Wednesday, October 12, 2022

 Online headline: "Democrat Val Demings called for ‘walls’ that ‘separate us’ to go down but lives in gated community" -- Demings.. like the Socialist-Democrat Agenda is referring to the periodic WALL segments that President Trump built so there'll be no deterrent to illegal aliens and Mexican/Chinese drugs from finding their way into our neighborhoods...

Here are two questions no official from the Columbus, GA has told us the answer: ! - "What are our total homicide and total gunshot victims number up to in 2022?" and "How much money has the Columbus GA Water Works spent on lawyers the past 7 years fighting the EPA?"

After most of our "non-partisan local politicians "snubbed" Governor Kemp during his recent visit to Columbus, wonder if they will do the same when Jill Biden comes to Columbus Military Encampment today?

Online headline/story: "Warnock visits Columbus over weekend, defends women’s rights to make choices about their bodies and healthcare * Warnock is pro-choice, saying the decision is between a woman and her doctor." -- Hmmm... You would think a pastor would hope... guide... a woman contemplating an abortion to ask God for advice and support. Just another False-Prophet Ra-FAIL-ure Warnock moment.

A couple of questions I haven't heard answers to: "How many of Hunter Biden's paintings hang in the East Wing of the White House, the Biden house in Delaware, and PeLOUSY's home in California?" and "How many of the 87,000 new IRS agents will be assigned to dig into Hunter and Resident Biden's tax returns?"

It's interesting... well comical.. to hear Democrat Spinmeisters describe the conservatives as "Far Right"... Comical because compared to Biden, Bernie, Warnock, PeLOUSY, and AOC, most Democrats running for re-election like to claim to be CONSIDERED "Far Right".

Online headline: "Biden admits 'slight recession' could happen but says 'I don't anticipate it'" -- "Could happen"? Good grief... He'd be DISAPPOINTED if it didn't escalate! The entire Socialist-Democrat agenda depends on it!

Online headline: "Biden 'proud of' son Hunter, claims he is ‘on the straight and narrow’ amid potential criminal charges" -- Hmm .."proud of his son"? For what... Not tripping himself up any further? Or maybe he's proud Hunter has avoided implicating him any deeper in his business deals with China.

I don't know why Fetterman doesn't want Resident Biden on the Pennsylvania campaign trail with him every day.. With "Bidden" on the stage, Fetterman sounds like a "silver=tongued orator"..

From the "shades of Solyndra 2" department - Online headline/story: "Pink Energy goes dark in Georgia and across US * "I took Pink Energy’s word," Stancea said. "They came in and promised me the world. And I took it." * Stancea said the Pink Energy sales representative told him their system would replace his power bill and provide him backup battery power for his patients. He said he was assured the monthly payments to finance his system would be lower than his usual power bill. * But he realized only a partial savings at first — and that was when the system was working. * Stancea admitted he fell for Pink Energy’s slick sales pitch. * "I kick myself for that," he said. "I should have done more homework. And get at least 2-3 estimates." -- Should have gotten "2-3 estimates"? Next time he should get at least one estimate from a non-liberal source...

Online story: "So, what's the safest city in Georgia? Columbus . The city has a home and community safety score of 113, a natural disaster risk score of 38, and a financial safety score of 167. That makes Columbus' total score for safety 71.51. Overall, Columbus ranks 106 out of 182 cities in the United States." -- It's sad enough that Columbus is ranked in the lower portion of cities. but when you consider that Columbus is not reporting it's violent crimes to the FBI... claiming to be the safest city in GA is little more than a 'con'.

Online headline: "John Bolton says the U.S. needs to make it clear that Putin is 'signing a suicide note' if he uses nuclear weapons" -- Hmmm.. obviously, trying to blame Biden's woes on Trump isn't working so the MSM has pulled Bolton back out of storage to stir up liberals' angst!

Online headline/story: "Matthew McConaughey reflects on Uvalde * McConaughey noted he's "not a politician" and doesn't "speak their language," but sees where our elected officials are failing. * "It seems we have forgotten that our rights come with obligations — what's more, that our rights depend on our fulfillment of those obligations. To do nothing is more than irresponsible; it's un-American. Our firearm policy is failing us, and we are failing it." --Hmmm... McConaughey ALMOST got it right.. our rights do come with obligations....but he's barking up the wrong tree.. the right to be a citizen in our country has many obligations... obligations to to obey our Constitution and specific laws that we enact.. obligations to pay for crimes against our neighbors... and obligations to protect all law-abiding citizens rights... Ordinary law abiding American are not failing our Second Amendment..liberal politicians are though... Oh! Matthew.. you need to read the laws about what constitutes an "assault weapon",  and who can buy an "assault weapon".. It's not about being 21 to do so, but about passing an extensive background check amd getting a specific federal license to do so...

Online "headLIE": "Stuck with Walker, GOP leaders fly to Ga. to revive Senate hopes" -- Hmmm... the only thing GA... and the US for that matter is "STUCK" with is the possibility that "Pastor Ra-FAIL-ure WarLOCK" could go back to Washington for 6 long years!

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