Thursday, February 13, 2020

From the "how to distinguish fact from opinion, bias, and half-truths" department - Online story: "Legal experts and former federal prosecutors say the Justice Department’s reversal of the sentencing recommendation for President Trump’s former campaign adviser is an extraordinary development that could have a long-term impact on public perception of federal law enforcement’s independence from political interference." -- When an unnamed source combines unnamed sources with "could, can, may, or possibly", then the statement or story is published as a political hit piece, and it's not a disclosure or evidence.
Here's another from the "how to distinguish fact from opinion, bias, and half-truths" department political hit piece headline: "Trump is elevating judges who could gut the Voting Rights Act" -- See that.. "could gut"...this is just pure BS from the Socialist-Democrats agenda playbook.. when you don't have facts on your side, inject innuendo.
Question: Under ObamaCRAP, same sex married married couple had to have maternity coverage ... why?
Why does Biden feel that hanging around South Carolina for the next two weeks is going to help him? With his history for alienating voters with his gaffes, Biden may get ZERO percent of the SC black vote by primary day.
Roger Stone was convicted  of lying to Congress and obstruction of Congress.  Hmmmm , is it just me , but isn't that exactly what PeLOUSY, Schi**, and Nadler did? 
Online headline: "VENEZUELAN FORCES SHOOT PROTESTERS DEMANDING AID" -- Venezuela? Why am I feeling I should know something about Venezuela... Oh! I remember.. Venezuela is the example Bernie uses to describe his vision for America, and Maduro, the lingering despot, must have been inspired by the way Bloomberg decided he wanted a third term as NYC's mayor even though there was a term limit law for two-terms.
Will somebody please explain this term used at Columbus Council: City Manager's Millennial Roundtable? As I read it, "The CMMR is organized like a legislature and will help provide ideas for future changes in operations in the city.", all I could think about was a "Star Chamber" where decisions would be made without public or Council scrutiny or input. That, or a government running around in circles.
Oh, and about replacing barbed wire fencing at 11 watershed locations and 8 are visible  from private homes (a great value enhancement... NOT!).. Hmmm... I guess the City Manager's attitude that this is "OK" explains why there are 19 businesses on Veterans Parkway between River Road and 13th Street that have barbed and/or concertina razor wire visible to citizens and visitors alike as they cruise through the middle of Columbus. Of course, the Mayor's "solution"... another SPLOST project... is at best "iffy", as there is no reason to believe the citizens of Columbus will accept such a 10-year tax  on top of all the other taxes we face.
With two events in the book, and no one  Democrat garnering more than 25% of just the Democrat vote, how can any one of them feel, much less CLAIM, he/she is the party front-runner?
Question: "Why us Biden...the DNC, for that matter, still smiling?
Biden? Looks like the liberals efforts at erasing history  have come back and bitten them in the butt. There's a time to stop beating a dead horse,  but more importantly, there's a time in a race to get off the dead horse. 
Online headline: "Tomlinson: Senator Perdue is vulnerable" -- Vulnerable? To what.. winning BIGGER Than last time?.. Of course, a headline stating "Tom-LYING-son has no concept of the truth" is a much truer headline.
Online story: "Supreme Court Justice and Georgia native Clarence Thomas said the judicial branch serves to keep all three branches of government  –  including itself – in line. But, he said, as part of this responsibility, judges can’t be swayed by their personal beliefs or opinions “Each time a judge sidesteps or manipulates the law to achieve his or her desired outcome, the rule of law suffers and is undermined and eventually compromised,” Thomas said." -- Hmmm... man did he nail Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer!
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline: "Fort Benning not chosen for Army leadership HQ" - Wow.. Imagine that, Kentucky, home of Trump supporters McConnell and Rand.. beating out liberal nest Columbus.. Of course, we probably came in second place.. the 3rd choice was New York... home of Schumer and Nadler..

Online headline: "Klobuchar: Mandatory gun buybacks is not gun confiscation" -- Good grief... and Jews being forced to live and work in a Concentration Camp was choice, not incarceration, because it was called a "camp". While "words" do matter.. BRAINS.. or lack of them, matter most!

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