Thursday, October 27, 2022

 Online headline: "Biden closes remarks on 'junk' fees: 'I appreciate the frustration of the American people'" -- Good grief! Sorry, Resident Biden.. telling American taxpayers "you feel their frustration" is not the same as Clinton telling them, "I feel your pain"! You, Resident Biden.. have CAUSED "their frustration"!

Now that Elon Musk is acquiring "Twitter", after he fires the 75% of biased employees, the next thing he needs to do is change the color of the little "left-leaning BLUE" Twitter Bird logo to emulate America's Red-White-Blue colors of our flag..

From the "maybe she needs to change her name" department - Online story: "High-powered attorney Gloria Allred held a press conference Wednesday introducing an unnamed woman who alleged that Herschel Walker, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Georgia, took her to an abortion clinic after she became pregnant with his child." -- What won't the Democrats do or say to win an election! The latest poll in the GA Senate race has brought out the Democrats' main assassin, Gloria Allred with another woman out of the blue claiming Herschel Walker had his way with her.. this is what the Democrats did unsuccessfully to Judges Bork, Thomas, and Kavanaugh trying to get them to now out of the process.. and it's not going to work again.. Allred may just find out she's put on an orange Tennessee jersey and is standing directly in Herschel Walker's way to the goal line. You know.. based on her history, and court rules governing what lawyers may or may not say in a court room, maybe Ms Allred needs to change her name to Ms All-BLUE!

From the "lady doth protest too much" department -  Online headline/story: "In a historic first, LGBTQ Americans will be on the ballot in all 50 states * “Voters are sick and tired of the relentless attacks lobbed against the LGBTQ community this year," Annise Parker, the president and chief executive of the Victory Fund and the former mayor of Houston, said in a statement. "Bigots want us to stay home and stay quiet, but their attacks are backfiring and instead have motivated a new wave of LGBTQ leaders to run for office." -- Maybe Ms Parker should LISTEN to herself... the fact that there ARE candidates of alternate lifestyles on ballots in ALL 50 States (plus D.C) pretty much undermines her charges that "bigots want us to stay home".

Talk about a picture being worth a 1,000 words!

Online headline: "Pennsylvania justices to determine if mail-in ballot envelopes need dates" -- Of course "DATES and ENVELOPES MATTER"... especially the date the US Post Office stamps on it, so envelopes have to be used... for date confirmation and.. and to make sure the ballots themselves haven't been altered or replaced after the voter has mailed it...

AZ Senator Mark Kelly said Republicans just talk about border security but don't do anything about it! Good grief... Republicans had little choice in getting what needed to be done because PeLOUSY controlled the House and stated she'd not give one dollar to build the "WALL"... and she didn't. Trump had to use his Commander-in- Chief's power to use money from his military to build what we do have!

Online headline: "Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot proposes city ordinance giving herself a raise" -- Hmm.. glad she's not asking Columbus GA Council for a raise... they'd give her one!

Facebook is desperate.... I got a text from them saying to respond and they could help me get back online. I responded with a resounding "No!", and added that "they" had contacted me on the same cell number that they said wasn't the one they had on their records wen I contacted them in November of 2020 to challenge their "ban" of my account.

From the "hmmm... now we know why Nick Wooten is no longer at the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer" department - Online news story: "Georgia reporter Nick Wooten has documented on Twitter how one such outlet, “The Columbus News,” swiped a story he wrote for the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, removed his name from it, and altered it to be directly critical of Brian Kemp, the state’s Republican governor." -- Guess Nick learned he can't report the truth about partisan politics in Columbus....

Well ..Geraldo has spoken ... He now thinks the GA early voting surge in numbers is reason enough to stop talking about "Jim Crow 2.0"... What it is time for, though, is truthful discussion about "Jim Crow 1.0"....This was a completely Democrat mission of the 20th Century.

Just looking at the history of the 2016 vs 2022 Senatorial races in Pennsylvania brings up an issue that hasn't been raised.... The Democrats ... nor MSM... didn't support candidate Katie McGinty near as solidly as they are Fetterman. What does this say to women voters in Pennsylvania?

WTVM-TV9 story: "COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM) - The Muscogee County School Board revised the district’s zoning issue, providing information and accepting input from the public. * Many of the parents attending the meeting at Northside High School expressed their concern about changing current attendance boundaries, which have been in place for more than 25 years. * Some telling district split neighborhoods create conflict in transportation routes and could lead to having multiple schools in one area." -- There's a simple enough solution... create/allow parental opportunity for neighborhood schools/choice, but schedule buses to use one school as its route. Give parents the option to choose to arrange their own children's transportation to the school they choose.

Yesterday, I made a point about the local school authorities focusing on "education Security" as their primary goals.. the last sentence had an "error" in it. It should have read: "School Board.. School Administration.. FOCUS on the MAIN ISSUES so the others AREN'T repeated again next generation!

Online headline: "Chinese chip maker fires all American workers * The Commerce Department said it was tightening export controls to limit China's ability to get advanced computing chips" -- Hmmm.... The Commerce Department is "tightening export controls"... wonder if that means not allowing Air Force 1 to fly into China?

From the "Hey... MSM.. are you listening?" department - Online headline: "Radio Silence Grows in Venezuela as Government Shutters Dozens of Stations" -- Becoming Venezuela has always been the Democratic Party's goal....

From the "Hey, John that green-eggs on your face?" department - Online headline/story: "Nova Scotia touted its huge ‘green’ energy plant. Turns out it’s powered by coal * In mid-September, the government of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia announced a blockbuster, 5bn-watt “green” hydrogen plant. * The plant was meant to deliver 200,000 tonnes of ammonia to Europe each year, without the use of fossil fuels. * Heading into November there is no prospect green power will be available by the time the EverWind Fuels facility begins operations * In fact, the project touted for its potential to convert wind-generated electricity into a badly-needed green product will be powered partly by coal, at least in its first years of operation." -- Hmmm what the eco-wackos feel looks good on paper doesn't look so good when they realize it's written on TOILET PAPER!

Online headline: "Hyundai breaks ground on $5.5B electric car plant in Georgia" -- Ellabell, GA?... Why not Columbus, GA?.. Maybe things would come Columbus' way if our "non-partisan" elected officials attended functions/trips to Columbus by the sitting governor...

Let's not let this drift away into oblivion! That US Supreme Court "draft" leak from last June, that is! Common Sense and just the fact that it hasn't been "revealed" or been under constant MSM "scrutiny" tells us it had to come from someone associated with the 3 liberal judges on the Supreme Court, but it's something that NEEDS to be exposed NOW... before the mid-term elections...

Wow! Walmart is closing ... permanently... it's ONLY facility in Pittsburgh... "Underperformance" is the "stated" reason, but I'm betting it's uncontrollable inventory losses that's the real issue.. A corporation the size of Walmart has plenty of expertise to turn around a store that has been run poorly, but be even Walmart cannot overcome losses caused by the increased losses of unprosecuted crimes. Walmarts does not take leaving a huge market like Pittsburgh callously.

Online headline/story: "CEO and founder of Hobby Lobby, David Green, announced Friday that he plans to give away ownership of Hobby Lobby. * “As an owner, there are certain rights and responsibilities, including the right to sell the company and keep the profits for yourself and your family. As our company grew, that idea began to bother me more and more. Well-meaning attorneys and accountants advised me to simply pass ownership down to my children and grandchildren. It didn’t seem fair to me that I might change or even ruin the future of grandchildren who had not even been born yet.” -- Hmmm ... putting it in a foundation "isn't giving it away".. it's just a way to reduce personal and inheritance tax liability... smart move with the Democrats in power!

WTVM-TV9 story: "COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM) - Columbus employees will be getting pay raises, but they won’t come until sometime next year. * The City council updated the Fountain City’s pay plan study. * After pay raise recommendations were suggested over the summer, employees were allowed the opportunity to submit appeals. * Less than 500 (wait a minute.. that's OVER 20% of City employees!) employees submitted appeals for corrections and received written responses. * “With those appeals, I can tell you that not all 400 plus employees were pleased with the recommendations that they received from Evergreen. * ‘I still don’t think this is right. I still want my job to be reviewed,” said Reather Hollowell, Columbus’s human resource director. * Hollowell says any employee still concerned about their pay raise recommendation has up to two years after the implementation of the plan to submit an appeal." -- "up to 2 years to appeal a pay level decision"? Good grief! It's up to the EMPLOYER to decide the worth of an employee, not the other way around! maybe a performance review of HR's director is needed now...

Online headline: "Libertarian candidate could upend Georgia's high-stakes Senate race" -- Hey... if you notice, most of the Warnock ads are aimed at getting people not to vote for Walker, not at voting "FOR" Warnock. Warnock knows that he can't get 50% + 1 in the General election, and hopes he can get Libertarians not to vote in the runoff like they didn't in the 2020 election runoff..

Online headline: " Columbus City Council considering adding city’s first entertainment district" -- If you really "parse" the issue... it's a self-dooming prophecy.. we could buy a drink in a universal container, then walk down the street and go into another bar or restaurant and enjoy it there where the atmosphere is better but the drinks cost more. This will lead to buying food from .. say.. a food truck, then taking it and our beer into a restaurant to eat it. Seriously, how can one allow people to take drinks etc OUT of a bar/grill but not allow people to take their drinks etc IN to a restaurant/grill?

From the "well, so much for building infrastructure when you have to cut corners because inflation has eaten up the value of your allotted purchasing dollars" department - Online headline/story: "1 dead, up to 3 injured after Missouri bridge collapses while under construction * The bridge has been closed since 2016. Construction began in May 2021, and it was set to reopen in early 2023." -- Yep.. when bid's are made for government projects, then corners get cut when inflation raises the prices on the stuff that was bid on to get the contract...This is on Resident Biden and the Democrats!

From the "you just can't make this stuff up" department - Poetic Justice has been ultimately defined! Online headline: "Florida attorney who opposed state helmet law dies in motorcycle crash while not wearing one"

Online headline: "No US-born Black players on expected World Series rosters" --
Talk about stirring up a pot for stirrings sake! Like all successful ventures, the absence of affirmative action raises the skill bar! Surely no one can contend that any Black player with superior skills was rejected by signing a lesser player of any color/race to be on either team..

Online headline: "U.S., allies warn decisive response if North Korea tests nuke" -- Whoop-de-woo! What's Resident Biden gonna do,, send Dennis Rodman and Bill Clinton back plus throw in Hellary for good measure?

Online headline: "A total lunar eclipse is coming Nov. 8. — a rare Election Day eclipse" -- How ironic... looks like a RED moon will shine on a RED night for America!

Thanks to one of our BCers, I recently found this out.. It's especially ironic considering that Adidas just cut ties with Kanye West.. Adolph ("Adi") and Rudolph Dassler were the founders of "Dassler Brothers" Sports Shoe Company in Germany, and in 1933, when Hitler came to power, both joined the Nazi Party.. Ironically, they sought out Jesse Owens prior to the 1936 Olympic games and got him to wear their shoes.. actually, it more was ironic since Hitler was out to convince the world that his German race was the superior of all races. Owens went on to win 4 Gold Medals. The brothers split their business in half a few years later with Rudolph eventually naming his company "Puma", while Adolph named his company "Adidas" which was a combination of his nickname and last names "Adi" & "Das".

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