over his financial records to a Democratic-led House of Representatives committee." -- Good grief! MSM-13 makes it sound like the US Supreme Court number one job is protecting President Trump.. what's happened is the US Supreme Court has protected EVERY US citizen from the ravage of select out-of-control, power-hungry politicians with an agenda.
It's almost comical for the DemocRAT candidates to gripe about Bloomberg spending millions of his own money on advertising to get elected, but "they" have no problem using the promise of spending TRILLIONS of dollars of other people's money in order to get elected.
The holdover DemocRATic presidential wannabes are up in arms about billionaires trying to buy the nomination. I have one question to ask those non-billionaire politicians who have enriched themselves without building a business that creates prosperity for our nation and other citizens: "What experience do you have that shows America you have any skills that can help the economy actually grow/improve?"
You know..with as splintered as the support of any of the DemocRAT presidential wannabes has been, it's going to be interesting how many DemocRATs will actually support the last "man" standing.
Online headline: "Graham says he loves Joe Biden 'as a person,' but Hunter Biden's Burisma work 'doesn’t pass the smell test'" -- Hmmm.. doesn't "pass the smell test"? Well, it's rare anyone "passes gas" that goes undetected...
Richard Spencer...Secretary of Navy ...resigned/got fired... whatever....because he felt he couldn't rely on "the chain of command" .... Huh? ..I think he got fired because HE circumvented the chain of command!
What is it with MSM-13? A convicted killer's attorneys can make an appeal on a "technicality", and MSM-13 will describe the convicted person as "alleged". BUT when Clinton connected people like Epstein and Vince Foster are found dead without actually witnesses, MSM-13 never injects anything but "suicide" into the reports.
From the "let me be the first to defend our president" department - Online headline: "John Legend calls on Trump to be removed from office: 'The President is a cancer'" -- Hmm.. well, since President Trump is too busy to pop every pimple, I'll do this one for him.. talented or not, John Legend is a parasitic a-hole!
Shicago police just announced they have removed over 10,000 illegal guns off their streets this year. Hmmm..for a City in which ..basically...ALL non-law enforcement guns already are illegal, this just shows that if you make it illegal for law-abiding citizens to own guns, only criminals will possess guns.
The "climate change" protesters at the Yale-Harvard game halftime created another huge oxymoron situation... Yale and Harvard alumni being PO'd at their Harvard and Yale children/students.
Online "headlie": "Proposed shelter for immigrant children goes to Marietta City Council" -- Good grief... these are NOT "immigrants", they are illegal aliens.. obviously without documented parents.. and should not be removed far from the border. What we have here is a business wolf veiled in a "charity sheepskin" to collect government fees per child.

From the "maybe I can get that class I have a test scheduled today canceled" department - Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline/story: "Columbus schools launch safety system to report tip * It’s now easier for anyone to notify the Muscogee County School District about safety concerns involving Columbus public schools. * Through a national service called SafeSchools Alert, MCSD launched the new system that allows reports to be submitted multiple ways anywhere and anytime. The reports are submitted anonymously." -- Good grief.. with students ALLOWED to carry their phones at school, and have the ability to "prank" anonymously.. I'm going to bet there will be more "pranks, hearsay and nuisance" reports than helpful ones. Maybe we can get Congressman A Dam Schi** to call witnesses during any investigations.. Even worse.. is taxpayers are PAYING for this!

From the "jury fail!" department - Columbus L-E story concerning subsequent crimes : "Phenix City police charged Robert Allen Earhart Jr with murder in the Jan. 17 death of his infant daughter Alaina Addison Brodka, who an autopsy showed died from blunt-force head trauma, authorities said. * The girl was fatally injured at Steeple Crest Apartments, on Riverchase Drive in the Lee County portion of Phenix City, so Earhart in 2017 went to trial before a Lee County jury in Opelika, where he was convicted only of negligent homicide, a misdemeanor. * He faced a year in jail, but soon was freed with credit for the time he served awaiting trial" -- How can anyone on jury feel an adult in charge of an infant who is killed be charged with a misdemeanor?

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