Monday, February 10, 2020

The Democrats have a lot more to worry about in 2020 than even the DNC possibly considered.. there were more jokes in the Oscars warm-up jokes about Democrats than Trump.
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline: "Van plows into GOP voter registration tent in Florida" -- Hmmm and if circumstances been reversed..and it was at a Stacey Abrams registration event.. alternative headline: "Trump supporter tries to influence 2020 election"...
The Democratic Party gas really come apart at the's always tried to claim itself as the party of "inclusion and tradition", but after the SOTU snubs and Iowa Caca, the Dems have shown us "confusion and contrition".
You know, the Republicans campaign strategy should entail clips of Democrats promising crime and process reforms that never get carried out, followed by Trump promises.. followed by him with signed Bill's and Executive Orders.
From the "are you ready for this" department - Online headline/story: "Iran fails to put satellite into orbit due to low speed * he launch happened at Imam Khomeini Spaceport in Iran’s Semnan province, * A Simorgh, or “Phoenix,” rocket couldn't put the Zafar 1 communications satellite into orbit, however, due to a low speed, Iranian state TV reported." -- Are you ready? Drum roll, please... Iran can no longer "get it up"!
I have a question about New Hampshire Biden supporters: Has the Democrat Party been keeping these folks locked in a closet the last 9 months so they aren't aware of Biden's conditions or regressions so they go to events with no clue of who he is?
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "Anti-fascist protest in Oregon leads to 3 arrests, suspect sought for defacing war memorial * Antifa, still showed up even though police said the original event was scrapped." -- Hmmm the "impetus" for Antifa "was rumored to be a Ku Klux Klan white supremacy rally at a downtown park." but was scrapped.. so.. guess this means the Antifa showed up on it's own to "dis" our military and law enforcement because they could...Believe me, these WERE NOT Civil War era memorials that were graffiti-ed with anti-cop sentiments.
Online headline: "Sanders: 'Common sense suggests' Buttigieg would be compromised by wealthy donors" -- Hmmm... and even MORE Common Sense says that America's future will be compromised.. slaughtered ... by a Sanders' presidency.
Online headline: "Second New York City police officer shot inside precinct following 'ambush' attack on patrol van" -- Good grief.. sounds like NYC mayor de Blasio has hired Quinton Tarantino as his political strategist and going INTO Police Buildings is his strategy to get crime OFF the streets.
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline: "Trump claims Pelosi broke the law by ripping up his State of the Union speech. That's false." --- Hmmm Let's see, Queen PeLOUSY vandalized a government issued, taxpayer funded document, and violated rules of decorum in the House, and NBC jumps to defend her inappropriateness, yet when President Trump took American taxpayers' interests first, as is part of his sworn oath of duty, NBC. et al,"convicted" President Trump out of the pure hatred bias of the Socialist movement/agenda of the left.
Online headline/story: "Nevada union warns members of Sanders, Warren health plans * The casino workers’ Culinary Union, a 60,000-member group made up of housekeepers, porters, bartenders and more who work in Las Vegas' famed casinos, began distributing leaflets in employee dining rooms this week that push back against “Medicare For All,” the plan from Sanders and Warren to move to a government-run health insurance system." -- I still haven't figured out why Union leadership is pro-Democrat. Under new tax laws, corporations are flourishing, as are workers, and with corporations being flush with capital,, and soaring growth, Union leadership should be ecstatic with negotiation opportunities they've never experienced under Democratic Party leadership.
You know, Democrats can't even run a traditional caucus efficiently to see who the majority of Democrats actually support, yet are convinced they all can... and must... rally behind the whomever the Party pick is in November, despite showing they only have one bond for demonstrating unity... and that's hatred of success and prosperity for the America's citizens. That's like deciding to build a house, but without having... or knowing to use...... nails to secure the framework before putting the walls and roof on.
From the "Big Bad Wolf admission of of futility" department - Online headline: "Dems demand Twitter, Facebook take down edited video of Pelosi ripping up State of the Union speech posted by Trump" -- Good grief.. these are the same people who feel they can "huff and puff and blow the White House down", and now hey feel they can bully private businesses that are reaping the success of an efficient Trump economic plan.. as Ellen might add... "yeah.. right"
From the "walls of Jericho" department - Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline/story: "Cracks begin to appear in Biden’s Carolinas firewall * The Carolinas, particularly South Carolina, have long been considered a firewall for Joe Biden in his race for the Democratic presidential nomination. * A poll this week in South Carolina found the former vice president still ahead in the state’s Feb. 29 primary, though his once wide lead had narrowed dramatically * And a North Carolina survey released Thursday showed Biden’s lead shrinking as well. * And a North Carolina survey released Thursday showed Biden’s lead shrinking as well." -- Basically, Queen PeLOUSY's impeachment finally nailed someone for their actual crimes...
Online headline: "Bloomberg Says The Midwest Isn't Intelligent Enough To Understand Trans Rights" -- Heh heh heh... Hmmm.. Bloomberg has just learned that what he considers "fly-over" country is, more importantly, country you can't "buy over"...
70 years ago today (Sunday), Senator Joe McCarthy charged that the State Department was riddled with Communists! Slowly .. but surely,, we have come to realize he was right!
Columbus L-E headline: "Key takeaways from Democratic debate in New Hampshire" -- Yeah.. Dems took away the keys to the White House for all it's candidates!
Columbus L-E headline: "Thai police searching for soldier after mall shooting" -- Hey, Columbus L-E.. the search was over yesterday. He's been dead since!
Columbus L-E commentary headline/content: "The Founding Fathers didn’t want untouchable president * BY JOHN A. TURES * One of the debates that occurred during the impeachment trial was whether or not the Founding Fathers wanted a strong presidency with more power than other branches, or a separation of powers with checks and balances between the legislature, executive and judicial branches." -- Good grief.. What the Founding Father's DIDN'T want was personal agenda clouding the interpretation of what they meant.. They constructed a tri-structured government with none having the ability to circumvent either of the other two branches, but the Democrat House tried it's best, and even added neutering the minority interests within it's own chamber which is but one-half of the Legislative Branch.. The House Democrats ignored the Supreme Court by not allowing it to have a stance at deciding on the President's Executive Powers, and it made every effort to deny the President his Constitutional Rights as an American citizens as well. What the House Democrats did was an out-and-out attempted coup! Even worse, is mainstream media was sucked into ignoring it's obligation to the First Amendment ... to report the truth...
From the "using the impeachment sham to cover agenda" department - Online headline/story: "House OKs bill letting illegal immigrants (Note: illegal aliens are not immigrants in any sense of the word) seek damages from employers * House lawmakers on Thursday passed a bill that would allow illegal immigrants to be eligible for damages from their employer if their labor rights are judged to have been violated -- while rejecting a measure that would prevent unions from recruiting those in the country illegally." -- Good grief! Illegal aliens aren't supposed to be able to get jobs legally in the US! Now we see what PeLOUSY has been up to.. she knows this will never pass the Senate or President's desk, but it does patronize illegals in California who are not screened from voting and it's a token to unions.. Wanna bet this passed completely with only Democrat votes?
From the "that's not how I read it" department - Online headline: "Democratic debate in New Hampshire: 5 takeaways" -- "5 takeaways"? Just 5 takeaways? From what I saw and heard, take'em ALL away... in fact.. takeaway a couple of them in straight jackets..
Bernie now freely admits his climate change plan will cost American jobs. Whatta great platform.......NOT!
Bernie Sanders just totally dissed the Iowa Democratic Party... to the MAX! This is probably the earliest concession to Trump in the last 2 elections.
I heard Mick Jagger is doing Part 2 of his tour thus summer.. Good grief, the man's older than me.. who wants to ruin a great memory of youth by seeing him now? Who wants to see " OLD grown men cry"?
Some have suggested that President Trump should apologize to PELOUSY. Good grief! All that would do would encourage her and MSM-13 that Trump has weakened, and stepping up their personal attacks will be vindicated.
While driving up River Road, I mentioned to my bride that the bottle brush cellphone tower "tree" foliage seemed thinner than it use to be,, without missing a beat she replied.. "Well, it is winter."
Donna Brazile needs to go back to school and learn her US Geography.. On a Fox News story she referred to the New Hampshire primary is in the Gra-NiTE' state rather than the "GRAN'-ite" State.
No matter how hard the Democrats and MSM-13 try to build up job growth of the last 3 years of Obama's without mentioning many..probably MOST of the new jobs were second part time jobs people were taking as employers cut back jobs to 30 hours to avoid the mandatory insurance coverage for full time employees.
Great employment numbers...AGAIN! New jobs more than predicted, but the rise in unemployment to 3.6 is a better indicator as it shows more people are re-entering the job markets! And even with half-a-million more job seekers out there, there are still more jobs AVAILABLE than there are seekers!
Bill Hemmer surprised WV Senator Joe Manchin and caught him flatfooted. Manchin tried to justify his double "guilty " votes, but Hemmer ask him how he got there when just hours earlier Manchin was out advocating that a "censure" decision would be more appropriate.
From the " it may be happening" department - Rumors are already flying... as suggested, talk about a Romney-Schi** ticket for the Democrats in 2020 are floating around.
Did you notice? Notice that Democrats are more upset at what happened in Iowa on 2-11-20 than what happened in NY on 9-11-01...
Writing this at 3:00 PM Friday.. just finished 3 hours of Rush Limbaugh..don't usually listen except when in my car, but today I tuned in on my "I❤radio" app and carried it with me as I ate lunch and got my hair cut. It was the first day I've heard him since his cancer announcement.. he sounded great...continue with your prayers for him.
Did you see where Democrat candidates are desperate for more money following their huge..and wasted..expenditures in Iowa's fiasco. Let's parse that...I see it as just typical Democrat ineptness in examining problems and efficient distribution of assets.
Looks like there's an internal movement to remove Tom Perez as head of the DNC...Guess he's not on the Hellary team.
Wow.. more info on "Shadow Inc" sheds new info... and perhaps the Iowa fiasco was the intended result.. Shadow Inc was started by former Hellary campaign techies... and Shadow Inc, was funded through A C R O N Y M which was pretty much funded by George Soros, and Shadow Inc personnel are connected to Mayor Pete.. Even the "soaps" can't make this up...
Good grief...Bloomberg spinmeister are trying to make Bloomberg a sympathetic candidate because he was "fired" from his job in 1981 and built his own company by the seat of his britches. The truth is that he was a partner at Salomon Brothers, and when it was bought out, he was "laid off" with a severance package of $10 MILLION as a partner. His is a not a Horatio Alger story.
You know...all the Democrat politicians... and liberal donors for that matter, heralding the "New Green Deal" movement, should make a public announcement to forgo all forms of private transportation...especially airplanes.
Online headline/story: "The Jolt: Tomlinson says of her Senate Democratic rivals — ‘this isn’t their race’ * At a stop in Brunswick this week, former Columbus Mayor Teresa Tomlinson said her two Democratic rivals – Sarah Riggs Amico and Jon Ossoff – shouldn’t be viewed in the same lens as her bid. * She acknowledged that she supported Ossoff’s bid for Georgia’s 6th District in 2017 and Amico’s campaign for lieutenant governor a year later “because I want Democrats in office.” * “But with all the respect I have for them, this isn’t their race. But I’m going to tell you why. With the respect I have for them, I’m going to tell you why. You can’t beat an incumbent senator unless you have won hard-fought elections. Unless you have governed and governed well. Unless you had a body of accomplishment and experience. So I’m going to talk to you about the fact that I’ve won two hard-fought elections.” -- "won hard fought elections"?... "v have governed and governed well"? Good grief! ex-2-time mayor Queen TT Tom-LYING-son "still points her finger at the woman in the mirror" and doesn't see herself...If she though winning two elections as mayor in a hard core liberal voting area was "tough" she doesn't understand politics at all. She left office with Bike Trails and Doggie Runs in a lot better shape than Columbus' roads, and whittled away at the City Fund Balance which could cost us dearly in future bond issues going to be needed to "fix" the Government Center she left in shambles. Oh! And ask her if Synovus has asked for the campaign loan repayment since Synovus is now backing Sen Perdue?
Online headline/story: "Cuomo to sue Trump administration over banning New Yorkers from ‘trusted traveler’ programs * In a statement Friday, Cuomo’s office called it a “politically motivated ban,” after Department of Homeland Security officials said the move is in response to New York’s recently enacted sanctuary "Green Light Law" that allows residents to apply for driver's licenses without having to prove they are in the U.S. legally." -- Good grief.. the whole purpose of the "trusted traveler" driver's licenses program was to allow AMERICAN Citizens to "move about America" as they wished without extreme efforts.. giving the same rights to illegal aliens just took away American citizens' safety. Could this Cuomo be the real "Fredo".. or Fredo's dumber brother?
Online "headLIE"/story: "CNN slammed for Trump, Comey fact-checker gaffe: ‘Unacceptable for a news organization’ * CNN came under fire on Thursday when its in-house fact-checker reported President Trump “falsely claims former FBI Director James Comey admitted to leaking” when the liberal network had reported otherwise, and Comey, in fact, had admitted to leaking." -- "fact checker gaffe: unacceptable for a news organization"? "news organization"? You know, this will be the loophole that CNN uses to avoid responsibility for it's actions.. CNN lost the claim of being a "news organization" a long time ago.
You know.. the GOP leadership in the Senate need to find suitable office space and jobs for Romney for the next 5 years.. (assuming a failed "recall" quest by Utah voters). Maybe Maybe "Chair" of the Capitol's bathroom's "throne rooms".
Online headline.. : "Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal" -- Seriously,,, this is news? Besides. he wasn't "fired" he was reassigned to another NSC position... even though he SHOULD have been fired.
Online headline/story: "New York man attacked by MS-13, who was set to testify against them, found dead * A New York man willing to testify against MS-13 members who attacked him in 2018 was found dead earlier this week after his identity was disclosed to defendants’ attorneys in pre-trial proceedings, police say. * last December, ahead of looming changes to New York’s criminal justice system, including reforming the pre-trial discovery phase – during which prosecutors reveal evidence to the defense for preparation – the judge in the case issued a new order. * It allowed “for the disclosure of the protected information to defense counsel,” Newsday reports. The judge’s order, it added, required attorneys for two defendants not to reveal Rodriguez' s name to their clients until the trial’s start date of Jan. 6. * however... the trial was delayed * We don’t know if the defense counsel turned that information over to the defendants, but we do know that right after that time period… started this pattern of intimidation,” Ryder said. He told reporters Wednesday that another witness on the case was shot at in New Cassel on Jan. 30. * On February 1st, 2020, Wilmer, our now victim, deceased, was also beaten on and he escaped from there,” Ryder said. “Then on February 2nd, we found Mr. Rodriguez’s body.”" -- Good grief... the defense attorneys' and the judge that didn't re-issue a non-disclosure order to the defense attorneys after the trial was delayed should be charged with aiding and abetting these crimes. Thank God, President Trump has banned NY driver's licenses from giving carriers :trusted travel" status!
Seriously,,, does Mutt Romney really feel that MSM-13 feels he's now a hero? Maybe someone should remind him how MSM-13 felt when he was running against Obama? MSM-13's "hero-worship" only applies to people who are supporting their purge against a common enemy.. in this case President Trump... but that within the MSM-13 world, their hero-worship of him ends the moment Romney falters or Trump leaves office.
From the "hypocrisy" department - Online headline: "Biden: Trump ‘should be pinning a medal on Vindman’" -- Hmmm.. I guess Creepy Joe should be asked why he didn't "pin" a medal on Ukraine prosecutor Viktor Shokin rather than pinning his ears back via quid pro quo ...
Seriously,, why would any talk show host book Hellary to comment on anything anymore, but even more-so to comment on Trump's acquittal?
You know.. why would Hellary even suggest that any other politician be held accountable when she is one that has more justified reasons to be "held accountable" pending,,,
Excuse me, but I was more offended by J-Lo's "morals malfunction" of touching her genitalia intentionally than I was about Janet Jackson's intentional "wardrobe malfunction".
You know.. with Democrats failing at bringing Trump down via public abuse of the office of the President, we have to expect them to try something more desperate.. and probably violent. Without a moral.. or business .. compass to find a path to the White House, desperate Democrats are capable of our worst nightmares. Pray for President Trump's safety!
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline/story: "Fort Benning could be a new headquarters for Army leadership * Fort Benning is one of three finalists to become a new Army leadership headquarters — a move that could bring more than 600 soldiers to the area. * Other finalists for the designation are Fort Knox in Kentucky and Fort Drum in New York, according to Perdue’s office." -- Ft Benning, GA, Ft Knox , KY, and Ft Drum, NY.. hmmm... I'd say we have at least a 50-50 shot at it.. combined with Senators McConnell and Perdue's unwavering support of President Trump, and Schumer/Nadler's lying and whining, I figure NY is out of the picture. Now we will have to see if Columbus' liberal political leanings work against us as Hellary got about 60% of the vote in 2016..
Columbus L-E headline: "Columbus lawmakers work to advance new bills and resolutions in 2020" -- Good grief.. the first thing our legislative group should be doing is getting a law passed requiring all tax referendum issues only be allowed on the November General Election ballot. Our MCSD/MCSB is notorious at intentionally getting their SPLOST referendums scheduled on limited voter response ballots (case in point is the new one schedule for the GA Presidential primary election date which will have little interest to most voters in Columbus).
From the "Hypocrisy.. thy name is McClatchy" department - Columbus L-E guest commentary headline: "Time to cast off respect for Trump, Senate Republicans * BY ANN MCFEATTERS * TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE" -- "Time to cast off respect for Trump, Senate Republicans"? Good grief.. I'm betting my farm this "journalist" has never written a respectful word, much less, column, about President Trump or any non-RINO!
Columbus L-E headline: "Georgia chose former Wake Forest QB from dozens of potential grad transfers" -- You know.. this practice could become a problem for signing new QB recruits in the future..
WRBL 3 headline "Man dead after shooting near Walker Street in Columbus" -- hmmm..This is the 10th... unless you consider "Russian Roulette" or shooting oneself to avoid a murder charge as being 'suicides'.
What's really sad about the PeLOUSY impeachment/coup attempt is her disregard for the Founding Fathers who adopted the final Constitution by bipartisan compromises.. It is not perfect, but it was designed by discussion and melding of different political views, and the Founding Fathers would condemn Pelosi for using only her party's view as the "Rosetta Stone" for an "at the moment" interpretation. Her exclusion of the minority view/interpretation offends the spirit of America.

The Liberals' Dilemma... ask one this (and if you are one, ask yourself this)... What does the middleclass gain when government reduces the incentives for successful people to generate more successes? Let's face it.. the education business is a parasitic one... it exists off a successful "host", and as the successful "host" stays successful, the parasite feels it has an endless supply of food.. but when the parasite expands and demands more that the "host" can provide.. both the "host" and the parasite fail.

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