Thursday, September 9, 2021

 From the Foghorn Leghorn "This boy’s more mixed up than a feather in a whirlwind" department - Online headline/story: "Biden ousts Trump military academy board appointees * Jen Psaki confirmed that the former Trump officials were asked to resign or face firing. It was not immediately clear if any of those asked to tender their resignations did so before a 6 p.m. deadline set by the White House." -- Normally, this headline would have said, "The White House ousts", not "Biden ousts", but the White House handlers are desperate for a bone to throw to MSM to divert their attention from the economy, jobs , Covid-19, Border and Afghanistan fiascoes.

While President Trump inherited an empty closet of pandemic virus equipment/gear from Obama/Biden, Prez JoKKKe Biden inherited 3 Covid-19 vaccines from Trump/Pence. JoKKKe Biden also promised he had a "plan" for Covid-19 that would work...apparently it's just another broken JoKKKe Biden promise.

A picture is worth a 1,000 words:

This is going to surprise a lot of readers, but I actually agree that the non-military planes at Kabul should not be allowed to land at US military bases or fly into US airspace. There's no way to know who... or what... is on those planes.

On Tuesday, September 14th, californians will vote whether to recall Governor Newsom or I understand it, EVERY california registered voter has been sent a ballot .. What will be interesting to see is whether the californians still stuck/hiding in Afghanistan will finally get home only to discover that their ballots were cast in their absence.

Saw a WTVM-TV9 story this morning about the Alabama education officials concerns about the drop in standardized tests being even worse than anticipated which highlighted how inadequate "virtual education" was. It sounded like he was relieved though, that if the scores had been higher than previous ones, it would put the focus on the failure of in-school education.... Oh! has anyone seen any results of testing in the MCSD? I do not see how the standard curriculum for each grade can benefit students if the students are starting below the level they should have attained under normal circumstances.

When will MSM actually start addressing the rapid inflation in the food market? Sam's Club was out of a 72 pack of Hormel pre-cooked bacon for a while, but now it's back in stock.. of course it went from $14 and change to over $17 and change.. That's a 20% plus price increase!

On April 19th of this year, CBS posted a "Murder Map: Deadliest US Cities". Atlanta was 22nd worst at 19.53 homicides per 100,000 people. You would think that Atlanta would be the worst in GA... but it's not... Columbus, GA was ranked the 20th worst in country with 20.94 per 100,000.. but that's not the end of this story.. as of now, barely into September, Columbus has already exceeded 50 countable homicides ! If the year ended today, Columbus would already be into the Top 10 worst cities in the US, with the possibility of being 35-to-40 per 100,000 before year's end..and that could get us into the WORST 5% in the US... Sadly, very little helpful ... and truthful conversation is taking one talks about the root causes... Why? .. because the truth hurts.. While there are some unfortunate "crimes of passion" and error (bystanders), the bulk is simply Black gang/drug related, and Columbus was told by the previous Mayor (Tom-LYING-son) that we didn't have a gang problem which allowed the REAL problem to fester in, and infect our community... and control was lost. Combined with prosecution plea bargains and disconcerting jury decisions, the problem and the issues have exacerbated .. then add an inadequate-in-size police force, and a tip-toe-through-the-tulips mentality of our local media, and there's Big Trouble.. right here in River City.... and we're all paying for it... THERE! That's the elephant in the room.. it's been pointed out! Elected officials.. do your job!

From the "hitting the nail on he head" department -- Online headline: "Larry Kudlow: Biden has given the terrorists a homeland" -- This is about as pure and succinct as JoKKKe Biden's handling of Afghanistan can be described...

Online headache... uh... headline/story: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocked for using term 'menstruating person' to describe women in interview * On Tuesday, Ocasio-Cortez appeared on CNN’s "Anderson Cooper 360" to discuss Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s statements on the Texas Heartbeat Act, which prohibits abortions after six weeks. She claimed that the law was actually not "about supporting life" and instead was about controlling "women’s bodies" as well as "any menstruating person." * "None of this is about supporting life. What this is about is controlling women’s bodies, & controlling people who are not cisgender men. This is about making sure that someone like me as a woman or any menstruating person in this country cannot make decisions over their own body," she said." -- "any menstruating person"? Wow! AOC just "dissed" every transgender "woman" in the world!

Our Muscogee County DA is charged... among other things... with trying to bribe two assistant DA's to "close" murder cases.. It may be something else, but the way I envision this is two Asst DA's were asked to to basically use their positions to to end a murder trial "quicker".. to me, that means either "tanking", offering a Plea Bargain for less "felonious" charges, or dropping charges altogether... none of which is what justice is about! As the Queen of Hearts would say, "Off with his head!"

From the "Tale of Two Ditzies" department -- In addressing the JoKKKe Biden $3.5 TRILLION Dollar "PeLOUSY PORK PROJECT" bill.. Jen Psaki and Queen PeLOUSY have conflicting views: Psaki says " the entire package "is going to be paid for."", while PeLOUSY says, "We will pay for more than half maybe all of the legislation," Pelosi said. "We will be taking some responsibility to pay for what is in there so the cost for the future will be much lower than any 3.5." -- Hmmm... Experience says BOTH are LYING so who do we believe more? Me, I don't think $3.5 TRILLION will be end of it if America allows more Socialist-Democrats to get elected...

From the "Shades of the original "Jim Crow ERA" department - Online headline: "Larry Elder attacked by egg-throwing agitators in Los Angeles" -- Good grief! Some dastardly crude female wearing a gorilla mask threw an egg and almost his elder in the back of the head...she also struck an older aide to Elder as they walked the streets campaigning.. eve more incredulously, the MSM reporters on site stayed focused mainly on elder than the attacker. Can you imagine the MSM uproar had a white masked female throw an egg at Larry Elder on the streets of a Southern city! Oh! Think about this.. was the gorilla-hooded female possibly VA Governor Northam's wife?

Check out the video:

"Who is "the White House" power behind the scenes? Online headline: "Biden again suggests he’s not calling the shots: ‘I’m supposed to stop and walk out’ -- Good grief! Can you imagine how the stock market would react if Amazon's Jeff Bezos or Facebook's 6uckerberg avoided media by saying someone else was controlling them? What do our enemies leaders think?

Why is Monica Lewinsky smiling these days? It must be obscene amounts of money because who really wants their earlier in life stupid decisions aired so a new generation can point and laugh at her?
So, Twitter is allowing the Taliban to broadcast women and children being beaten and abused, while Twitter still bans Republican output. Does Twitter realize what kind of negative image this is giving PeLOUSY as she tweets away on the Socialist-Democrats agenda?

WRBL-TV3 story: "Multiple Columbus Fire and EMS units are on the scene of a house fire at the 29-hundred block of Colorado Street." This was Monday.. on Sunday, there was a dead shooting victim found on the same block.. revenge?

Online headline/story: "After Newsom recall, California Democrats eye changes to state's direct democracy system * State could consider bipartisan commission to determine recall reforms * Some of the changes under consideration include a malfeasance standard, hiking the number of signatures required to qualify a recall for the ballot, and requiring more signatures from the party of the official targeted for recall." -- First, bipartisanship is not an OPTION in california, so scrap that notion.. this is as evil a Socialist maneuver as trying to expand the US Supreme Court by any option other than a Constitutional Amendment!

Online headline: "NASCAR's Kyle Busch fined $50,000 for reckless driving at Darlington" --
"Reckless driving"? At a NASCAR RACE? Gimmee a break! What's next.... not keeping "score" of the laps completed so everyone will win?

From the "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" department - Online headline: "Jimmy Kimmel says unvaccinated people shouldn't get ICU beds in his return to his late-night show" -- Hmmm.. and if Jimmy Kimmel was against vaccinations, he'd be for the unvaccinated to get special treatment...
Online headline (check the video): "Flags honoring 13 US service members killed in Kabul airport attack vandalized in California" -- Once again, when the"Wall" is finally built, it should also be built up the Eastern border of california! We could return to the 49 states flag... which was the prettiest in our lifetime... This is act disgusting!

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