Thursday, February 6, 2020

Hey.. PeLOUSY.. you too, Nadler/Schi**... Schmoozer...Acquittal is FOREVER! .. So's EMBARRASSING yourselves on NATIONAL TV!

The DNC did two things by with the Chaotic Iowa Caca.. they covered up that the Iowa popular vote took an extreme "dip" from 2016, and covered up the Biden got ZERO delegates.. so technically, Biden is not a political opponent of Trumps, and the basis of the Impeachment Charges was MOOT!
With the recording of the Senators' vote on the House impeachment charges, the 7 Democrats who are past/active candidates, became guilty of what they were voting on concerning President Trump....interfering with an opponent in the 2020 election.
Online "headLIE": "96% of Iowa precincts are reported, but there's still no caucus winner; Buttigieg, Sanders neck and neck — updates" -- "still no caucus winner"? Good grief! Trump won by a landslide!
From the "wait a minute" department - Online story: "Thursday showed the former mayor's state delegate equivalent lead down to 3 over the Vermont senator. Sanders, meanwhile, maintained a lead of more than 2,000 votes in the final alignment popular vote. * The partial results could be closer: Buttigieg has 26.2% of state delegate equivalents, while Sanders has 26.1%." -- Good grief! All we heard from the left was that the "popular vote" was more indicative than the Electoral College System.. Some state are even saying that their "delegate votes" should go to the NATIONAL Popular Vote Winner,, Looks like just within the Democrat Caca that Bernie should get all the Iowa delegate, but to be technical.. all the Iowa delegates should be given to TRUMP.. he had the most popular votes in Iowa!
Online headline: "Juan Williams: Trump impeachment shows Americans 'we have a corrupt president' who 'got away with it'" -- Hmmm.. how about some clarity here , Williams.. I'm not sure whether you mean Obama/Biden or Clinton/Gore...
Bernie Madoff is sick....and wants out of jail.....Good grief..a man who milked people out of their life savings with unverified sweet talk now wants people "to trust " him when he says he sick...not in my book!
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline: "Ledger-Enquirer names two new editorial leaders" -- Hmmm I guess "Thing 1" will get Page 1, and "Thing 2" will get Page 2..
Online headline: "Polar pastor: Jimmy Carter’s preacher to advise Trump" -- Hmmm... a smart man......attaching himself to a President who keeps promises and gets things DONE!
Mutt Romney should be real concerned about his political future...when he's woken up in the morning and saw A Dam Schi** sleeping next to him... Wonder how Mormon's view that sight...
As I listened to Upchuck Schmoozer rant his last plea of pious bullsh*t prior to the Senate vote, and I wondered where was Congressman Joe Wilson was when we need him to stand up and set Schmoozer straight....we needed a "YOU LIE" to ring out loudly to the the lies we just were subjected to by Schmoozer.
Online headline: "Rob Reiner insults Rush Limbaugh after Donald Trump awarded radio host Presidential Medal of Freedom" -- Archie Bunker was spot on.. - he called him "Meathead". Hey, Archie,, ya' NAILED IT!
Mutt Romney and Doug Jones are attached at the lip! Anytime you feel you have to convince your conscience you're doing the right thing for the right reason, then you probably aren't.
Looks like the DNC may have their Presidential "dream team" already picked out..well three possibilities.. "Biden-Schi**", or more "Hellary-Schi**", or "Bootygig-Schi**".
Oh....another possible Democrat presidential combo..."Mitt-Schi**" or "Schi**-Romney".
Hmmm...Nadler/Schi** say they are going to make up some more evidence and go after Trump after he's acquitted.. how? They won't be able to charge him with the two charges he'll be acquitted of.....that would be "Double Jeopardy", and they won't be able charge him with election interference, because by the end of this week, the Democrat voter base will have already eliminated Creepy Joe as a political opponent, so that fact has fizzled. So...what will be their "hook"?
Doug Jones, D-AL, says he will "reluctantly" vote for conviction.. Hmmm know, if he's "reluctant" , it means he's listening to Schumer, not the evidence or his constituency. Jones just said he doesn't think that the House proved guilt by a preponderance of evidence, much less without doubt, so his vote is a violation of his oath to support our Constitution. He should be tried as a traitor!
From the "truth over fact will set you free" department - Online headline/story: "'I'm not going anywhere,' Biden says after poor showing in Iowa * Biden, who bills himself as the most electable Democratic candidate to take on Republican President Donald Trump" -- Oh? Is striking out with the bases loaded... and picking up ZERO delegates something that indicates Biden has any momentum? He did get one thing right... about him being the
most electable of the Democrats.. but technically, since NONE are electable.. Biden is also the least electable as well.
Columbus L-E headline: "Pelosi shreds Trump’s speech, provoking an uproar" -- Hey.. PeLOUSY.. you too, Nadler/Schi**... Schmoozer...Acquittal is FOREVER! .. So's EMBARRASSING yourselves on NATIONAL TV!
Ronald Reagan would be celebrating his 109th b'day today!
Columbus L-E headline/story: "Leadership Institute at Columbus State announces Forum speakers for 2020 * Instead of the traditional conference dinner followed at 8 p.m. by the keynote speaker — who hasn’t been announced — that address will begin at 5 p.m. Then attendees will use a meal voucher for dinner at a downtown Columbus restaurant, spreading the economic impact of the conference to more local business owners." -- "attendees will use a meal voucher for dinner at a downtown Columbus restaurant, spreading the economic impact of the conference to more local business owners"? Good grief.. oh.. spreading the attendees around is a better idea than having them "mingle" and "brainstorm" ideas they heard together... not in my book...


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