Thursday, September 16, 2021

From the "but on the other hand..." department - Online headline: "Biden says he has 'complete confidence' in Milley amid book disclosures" -- "Biden has COMPLETE confidence"? Hmmm.. but on the other hand, who has ANY confidence in JoKKKe Biden? Well... other than Biden's "presidency" is a CONFIDENCE GAME orchestrated by Obama...

What a sequel... "Thoroughly Mendacious Milley".. whether treason or sedition, he basically attempted a coup of a sitting president.. and needs to be held accountable!

Despite the DNC sending out it's A-Team of damage control "contributors" to diffuse the treasonous actions of Gen Milley, all was for naught the moment Joy Behar told the world Gen Milley was a hero.

Wonder if the City of Atlanta and the Braves, as well, got any settlement money from MLB for snatching the All-Star game from them?

Online headline/story: "12-year-old boy killed in crash after high-speed chase involving Georgia trooper * family of the deceased boy, Leden Boykins, question whether police should have chased the fleeing vehicle or ended the pursuit differently. * Moore, 35, was initially pulled over shortly after 1 a.m. by a trooper for speeding. (Moore) then refused to "lower his driver window or produce any type of identification.” * Moore then drove away and led police on a highway chase, police said. * Leden Boykins (12) died after a Georgia State Patrol trooper followed Charlie Moore’s vehicle * The rear seat passenger (Leden Boykins, 12) was unrestrained and suffered fatal injuries,” police said." -- Excuse me.. but the ELEPHANTS in this "room" are 1: why the mother allowed her son to be with Moore at 1:00 AM (and on a school night), 2: why her son was not seat-belted in Moore's car, and 3: why the mother isn't asking Moore why he drove recklessly with his and her minor children in his car in the first place!

WTVM-TV9 headline: "Programs working to curb crime in Columbus; city dealing with record number of homicides" For a dozen years money has been diverted from law enforcement use to private organization uses, yet we don't ever see or hear about what good any of it actually has done.. and now Council wants to divert even MORE money away from real law enforcement usage to "CURE Violence" which was "brought on board" based on false results of it's success in Shicago...

Online headline: "Federal govt launches civil rights probe of Georgia prisons" -- And what about the civil rights of the VICTIMS that these violent criminals abused ...

From the "Finally!" department - WTVM-TV9 story: "Voters in Muscogee County will head to the polls for a special election on November 2. * Residents will vote on whether to approve a 1% increase on their sales taxes to fund local projects. * Columbus Deputy City Manager Pam Hodge says citizens will vote on whether they support a $400M special purpose local option sales tax or SPLOST. * Hodge says the money will go towards funding 11 items including parks and recs projects and public safety facility renovations." -- "will go towards funding 11 items including parks and recs projects and public safety facility renovations"? $400,000,000.00 dollars to build/add facilities and ... by law... not one penny can be set aside to MAINTAIN these "project facilities"! Lack of maintenance for what we have.. in the City AND in the Muscogee County School District.. is exactly the problem that has us needing to replace our current facilities now! Vote
NO".. until both our taxing authorities include proper maintenance budgets each year...

Hey... Columbus/Muscogee County legislators... why have you failed the taxpayers by not requiring all such tax referendums only be voted on statewide General Election Days?

Columbus L-E headline/story: "Former Columbus mill building is now a boutique hotel. * Take a look inside. * “(City Mills) is a mix of trying to marry modern with history,” (Pezold Companies Director of Marketing and Public Relations Cassie) Myers said. “A lot of the artwork you’ll see in the rooms are old, historic photos from the mill. ... A really artisanal mix of people went into this project.”" -- "marrying modern with history"? Hmmm... isn't some of this modern addition built where a HISTORIC Horace King built structure was literally .. and subversively...torn down without the Historic Columbus Foundation being notified nor proper City permits acquired? That hardly fits "What Progress Has Preserved"...

The Pope has spoken: " "Abortion is murder.. Those who carry out abortions kill," he said. * "At the third week after conception, often even before the mother is aware (of being pregnant), all the organs are already (starting to develop). It is a human life. Period. And this human life has to be respected. It is very clear," he said. * "Scientifically, it is a human life," he said." -- JoKKKe Biden must be really conflicted! He's so about "the science"... when it's convenient for him...otherwise.. not so important...

From the "out of the moths of Democrats... Lies, Lies, and MORE LIES!" department - Online headline: "Poorer Americans get big tax cuts under Democratic plan while the rich get hikes" -- The "poor" already don't pay "income taxes" yet are taxed at a higher rate via sales taxes! and more affected by inflation than any other group.. Sadly, when government confiscates MORE TAX DOLLARS from the successful businesses and personal business leaders, there is even less cash to fund front line jobs..

Parsing the california "Recall Referendum", it's obvious that the primarily big BLUE cities in the coastal counties (18 of 58 total) dominated the balloting at a 60% (+'- 1%) or higher "NO" vote... interestingly.. though it did not matter since the "No Recall" result voided the replacement choice votes... is that Republican Larry Elder was the top vote getter in ALL 58 counties.. What;s going to be more interesting is the final results when the 17 day period ends for mail in ballots to be received and counted.


From the "I'd wanna refund!" department - Online story: "A professor at Virginia Tech University issued a syllabus to her students in which she apologized to students of color for being a White, straight cisgendered female." -- Good grief! What parent ..of any color... would want to pay a college that hires a professor like this one... tuition and teach their children? 

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