Monday, October 17, 2022

 Florida Gov DeSantis issued special orders to help Hurricane Fiona displaced voters in 3 Florida counties vote in the November Election... After DeSantis's terrific handling of disaster issues, you have to wonder WHEN Stacey Abrams will rush in an complain that it's not fair to Democrat candidates that voters have such great respect for DeSantis and he was just trying to keep them from voting Democrat...

Now that Hurricane Fiona has cleared out of Florida, and damage evaluations can fully be implemented, this would be a great time to contact and poll Electric Vehicle owners to all the issues they had..and have now.. .We've heard of EVs that ran out of battery power evacuating, and of EVs that got flooded later "exploding".. what else gave the EV owners "surprises".

What's the deal with Resident Biden singling out Venezuelans to persecute at the Border? I can only imagine that Maduro be must have rejected Resident Biden's request for more oil and JoKKKe Biden is playing his game of "quid pro Joe" like he did/does with Ukraine.

Now that Resident Biden has partially re-adopted the Trump policy at the border, hopefully he will re-adopt Trump's oil policy as well, and get America back on track!

Did watch the the Walker-Warnock debate and the big difference I saw..heard.. was Warnock artfully dodging answering questions, and Walker still being quick on his feet and calling out Warnock for not answering to the questions.

Herschel Walker and Ra-FAIL-us Warnock faced off in debate, and as it rolled along, I was reminded of Herschel's first game against Tennessee when a Tennessee player stood directly between Herschel and the Goal Line... and Herschel just ran straight over him and scored for Georgia!

Well.. the Democrats are sweatin' bullets after the Walker-Warnock debate.... Just the fact their Spinmeisters are trying to take down Hershel's performance rather than talking about how Warnock shined.

Online headline: "Warnock calls out Walker for skipping (Sunday night) debate: ‘Half of being a senator is showing up’" -- Hmmm know, why would a competent person be concerned about whether his opponent showed up... Clint Eastwood successfully debated an empty chair when Obama didn't appear.. My guess is that Warnock "lost" this debate, too.

After hearing the details Special Prosecutor Durham has listed involving the FBI, the Steele Documents, Danchenko and the FISA Warrants, the FBI needs to be revamped... perhaps it's time to return to the FBI only being concerned of crimes involving America origins and let another "initial" organization handle the International issues.

Jill Biden was at Columbus (GA) Military Encampment last Thursday and Friday, then went to Atlanta to campaign with Stacey Abrams...,, Hmmm.... Wait a minute...I can accept the sitting President flying around during campaign stops with Party candidates on taxpayer dollars, but under no circumstances should a President's wife be flown around on the taxpayers' expense campaigning without the President being on the same plane to do so.

Online headline: "First lady Jill Biden gets booed at Eagles game" -- Hmmm...guess none of the Eagle fans live in the 59 Philadelphia voting precincts that didn't record 1 single Republican vote for the Republican presidential candidate in 2012.

Did we hear right... that Obama is going to Philadelphia to campaign for Fetterman... Word on the street is that Obama's strategy is going to be just calling Fetterman a "regular guy".. Hmmm... that's a wimp-out! Fetterman is definitely not a "regular guy"...well unless he's Uncle Fester Adam's love child, but what's most weird is that in 2012, absolutely no one in 59 Philadelphia Precincts voted for Republican RATT Romney..Who is Obama going to add to the Democrat voter base? I'm guessing Obama is going to Philadelphia seeking validation... for himself!

There was more bad news for the high speed rail system in california ($113 Billion no-where-close-to-being-finished-train-to-nowhere).. but what's new? Now, what we in Columbus NEED to know is what's the status of former Columbus, GA Mayor TT Tom-LYING-son's high-speed rail to Atlanta's airport which will include a stop in Newnan. Of course the stop in Newnan will make the trip take longer than driving to the Atlanta Airport yourself...

New reports show China is rising in education while the US is dropping.. Hmmm... or it may be simply be that the US is just dropping so fast that it makes China look good. But think about this... China is pushing it's math and science curriculum while the US liberals are pushing gender reassignment studies.

Resident Biden-been-Lying insists that the two main reasons that gas prices are so high is because of greedy "mom&pop" stations and Putin. The fact that on Day 1, when he signed Executive Orders to shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline, the coal industry, and oil leases seems to have escaped ..well, what's left of his memory. Now, he also claims he's doing EVERYTHING within his power to reduce gas at the pump, yet he hasn't suspended federal gas taxes at the pumps, or asked more..well, the rest of the states' governors to emulate GA's Governor Kemp and suspend their state's gas pump state taxes. Biden is an absolute joKKKe as our President.. and Democrat Congresspersons who support his bills are jokes as well.

What does the 8.4% rise in costs (annual inflation) mean to most families? In a nutshell, it means that most families will have to live 12 months on 11 months of revenue.

It's Resident Biden's "assessment" that he sees "progress" concerning INFLATION. "Progress" in my dictionary is defined as a positive upward movement towards my goal.... Hmmm... then Biden may be technically correct in HIS mind as making the public fully dependent on government IS the goal of Socialist-Democrats. Now, raise hand if you're ready to make Socialist-Democrats a defunct element of America's past!

Online headline: "Biden calls for gun control day after Raleigh shooting" -- Good grief! At best, Resident Biden was a day late and a few brain cells short!

Online "headLIE": "MSNBC anchors, other media pundits fuel civil war fears over midterms: 'Democracy looks like it's over'" -- WRONG! To begin with, we are not a "Democracy "... and that's by design! No "Democracy" has lasted like our "Limited Republic" form of government.. Now, what HOPEFULLY is "over" is the attempted Socialist coup by the Democrats.

Aileen Getty, granddaughter of oil baron J. Paul Getty, and the funder of a wacko group named "Just Stop Oil" should be arrested for child abuse! Two young teens were directed to throw cans of Heinz Tomato Soup on an $84 Million Dollar Van Gogh painting on exhibit at a London museum... then, apply an adhesive to their hands and stick themselves to the wall below the painting. Even more appropriate would be for Ms Getty be flown to London and be "glued to the wall" with the teens, and all 3 of them left there a few days until they could free themselves, then all three be processed for their crimes. Oh! While the frame of the Van Gogh painting suffered some slight damage, the painting is fine.... there was protective glass covering...

Resident Biden has revealed how little he understands substance abuse and addiction.. JoKKKe Biden said he was proud of his son for "overcoming" what's documented on Hunter's computer. Hey, Biden-been-Lying, Hunter hasn't "overcome" anything... At best, he's a "recovering addict" and will be the reminder of his... and YOUR life

Online headline: "Paul Ryan predicts Trump will not be 2024 Republican nominee" -- Hmmm ... and I believe Ryan predicted the same thing in 2016, too.

I saw video clips of some interactions between the sparse audience at an AOC "Town Hall Meeting" and what struck me most was not only was the audience sparse, it appeared most of the audience there were disappointed in AOC's positions... but also fired up about Tulsi Gabbard's rejection of the Democratic Party Agenda as a whole.

Online headline: "North Carolina judge sends prospective juror to jail for refusing to wear mask in mask-optional courthouse" -- I realize a judge has to keep/maintain order in his/her Courtroom.. but there were NO mandates requiring the wearing of masks in the entire building! Obviously... the judge is a "Jim Crow 2.0" Biden supporter opposed to a think-for-oneself juror being allowed to "vote" based on his own decision...

Now we hear that the high ranking Wharton Business School at Ivy League member U of Pennsylvania is offering "woke" business majors. Black leaders should be outraged! What progress can be achieved by dumbing down what future leaders need to be successful? U of Pennsylvania already showed us that if you a male student can't "swim with the male sharks" hen let him compete with the girls.. Yep.. "Lia" Thomas is a U of Penn "guy".

I'M not sure which body.. the Columbus Council or the Muscogee County School Board... should handle this with the Parks and Rec Youth Football League.. but Saturday, I was at the soccer facility next to Fort Middle School to watch two of my grandchildren playing soccer games... a couple of hundred yards away on the Fort football field was a football game between what looked mostly like 8-10 year olds. One of the "adult" coaches constantly.. and LOUDLY... cursed at his teams "performance".. we could hear it 100s of yards away... why weren't the PAID REFEREES for he Youth Football game penalizing that foulmouthed coach and ejecting him!

Seriously, who would have guessed more than 100 points would be scored in the Tenn-Bama game?

Online story: "The class of 2022’s average ACT composite score was 19.8 out of 36, marking the first time since 1991 that the average score was below 20. What’s more, an increasing number of high school students failed to meet any of the subject-area benchmarks set by the ACT – showing a decline in preparedness for college-level coursework." -- Hmmm... 30 years.... that corresponds locally to when we went from a Grand Jury appointed School Board to a politically elected one here in Columbus, GA.. and more importantly than not being prepared "for college-level coursework" (remedial college courses in math and English here attest to this), the other high school "graduates" aren't prepared to enter the workplace as well!

Having been "tempted" by TV ads, I stopped and got a Sonic "Chophouse Burger" yesterday. It was pretty good, and cost $4.99 plus 45-cents in sales taxes.. as I ate the Chophouse Burger, I thought about that 45-cents in sales taxes.. I remember when I could have bought such a burger for LESS than what I paid in taxes yesterday...

I took a drive yesterday through areas of South Columbus, GA I hadn't seen/visited in years. My jaw dropped as I rode around.. what has happened? Actually, it was more like "What hasn't happened?" Why do these areas keep sending Democrats back to Atlanta and Washington to represent them.. it's not that they aren't CONCERNED people's not that they aren't GOOD's just that they push national political policies that either aren't the concerns or are not good for the local people they claim to represent.

Hmmmm...Didn't the City of Columbus, GA lose about $800,000.00 on the property that was bounced around from a local banking company to the Chamber when former Mayor Tom-LYING-son was in office, and most recently sold by the Chamber to a large legal firm that was once the former Mayor's local firm and is still her husband's firm? Hmm .. and now the building is up for sale again by her husband's firm... mighty convenient..and probably mighty PROFITABLE for them as well.

Sgt Lonnie Jackson was a good... a GOOD man.. He turned his military background into a life of public service here in Columbus, GA. I met ..and befriended him in 1990. He was "memorialized" following his death with a school being renamed for him, but it looks people have forgotten WHY Lonnie Jackson was one of the "1000 Points of Light".. He created the CCSC (Combined Communities of Southeast Columbus) and organized community trash cleaning groups,; he started and ran a summer reading program for students at a school (hence the "name change"), and he organized the Viet Nam War Memorial. These pictures are how the CCSC "Remembers Lonnie Jackson"... Step up people!

Rode by the old Brown Ave School this weekend ... Tons of school buses covered the property, and my thoughts traveled to where the MCSD/MCSB use to park/store and maintained those buses.. I've often said that 43+ acres on are some of the most valuable in town, and are now even more wasted than ever.


A couple of weeks ago I mentioned what I could only say at the time was about a rumor of public financed vandalism and a safety issue concerning lighting at the "Underpass" between 10th and 11th Avenues brought forward by "Muscogee Muckraker". Let's just pray he wasn't 100% Right, and safety at night won't be as bad as he showed us.

Online headline: "Biden to campaign for DeSantis rival Crist in November Florida trip" -- My first question is: "Does anyone think that Biden knows who Crist... and DeSantis are? I'll ask my second question.. if necessary.. when MSM correctly answers the first one..... (don't hold your breath)

According to a story about AOC, "Not only are student loans parents took out for their own college eligible for forgiveness, she pointed out, but also ParentPlus loans they took out for their children’s education." -- Wait a minute..Mt bride and I are parents.. and put three through college without a loan.. we saved..put aside money we could have spent on ourselves, and got our children prepared to be independent.. Why don't we get considered for reimbursement?

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