Tuesday, June 27, 2023

 If the GOP thinks a candidate other than Trump is worthy of leading America, the GOP should embrace Trump not appearing in the first GOP debate. To take advantage of the situation, the GOP "ground rules" should focus on prohibiting all the other wannabees from mentioning Trump's name... negatively or positively, and concentrate only on what their policies are/will be.

MSM will do anything to blame Republicans for failures among liberal entities.. After MSM spent tremendous time, energy... and money.. "blaming" DeSantis for Disney's cancellation of bringing a new division to Orlando... along with a couple of thousand new jobs... it's now revealed that Disney is in the process of ELIMINATING 7,000 OLD jobs... betcha MSM will find away to blame DeSantis for this, too.

Rumor has it that the DNC Presidential Primary Committee has new bumper stickers and campaign buttons that read, "Brandon... Let Go!".

---is paying no attention
Online headline: " Muscogee County GA board names new school despite controversy over selection process" -- Hmmm...while Judge Buckner is definitely a very worthy honoree, her sister should have recused herself from the naming power to remove the taint that will forever be remembered. When a committee overwhelmingly decides on a direction, and a sole person "vetoes" their choice, because she was selfish, then there should have been an opportunity for additional discussion and an opportunity to re-vote. Rushing the process, as the Board has done, makes the decision even more bitter when it should be a community celebration. Personally, Daisy Honor was another worthy .... and a wonderful consideration.. not honored.

Online headline: "Bud Light sponsors Toronto Pride parade attended by naked men, children" -- I take it back... "bud ....light" just lost its opportunity to win back its consumers with an apology for its naming Dylan Mulvaney as the "face" of "bud....light"... Guess their next cans will have pictures of Mulvaney's genitalia on them.

Online "headLIE": "Jean-Pierre claims 'Americans feel better' about finances under Biden: 'What world is she living in?'" -- Good grief! Karine Jean-Pierre's job has become abundantly clear.. truth does not matter... she only supplies CNN & MSNBC "talking points" to divert attention and stories away from all the many Biden family scandals.

Online headline/story: "College (St. Philip's College in San Antonio, Texas) allegedly fired biology professor for teaching sex was determined by chromosomes X and Y * Four students reportedly walked out of the professor's class when he stated that sex was determined by X and Y chromosomes. -- Good grief! The college should have its accreditation revoked, and the college be held responsible for all student loans taken out by attendees!

Online story: "ATLANTA — Georgia will receive $1.3 billion out of a $42 billion nationwide federal investment in broadband expansion, the largest in U.S. history, the Biden administration announced Monday." -- Something Warnock had nothing to do with... Senators do not initiate spending bills.. that's a privilege reserved for the House... Warnock just LIES! Ossoff, too!

Good grief... When Biden took office, the GDP was growing at over 6%... Today .. and for the last 4 quarters, the. growth rate has been stagnant at 1%... Even Canada's GDP is cruising at 3% and China at 5%...

From the "that's our story, and we're sticking to it "department -- Hmm.. let's parse Resident Biden's claim.. his claim he had no idea what his son's business deals were. Now,, the known facts.. Hunter Biden was a drug-addicted, womanizing lout.. imagine world leaders in other countries making deals with Hunter based on Hunter's personal life which pretty much made him unreliable ... undependable.. I don't think any of them would put much faith in Hunter Biden's "word" ... unless... unless his dad, a sitting.. then former VP.. who became President ... had personally vouched for whatever Hunter promised to those world leaders.. Hey, Merrick Garland... you, too, Christopher Wray... CASE CLOSED! Do your job for the American people ... and all our allies. YOU TOO,, CNN & MSNBC!

Online headline: "Nancy Pelosi endorses term limits for Supreme Court justices
" -- Hmmmm... I sorta agree with PeLOUSY... America does need a system of term limits... but for Representatives and Senators...not Justices... now, I do favor some sort of age limit for the Justices... and Congress as well. PeLOUSY also feels her agenda as speaker was good for America... guess all those face lifts must have squeezed her working brain cells to the point of flushing out her intelligence cells.

Online headline/story: "Chinese nationals crossing US border with 'really disturbing' intentions, expert warns * A foreign policy expert is sounding the alarm over China-state nationals seeping through the U.S. border at alarming rates. * A foreign policy expert is sounding the alarm over China-state nationals seeping through the U.S. border at alarming rates. * Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., claimed last week that "10,000-plus" Chinese nationals have been apprehended in fiscal year 2023, "a massive 300% increase" from the year prior. * "I think that we're going to see acts of sabotage, assassinations, detonation of bombs, starting wildfires," Chang argued. "And the Biden administration is paying no attention to this at all." -- "Biden administration is paying no attention to this at all"? What BS! I imagine Resident Biden knows EXACTLY how many Chinese Nationals have been smuggled in... that's the only way he can collect his "10% Big Guy share"..

Online story: "An immigration watchdog group recently estimated that there are nearly 17 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States; and that the number has increased by 16% since President Biden took office in early 2021." -- Hmmm even without being a citizen or eligible to vote, 17,000,000 KNOWN non-Americans effects 22 House of Representative members, and "proper placement" of them can alter even more House seat results...

Looking at the new Alabama House district map proposed to comply with court orders, 2 of the districts stretch from west-to-East border lines.. Surely this is worse gerrymandering than the original proposals...

Online headline: 'Online story: "An immigration watchdog group recently estimated that there are nearly 17 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States; and that the number has increased by 16% since President Biden took office in early 2021." -- Hmmm even without being a citizen or eligible to vote, 17,000,000 KNOWN non-Americans effects 22 House of Representative members, and "proper placement" of them can alter even more House seat results...

Online headline: "What the shocking Nation’s Report Card scores reveal about Catholic schools" -- This is not about Catholic vs Public schools...it's about all private schools that encourage parents to participate in their children's education process versus government controlled schools that discourage parental involvement in their children's education.

Online headline: "Trans man says he feels discriminated against by LGBTQ+ community for giving birth" -- Even the trans-community feels if you're gonna claim to be a "man" you have to stop being a woman.. XX≠XY.... if "he" delivers the baby from "his" genitalia canal, let me know... that would be newsworthy ...

Online headline: "Georgia Senator Jon Ossoff opens Columbus GA constituent services office" -- There may be hope for Columbus yet... one of my "fly on the wall" friends noted that Mayor Skip was not in attendance for the "ribbon cutting". Of course, the way I see it, why does a US Senator set up a local office when his focus should be on the states' needs and issues as a whole?

Online headline: "Black Americans Are Leaving Northern and Western Cities in Droves" -- Black migration from Blue Cities will be for naught if they don't leave their voting habits/loyalty behind. It's the Socialist-Democrat controlled government agenda that has created the quagmire causing the collapse of Blue Cities and states. Hopefully, these are the :WOKE" that have truly been AWAKENED by the chains the Democrats' agenda has placed upon them..

Online headline: "City of Columbus GA: Still no approved financial budget" -- Hmmm... looks like all the slinking around on the values of the properties owned by Columbus Apartment Venture & Columbus 44 & Columbus Creek Holdings (and I'm sure other properties are being juggled by others) not being "settled" because of "Pending Appeal" status now has Columbus GA Council "hoisted by it's own petard"... Councilor Tucker should be careful expressing her "crocodile tears concern" for increased millage rates since she's gotten herself totally exempt from any local property taxes since she was elected.

Online headline: "If this Delaware senator wins a US House seat, she’ll be the 1st trans member of Congress" -- Hmmm... well, I for one, hopes "she-it" does get elected... maybe the real women of Congress will get a first hand "look" at sharing their bathroom with "her".

Online headline: 'Supreme Court to Hear Case That Could Block Democrats’ Plans to Tax the Rich" -- Hmmm.. After the Hunter Biden IRS flimflam, it looks like the Democrats "blew the whistle" on themselves for creating a double standard for considering wealthy Democrats exempt from being taxed as wealthy non-Democrats.

Online headline: "CPD investigating a deadly single-vehicle crash on I-185 ramp on Manchester Expressway" -- looks like the numbers have moved upward again... 21 weapon homicides, 13 vehicular homicides, 2 found bodies still being "classified", and that collection of human bones..

Online headline: "Neo-Nazi Hate at Georgia Shul Spurs Goodness and Kindness" -- Hmmm.. 12 stupid people... and MSM gives them an audience and news presence... MSM is stupid also.

Online headline: "Three archeology mysteries that may finally be solved in 2023 – including lost Egyptian queen" -- you know, when buried or underwater cities are discovered, doesn't it mean Earth experienced what today's liberal proclaim as "man induced Climate Change" thousands of years before the internal combustion engine and fossil fuels were added to the mix? Hmmm... maybe the "Climate Change" group needs a new name change... I recommend "Chicken - The Sky is Falling! The Sky is falling - Little".

Online headline: " ‘For The Ancestors’: Video Shows Black American Women Twerking At Ghana’s Historic Slave Trading Post" -- How slave traders treated our ancestors? She wasn't suggesting the Ghana slave merchants were all non-Ghanans, was she?

Online headline: 'Meet The Only Career .400 Hitter In Baseball History" -- One important thing has to be considered.. and that's the consistency of scorekeepers presence, decisions, and accuracy in the Negro Leagues..... Cobb's are verifiable..

Online headline: "This Columbus woman gives former Visitor Center a new life supporting local providers" -- Interesting... maybe even ironic...... that with all the emphasis on vendors being "local" and connected with "Co", General Benning was a local person, while General Moore is not..

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