Tuesday, November 17, 2020

 Think about this....Wow...After all the concerns about foreign intervention in the 2016 election, how did a Canadian company get selected as the predominant software provider for TOO MANY states and districts in the US? Don't forget that the Clintons "established" their Foundations in CANADA because Canadian laws do not require Foundations to report their donors on tax filings...

From the "JoKKKe Biden doesn't believe the race is over ...either" department - Online headline: "'More people may die': Biden urges Trump to aid transition" -- Huh? You know, if JoKKKe Joe doesn't want people to die, you'd think he'd be calling off the Antifa pit bulls that are still creating violent acts against American citizens...

Seriously.. JoKKKe Joe and MSM-13 should try a different approach to the Chinese Virus than their current ongoing mission of misinformation... A second vaccine has been announced and innovated therapeutic programs for those infected by it are already in action, and deaths "attributed" to Covid-19 primarily involve late-in-life citizens with other more primary issues.

Wow! With MSM-13's ongoing infatuation with JoKKKe Joe Biden, personal details are coming to light post-election.. Take his home in Rehobeth Beach.. MSM-13 casually mentioned it as his "$2.7 Million dollar beach home".. While it's not exactly "beach" property as we Southerners refer to coastal vacation areas, it is on a pond/lake in Wilmington. With "intrigue", Zillow took a look at it and found some "statistical flaws" as available through the Sussex County Delaware Tax Database. Did I saw "flaws"? Well, I really meant discrepancies...huge discrepancies... Zillow does confirm the $2.7 Million-ish value, but the Sussex County Tax Office has that the Biden's house Assessed Value at $122,300.00 and Property Taxes as $5,741.85... and it was purchased by the Biden's in 2007.. before he became VP, and way before his personal asset value rose to the multi-million dollar levels attributed to his post-VP book sales.
Zillow: https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk004Yvt9YyWGGe8lcvvJYukMZbcBhA%3A1605610189846&source=hp&ei=zaqzX8-oMLyU0PEPuqCi-AQ&q=1209+barley+mill+rd+rehoboth+beach+delaware&oq=1209+BARLEY+MILL+RD+Rehobeth+Beach&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgBMgcIIRAKEKABMgcIIRAKEKABMgcIIRAKEKsCOgUIABDJAzoCCAA6BQghEKABOgUIIRCrAlDOEFj-_QFg4qsCaAJwAHgAgAHAAYgBzBSSAQQwLjE2mAEAoAECoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdperABAA&sclient=psy-ab
Sussex County Delaware Tax Database: https://munis.sussexcountyde.gov/MSS/citizens/RealEstate/OwnerInformation.aspx

Hope some of you "real estate" readers check out my assessment of the situation.

Online headline/story: "Bill Hemmer calls out media 'love fest' following another Biden press conference * Reporters have long been criticized for their 'shamefully embarrassing' questions to the president-elect * On Monday, Biden made remarks about how his administration will handle the economy but then took a handful of questions from pre-selected reporters, which were mostly focused on President Trump and his refusal to concede the election. * "You've been watching to what amounts to a bit of a love fest here between the media," Hemmer told viewers. * "By my count, Marc (Thiessen), here were the questions: If the president doesn't give up, what are you gonna do?" Hemmer said. "One reporter called it 'unprecedented blocking of the transition plans.' ... Another question: Will you get the vaccination? What did you think about the president's tweet on Saturday? Another question as to whether or not families should get together for Turkey Day." * The Hill media columnist Joe Concha slammed the Biden presser, saying "This wasn’t softball. It was T-Ball when putting a beach ball on the tee." * "Four of the first five questions about President Trump. None about condemning the violence we witnessed in Washington D.C. over the weekend. And Joe Biden not even calling on reporters himself, with a staffer deciding on a pre-determined list of approved journalists instead that never ask anything resembling an uncomfortable question," Concha told Fox News. "If this a preview of the next four years, no thanks." -- I think he real reveal is that the DNC cannot wait to get into the White House and build an new "isolation bunker{} in the basement to keep JoKKKe Joe locked in until they can trigger the 25th Amendment ...

Wow.. two significant vote recount events have ..as we all understand.... "hit the fan" yesterday... One of the local Commissioner races in Clark County (Las Vegas) Nevada was "thrown out for voting irregularities, and 2,600 votes in Floyd County (Rome) GA were discover not to have been tabulated in the results. Floyd County went 70.1 percent for Trump out of 38,000 votes so 2,600 is a significant number to have been "overlooked"

How come? How come MSM-13 nor the Democrats mention this information when talking about the number of Covid-19 deaths...
Currently, 90.7% of all COVID-19 related deaths in Cook County (Shicago) have at least one (1) underlying condition. 71.1% have at least two (2) or more.
Comorbidity   Cases    %
Hypertension 1,681 49.1%
Heart Disease 1,417 41.4%
Diabetes 1,411 41.2%
COPD 582 17.0%
Kidney Disease 543 15.9%
Dementia 445 13.0%
Obesity 312 9.1%
Atrial fib 309 9.0%
Hyperlipidemia 291 8.5%
Cancer 150 4.4%
All Others 833 25.8%
That's right... 907 out of 1,000 Cook County deaths "labeled" Covid-related were going to die anyway. primarily due to other old age infirmities.

Of course what Shicago DOESN'T want to talk about is deaths by street shootings...when you take 90.7% of the 5.817 Covid-19 reported deaths, there are but 541 Covid-19 deaths that are primarily caused by the Chinese virus.. while current street killings associated with illegal gin s is 642... Murders in the city are up 50% compared with 2019... Where are the MSM-13 and Democrat priorities!


Online headlie: "Obama compares Trump to dictator who suppresses journalists, after his own admin targeted reporters" g\Good grief! The only suppression of journalist is by the Democrats.. Even if they are allowed to ask JoKKKe Biden a question, it has to pre-approved... and remember how Hellary even had her aides encircle reports with a lasso when they were following her campaign so they were kept from straying out of their sight and seeing something the DNC didn't want photographed or reported.... Those, my friends, are examples of dictatorial journalist suppression...

Hey, Columbus, GA Council... please don't read this and get any bad ideas - From the "Jon Lovitz.. yeah.. that's the ticket!" department - Online story: "The city of Seattle may legalize most misdemeanor crimes. This isn’t an exaggeration. It’s arguably not even the most radical idea introduced by the Seattle City Council. * Rather, it’s the latest move by politicians growing increasingly dangerous and aloof to concerns in a city spiraling dangerously out of control. * In the final week of October, the Council used the 2021 budget process to forward an updated plan installing heroin injection sites, replace a specialized police unit tackling homelessness, and lay off more Seattle police, which already has record low staffing. * Council member Lisa Herbold argues that misdemeanor defendants disproportionately suffer from mental illness, addiction and/or homelessness. Punishing them for crimes, therefore, is unconscionable. Consequently, Herbold introduced legislation rewriting Seattle’s criminal code to offer affirmative defenses for suspects. * Seeing the writing on the wall, some of the city’s best paid residents are fleeing." --Hey, Seattle Council.. why not legalize felony crimes as well, and then have the Seattle Chamber of Commerce add the slogan, "We are Crime Free" to it's letterhead...

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