Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Wow! PELOUSY felt she would get under Trump's skin by slighting him at her introduction of him, but he reversed the situation when she extended her hand.. So much in fact that after watching her party members get envious at not having the successes President Trump mentioned that they could campaign on for re-election, , PeLOUSY had a hissy-fit tantrum on the dais as she tore up the pages of the copy of President Trump's SOTU speech.
Wait a minute.. I know how she can "save face".. she can say she was just tearing it up to take back to San Francisco for the homeless to have for cleaning up themselves...or, as John Lovitz might add, "Yeah.. that's the TICKET!"
From the "can we get his word on this?" department - Online story: "Democratic National Committee chair: "What happened last night should never happen again" -- Hmmm...though he was talking about Monday's Iowa Caca chaos, we can pray he means that for PeLOUSY's actions during the Impeachment disaster, and her speech tearing tantrum following the State of the Union speech..
President Trump out "Hallmarked" Hallmark last night.. while honoring a military wife for her volunteer services helping other wives and families cope while their husbands are deployed, President Trump reunited her and her two children with her husband whom had been deployed in a combat zone... Trump 2020... he's OUR President!
I have one question to ask Democrat Governor Whitmer of Michigan... Why did you write your speech before Trump gave his? Trump's speech already addressed your "points". Oh...and fixing potholes is a local government issue ...just come to Columbus, GA and help ours.
How pathetic! President Trump mentioned an important new school scholarship program to enable children assigned to failing public schools to go to another school of their choice, and PeLOUSY and the Democratic Party "lemming" sat on their hands.
On several occasions, when the cameras focused on Democrats fuming as President Trump mentioned new programs he could see that they wished they had programs like these they could campaign on.
I wish Fox had a special camera that offered a split screen shot of the House and Senate Democrats sitting silently and sourly in their seats as President Trump listed economic success after economic success figures... you'd think they would be happy for their constituents ...but then, few of them actually helped.
You know, hearing that former Hellary connected techies designed the Iowa Caca app, there may have been another reason for not releasing the results. She doesn't want Biden's loss of status to make people realize that PeLOUSY's impeachment charges would have to be withdrawn BEFORE the Senate vote because Biden is not going to be a political opponent.
Why should any of the Democrats...candidates-voters-media... have any faith in whatever numbers are released by the Iowa Caca? Too many people,in too many back rooms, had too much time for anyone to feel...much less think... that anyone should be comfortable with partial results posted 20 hours after the fact....
From the "Red Allen: "How about that!" department - Online headline: "CNN’s Wolf Blitzer roasted after accidentally adding to Iowa Caucus chaos: 'This is a clown show'" -- Hmm, well, after this many years. He was bound to get something right.
From the "he's cried "wolf" way too often" department - Online headline: "Schiff warns that Trump could sell Alaska to Russia if unchecked" -- You know, A Dam Schi** could be absolutely correct, but who would believe him?
Hmmm... maybe there's silver lining in Schi**'s methane cloud... Hey President Trump...maybe Putin would buy California from us! .. Well, maybe we should just give him California and be rid of of most of America's problems...
Can you imagine how MSM-13 would blasting Trump if the Republican Party was experiencing the same Caca issues in Iowa as the Democrats are?
I tell you what, if any of the Democrats could deliver the State of the Union speech tonight and boast about the fabulous numbers of the Stock Market, Housing, Consumer Confidence, wages. Unemployment, job growth, trade agreements that America has seen under President Trump, any of them could win if they said they can make the economy better.... but none can because none have a clue as to how Trump has orchestrated the last 3 years. TRUMP 2020!
You can tell how liberal Democrats are.. I think all of them made some kind of "Victory" speech Monday night even when no results were available... sorta like not keeping score at a youth baseball, soccer , or football game so no one will feel bad about losing..
I tell you what.. I'm glad Doug Collins is going to run against Loeffler in the Jungle primary for Isakson's Senate seat, but I do think he needs to temper his attacks,, rather than trying to exchange "wounds" , I might suggest he just show pictures of her photo-shopped into a stable of "My Little Ponies and compare her hair with them.."
Online headline: "After Iowa fiasco, New Hampshire matters more than ever" -- So after Iowa collapsed. NOW New Hampshire "matters"? Nothing is going to revive Biden or the Democrats....
Several Democrats opted out from attending the State of the Union speech.. say that they didn't want to "legitimize" it.. -- Hmm.. so in not wanting to "legitimize" the President's recap of 2019, they chose to "delegitimize" THEMSELVES by failing to represent their constituents, and for dissing a 4th Grade student, a honored 100 year old black soldier (and his 8th grade grandson) President Trump promoted to Brigadier General, a family reunited with their combat deployed father, and other special people with special stories..
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline: "Georgia officials seek to cut five tests for state students" -- Good grief.. most if the testing wouldn't even be needed if... and it's a BIG IF, IF students were properly tested for reading at the level of grade they are in.. If they cannot pass a grade levels' reading and comprehension standard, the student either repeats or tries to attain in summer school.
---Have you ever noticed PeLOUSY's eyes?  They "blink: together in a patter not unlike old dolls that "slept when you laid them horizontally and opened when you stood the up...

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