Friday, November 13, 2020

 This was Thursday's edition.. not sure why it doesn't show up as posted:

Guess what! The MASTERS starts today!

You know...something really needs to be done about campaign donations. As a Georgian, I am limited as to how much I can donate to candidates wanting to represent our state's citizens, but other people from other states can bombard millions upon millions of dollars into our elections through PACs... Even if nothing else gets accomplished, we need a campaign regulation or law that limits ads, for or against candidates, to be limited to candidates that a majority of officials and donors of a PAC are eligible to vote in the race they are targeting .

Did you see..hear.. about the plans of the Democrats to bring temporary residents to GA to get them eligible to register and vote in GA's Senate runoffs in January? .. Wait a minute... I thought the Democrats supported the "cancel culture" of the Civil War era remembrances yet the Dems now want to revisit the Civil War era practice known as "carpetbagging".. talk about hypocrisy as well as INTERFERENCE!

For a Party so concerned at denying there is no voter fraud, the Democrats sure are eager ..and arrogantly airing their send people to register as temporary citizens to be able to vote in the GA Senate runoffs. I think it should be requirement that US citizens who move to new voting districts be required to bring written proof.. confirmation.. that they have removed their names from any previous voter registration lists in other cities/states.

As usual, UpChuck Schmoozer doesn't have a clue.. JoKKKe Biden is not the winner... no votes have been certified nor verified as yet which is required before they can be SCRUTINIZED. He also says it's time to stop playing games and get on to fix Covid-19..
EXCUSE ME! Why wasn't Schmoozer and the Democrats en masse concerned about the impeachment game they preferred to concentrate on during the early days of the Chinese Viral plague?

From the "MSM-13 just doesn't want to quit hitting on President Trump" department - Online story: "Biden moves forward without help from Trump's intel team *
President Donald Trump has not followed Clinton's lead. As he contests this year's election results, Trump has not authorized President-elect Joe Biden to lay eyes on the brief." -- Good grief... if the President allows JoKKKe Biden to see top secret info, JoKKKe Biden will share it with Pelosi, Schi**, and Schumer, and those three will call a press conference and the whole world will know America's plans. President Trump is doing what he always does.. PUTTING AMERICA FIRST! No matter what the Democrats and MSM-13 "feel", JoKKKe Biden has won nothing yet to entitle him to military secrets. Besides, Biden has now won yet.

Libertarians should remember that unless they begin with a sure pathway to a win, they are elevating Socialist-Democrats chances of winning.. which is the antithesis of getting government out of their personal lives. So is the case in GA this year.. Hey, Jo Jorgensen.. Your 62,000 votes would have put Trump over the top REGARDLESS of what the Democrats did illegally, and Shane Hazel's 114,000 votes would have returned Senator Perdue back to Washington without a runoff, Shame on y'all!

From the "could it be "Deja Vu" all over again" department - JoKKKe Biden just named Robert Klain his Chief-of-Staff... It's the second time Klain has worked for a self-proclaimed "President-elect".. yep, Klain did so with Algore back in 2000... and we know how flat that fell...

From the "and then there's the whole truth" department -- Online headline and "rest of the story": "Arizona judge denies Trump team request to seal evidence in vote-counting suit * On Tuesday, court officials indicated Kiley would allow attorneys to redact birthdays, signatures and Social Security numbers if used in a trial. * Judge Daniel Kiley did not comment on the evidence that was presented but denied the motion after determining that the sensitive information in the documents could be redacted prior to an upcoming hearing. He determined that sealing was not required." -- You know.. I was raised to believe that the courts were the pathway to the truth when people saw things differently... but I guess too many libs discovered how they could use activist judges to do what can't be done legislatively...

From the "what actually happens when the 8th Grader candidate for Class President who promised "FREE Ice Cream For All" actually wins" department - Online headline/story: "Warren credits Biden win to ‘most progressive economic’ platform ever * In an op-ed, Warren didn't mention a dollar figure for expected Biden tax hikes that some experts have pegged as high as $4 trillion" -- Biden's "promises" remind me of Bill Clinton a weeks after he took office in 1993...Clinton ran on a "middle class tax cut".. yet a few weeks after he took office, he proclaimed nationally that he's tried real hard but just can't find a way to do so...and MSM-13 just let it fly right by them.

From the above story: "Warren also doesn’t mention a dollar figure for expected Biden tax hikes that some experts have pegged as high as $4 trillion. * Biden and Harris “ran on explicit plans to create new union jobs in clean energy, increase Social Security benefits, expand health care, cancel billions of dollars in student-loan debt, hold law enforcement accountable, make the wealthy pay their fair share, tackle climate change and provide for universal child care,” Warren, who is rumored to be vying for a Biden cabinet post, wrote in an op-ed in The Washington Post.".. Question not asked of Warren, Bernie, Biden or Harris... HOW? How when raising government's percentage of corporate cash which will cut corporate profits which will also raise consumer costs (hidden middle class tax) and kill new jobs that more corporate cash would create...

Wow....I musta been asleep...I've just learned that Raphael Warnock welcomed Fidel Castro to speak to the youth of Warnock's Church in NY, and then stood up for and praised the Reverend Jeremiah " G..D...America" Wright. Psst... these ain't lies no matter what Warnock says..Like I said.. "musta been asleep".. but now I'm more than "woke".

From the "what did you think the protests were all about" department - "Online headline: "BLM co-founder sends message to Biden: 'We want something for our vote'" -- You know.. with BLM even just "feeling" JoKKKe Biden "owes them" for their votes makes Biden guilty of "bribery".

From the "Bias? What bias?" department -- MSM-13 is all of a sudden "shedding" Democrat contributors "left and more left" -- Jon Meacham was canned at MSNBC as a paid contributor after it was learned he was a speech-writer for Biden but never disclosed it... even when COMMENTING on a Biden speech..and Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, an MSNBC medical expert was canned after he was appointed to Biden's Covid-19 task force..

From the "real truth" department -- As loudly as Democrats ranted to count every vote (versus every legal vote) Michael Meehan, former Kerry campaign adviser, said on Fox News yesterday, that to get things moving, not to be worried about about Pennsylvania's late ballots awaiting to be counted... he said Biden had enough already, so he wouldn't mind just giving those to Trump or even not bother to count'em at all. Yeah..the Dems are really concerned about every vote counting..... NOT!

Ever thought about WHY most battleground states are slower to get results in? The simple answer is so many county election officials are Democrat, and they don't want to turn in their ballots before other states do in the Hope that MainstreamMedia will go after other states voting issues first and hopefully miss theirs.

From the "whatta fitting tribute/commentary" department - Online headline/story: "Protesters fill casket outside nursing home with thousands of copies of Cuomo's new coronavirus book * About 6,500 copies of American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic filled the silver casket, representing the number of coronavirus deaths in nursing homes reported in the state. Protesters said the figure is likely higher, however, and are demanding answers" -- Fredo #1 Cuomo better start thinking about finding another career... all his wealthy donors are moving out of NY so he may run way short on donations AND votes...

You know, I'm beginning to believe that Sandra Smith of Fox News can't get her dream job at CNN or MSNBC because she can't smile at the same time she's grinding on President Trump. Even though not one vote from one state has been certified, nor one state result has been verified, Smith almost exudes contempt for Trump when she asserts her opinion that JoKKKe Biden is ALREADY the President Elect.

From the "how is this "fair and balanced" department - Fox News headLIE: "Biden wins presidency but struggles with these voters" -- Fox use to be the "balance" for the entire leftwing MSM-13 movement... but now even Fox is not "balanced" within it own house..Biden has not "won" by our Constitutional Standards/Directives...and may not when it;s all over...

At least 5 "Blue States" have combined personal income taxes of 59% and higher! There's bad news and worse news. The bad news is that most of those states' voters are already liberals....the worse news is they take their liberal views that haven't worked where they left from, and vote the same way in the new location they flee to and mess that up, too.

Had a few headshakers yesterday when I said that in actuality that the election is not over until the official data is filed so that the information can be scrutinized, digested, and confirmed. Right now, America is playing a game of "Liar's Poker" and most of the people holding the cards (ballots) are Democrats who feel JoKKKe Biden, Pelosi, Schi**, and Schumer are truthful.
This is purely a local issue... adding this so you will know that all our Councilors do not like to know what's going on: " Hey, Council.. one of you has blocked e-mail from a Columbus taxpayer.. I'm not going to name her, but it looks like she just doesn't want to know what's going on that she should aware of.. Hope the rest of you will let her know that having an informed of all aspects Council is good for our community." Oh! A hint: we have not shed our government from the grasp of another "Queen TT".

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