Wednesday, November 30, 2022

 Resident Biden is getting criticized for his silence over protests in Iran and think about that... Why would Biden speak out to help the protesters? .. Iran and China represent the same concept of government that Biden strives for...all he needs now to achieve such is to eliminate our rights in our 2nd Amendment.

What is it with Apple CEO Tim Cook? Has China become Tim Cook's "puppet master"? I say this because Apple would not assist the FBI/DOJ with discovering the security pin number of a dead Islamic terrorist's iPhone because of its respect of users privacy, and now Tim Cook is threatening to end carrying the Twitter App in it's App Store because he doesn't respect all Apple users to voice their opinions that might differ from his own.

Online headline: "New York mayor orders NYPD and FDNY to intervene when someone is suffering a mental health crisis" -- hmmm...guess all NYPD and NYFD members will have to go back to med school to keep their jobs..

Online headline: "Air Force to unveil its new B-21 Raider stealth bomber Friday" -- Question... Why are we building new big jets to carry nuclear bombs when missiles stand on ready to deliver nuclear warheads.. with pinpoint accuracy... at the push of a button?

From the "who'da ever have thunk this" department - Online headline/story: "'A long time coming': EPA settles pollution case against Alabama solar farm after four years" * After four years of investigations and cooperation, the U.S. Department of Justice and the Environmental Protection Agency have settled with AL Solar, a solar farm in rural Alabama, over violations of the Clean Water Act. -- Wow.. so much for a perfect "green" energy source!. Hmm.. and to think our Columbus GS Water Works is also fighting the EPA .. for about 7 years now.. concerning our water discharges...
Note: the Alabama solar farm has since stabilized and come into compliance with the law.

Kadie the Cow was "successfully moved" to the Chattahoochee River Walk area yesterday.. let's see... in the 25 years, the river front has gone from "Save the Chattahoochee" to "Pave the Chattahoochee" to "Cartoon the Chattahoochee". Such is the life of the indigenous wildlife of the Chattahoochee...

Online story: "Tabetha G*** of Columbus (GA) 2025 talks about the process of adding vibrancy through art in the community and their plans for the end of 2022 and start of next year" -- You know, there was a time when painting on walls of buildings and public property was considered I guess it's just considered "no splash flail"...

I guess the White majority of the GA Democratic Party doesn't "feel" Herschel Walker fits their interpretation of "Black Enough".. but what these same Majority White GA Democrats do consider "acceptable" for "Black Enough" is a Black Senator/Pastor (Warnock) who doesn't practice the 10 Commandments in any aspect of his life, and a Congressman (Hank Johnson) who feels islands can TIP OVER if our military parks all its weapons and vehicles in one place.

You know, why are liberals abandoning Twitter? You would think that anyone with a legitimate and passionate opinion would welcome the...ANY.... opportunity to be able to address. ..challenge ..counter a competing point of view.. ... Hmmm...I think I've just exposed.. in a nutshell.. the problem libs have... no legitimate arguments to support or defend their opinions.

The New York Philharmonic now has a 45-44 female majority for the first time in its history. Liberals are, the big question.. is the Philharmonic the best it's ever been?

Fentanyl... I understand it all comes from China.. so why can't... doesn't.... Xi Jinping stop it from leaving, getting to Mexico where it's processed and packaged, and then sent into America? How big is the cash flow to China? Anyone have a clue as to how much "the Big Guy's 10%" amounts to?

So Venezuela will get rich off of our tax dollars....and New England, will get fuel oil... Hmmm.. what lengths will Schumer go to to keep Socialist Vermont Senator Bernie in line?

Online headline: "What car will Bradley Cooper drive in the 'Bullitt' reboot?"-- Hmm... I can predict that the remake needs a new name... Having enjoyed "Bullet" during it's first theater run, I can sense any remake 50+ years later should be named "BOMB".

Online headline: "Biden’s Secret Service rental vehicles burst into flames after he left Nantucket vacation" -- Hmmm.. 5 gas guzzlers imploded on Nantucket Island.. guess the Democrats are trying to speed up the elimination of fossil fuel vehicles in Blue States..

Online headline: "Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot filed her papers for re-election Monday. " -- Hmmmm... how could she sign an oath that she would protect Shicago citizens?

Online "headLIE" : ""CNN host Don Lemon appeared on "The Late Show" and claimed his network was never "liberal" -- Well... in a sick way, Lemon is right... compared to his period of CNN involvement, CNN wasn't as liberal as it is today...

Online headline: "Non-binary Biden nuclear official charged with stealing woman's luggage at airport" -- Hmmm.. guess "she-it" decided the luggage tags could "TRANS-ition" to his name on their own.

Online headline: "California plunges in state conservative rankings, CPAC study says" -- Whatta joke! Of course california has "plunged" in it's "conservative rankings"... Conservatives are justifiably migrating OUT of the California run by Newsom and PeLOUSY.

Online headline: "McConnell, McCarthy criticize Trump's dinner with white nationalist" -- Sounds like a pertinent fact has been "skirted".. that the "guest in question" was brought by Kanye West without Trump's knowledge... but I tell you what.. McConnell and McCarthy better learn to embrace Trump and his policies, or the Republican Party may become a 3rd or 4th level minor party like the Libertarians or Green Parties...

Now.. unfortunately.... more than two choices without a runoff system (and ranked choice is not such a system) is the death of Democracy... nowhere in the definition of Democracy is it stated that "Plurality Rules"!

Think about this... it's been over 3 weeks since the General Election.. and all the election results are not complete... every day late just makes it easier for fraud to perpetuate...

Online headline/story: "San Francisco will allow police to deploy robots that kill * The vote was 8-3, with the majority agreeing to grant police the option despite strong objections from civil liberties and other police oversight groups." -- Wow! Looks like there will be a sequel to the "Robocop" series...but there will need to be controls.. especially control on who PROGRAMS the Robocops... can you imagine if CA Governor Newsom or any Pelosi, or Shicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot "carries the football"... the "Robos" would be programmed to pick off Trump on sight, and any Black or Hispanic that registers as a Republican..

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