Wednesday, September 29, 2021

 How does Columbus Council allow this... an executive employee who lives in a $7-figure home with a homestead exemption in Harris County, but is 2-plus years behind on property taxes here on 20-plus different properties? Oh.. and his spouse has a separate Homestead Exemption property in her name (taxes are up-to-date on this one)).. This is just not right...

Online headline: "Fentanyl leaving deadly wake on U.S.-Mexico border communities * Overdose deaths involving the synthetic drug coming over from Mexico are up sixfold in El Paso County" -- You know, even without the unrestricted invasion of illegal aliens crossing out=r border, the drug flow alone mandates we need "the Wall" .. Being against basically means one is for the unrestricted flow of illegal drugs...

One big question: Knowing that no consequences will be issued concerning the Kabul fiasco, why is this taking up prime time of our Senate? Shouldn't they be concentrating on the Southern Border and other immigration issues that affect near and long-term situations here in America.

From the "and when was the last audit run?" department - WRBL-TV3 Online headline/story: "Court testimony: Former Muscogee County deputy clerk was wiring large sums of money to Africa * Assistant U.S. Attorney Mel Hyde said in a federal court hearing Wednesday, that additional charges are coming against a former Muscogee County Deputy Superior/State Court clerk accused of stealing nearly $500,000 in public funds. * “There will be [a] superseding indictment,” Hyde told the court. “There will be much, much more.” * Hyde told the court the amount could reach $1.5 million in alleged stolen funds. * FBI Special Agent Kate K. Furtak testified that in a nine-year period from 2010-2019 when Demps was in charge of the clerk’s financial accounts, $5.4 million in cash fines and funds were collected. Records show that only $210 was deposited into official accounts." -- This went on for 9 years.. surely someone specific above Willie Demps is/was culpable ... Speaking of audits.. when has Council finished/released results of any since the audit of the Clerk of Council which revealed many indiscretions that resulted in a termination...

Columbus Council has agreed to purchase he Synovus properties/garage occupying the block between Broadway & 1st Avenue, and 11th & 12th Streets for $25,000,000.00 knowing it will take another $25,000.000.00 to make the properties usable.. Funny thing is that the City valued all those properties combined at a shade under $10,000,000.00 (and billed property taxes on such value). Seems Council should have let Synovus "shop" around for a commercial buyer to get a real value for the City to counter. With taxpayers now being on the hook for at least another $50,000,000.00 in bond debt. and the permanent loss of property tax revenues, Council should withdraw it's $400,000,000.00 SPLOST referendum ans rethink it's Government Center property plans. If it doesn't, VOTE NO!

You know, Columbus Council COULD have bought sufficient property at the corner of 13th Street & Broadway .. including a garage... when Carmike was bought by AMC Theaters.. It was perfect for our Courtroom needs.. To boot, having an important government building anchoring Broadway/1st Ave there would have been a boon to growth in UpTown.. As it will be, putting an "artery blocker" complex in the middle will shut down the growth as street and other free parking will become non-existent for daytime shoppers and "lunchers"...

Have you noticed that all of Muscogee County (Columbus) and half of Harris County would be represented by Sanford Bishop and future replacement Democrats for at least the next 10 years? Wonder if we should go ahead and change Columbus' name to Albany North. Guess this is what happens when the Minority Whip is the wife of our City Manager, and the Republican Party gives up on us.

I just saw the GA Senate's proposed redistricting plan .. and it is the PITS as far as Columbus' future is concerned.. Columbus already had too much of it attached to Congressman Bishop's Albany, GA District, but now.. all of Columbus, and half of Harris County are proposed to be in Bishop's District.. Bishop's District constantly is the worst in GA for crime and economics, and now another "list".. this time for the "40 Most Misery Cities in the Country" list both Albany and Columbus at 27th and 22nd respectively.

Online headline: "Georgia congressional district plan could help GOP grab seat" -- What BS! There aren't enough conservative voters in North Muscogee or South Harris Counties to override the Democratic bloc vote.. In fact, this set-up could also reduce the chances of even a Republican candidate in District 3.

Let's use a layman's example of the $3.5 TRILLION dollar PeLOUSY PORK PROJECT PACKAGE Democrats say will have zero costs for American families. Let's use Christmas... Imagine all the Christmas presents under your tree with "From Santa" tags on them.. What child doesn't think Santa paid for them so they are "free", and not to be confused with the underwear and socks with their parents' names on tag. Every non-child KNOWS who paid for all of them...but will not... cannot..tell the children without bursting their bubble.

Sarah Palin just got all the confirmation she'll ever need to be remembered in history! The Biden/PeLOUSY PORK PROJECT PACKAGE mascot has been presented to the public"

From the "welcome to Socialism 101" department - Online headline: (VA Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate) McAuliffe says he doesn't believe parents should tell schools what to teach * McAuliffe made the remarks in response to (Republican candidate) Youngkin's argument that parents should be more involved" -- Parents shouldn't be concerned about what their children are being taught? Good grief.. next we'll hear McAuliffe claim that politicians shouldn't listen to voters either..... hmmm.. wow.. the Democrats are already saying that!

MSM must be really confused about who to believe is lying in the Senate Committee Afghanistan issues.. It's obvious everybody questioned is lying, and we know Biden is lying, but MSM doesn't have a clue if there's anyone telling them there's any truth in what they are saying...

Listening to Gen. Milley and Secretary Austin, it was pretty obvious both got "BS" designations in their degree fields of study.

Secretary of Defense Austin said that the Kabul evacuations exceeded expectations... hmmm.. sounds like his expectations were low...

Wow! After listening VA Senator Kaine in the Committee hearings, Hellary losing was even more important than we could ever have realized at the time... Kaine would have been 2nd in command, and a heart beat away from the Oval Office.

From the "can it be any more apparent?" department - Online headline/story: "Kamala Harris applauds student, who accused Israel of 'ethnic genocide,' for speaking 'your truth' * Vice President Kamala Harris nodded while a student accused Israel of ethnic genocide and then responded by saying the student's "truth should not be suppressed. * (said student) went on to note how "just a few days ago there were funds allocated to continue backing Israel, which hurts my heart because it's ethnic genocide and displacement of people" -- Good grief! What does Chuckles know about "the truth".... in any capacity.. Why didn't Chuckles CORRECT that student as to the truth.. the truth being the funds were allocated to Israel's "Iron Dome" defensive missile system to protect against constant and indiscretionate missile attacks from the Palestinian camps.

Online headline: "Mayorkas admits 'tragic rise' of delta variant at US-Mexico border 'surprised' him" -- Excuse me, but why would.. SHOULD.... he be surprised ?

Online headline: "Sexually charged assault suit against CNN’s Don Lemon expected to land in court after prolonged legal process" -- Hmmm.. add this to the Chris "Fredo" Cuomo charges and you see why there's no mention of sexual assault crimes in the current MSM house news...

From the "how about some clarity here" department - Online headline: "U.S. Sen. Jon Ossoff unveils goal to make certain technical college programs tuition free" -- DOH! "tuition free" is not FREE College".. Why aren't politicians REQUIRED to mention how much it will cost "recipients of free stuff" to pay foe others in the future to get the same "free stuff"?

From the "truth finally comes out" department - WRBL-TV3 Online headline: "“The Problem is Not the Park”: Columbus Woman Wants to See Change in the Community." --While this is a local issue concerning the "kick the can down the road" Council decision to close Carver Park on weekends this month, Jazmine Harris is absolutely right that the park is not the problem... for that matter, neither are the police.. this is a problem exacerbated by liberals who have neutered/handcuffed the police, watered down criminal drug charges and sentences, and is promoted by Democrat politicians ... it's most noticed in Blue Run cities and Columbus is one of them... and unfortunately, the new Congressional redistricting map looks like it's gonna get worse for Columbus...

Looks like Columbus no longer has a Deputy Mayor... not sure why Council deemed one was necessary to begin with.

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