Tuesday, November 24, 2020

 From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline: "White House plans holiday parties as Americans urged to stay home" -- What hypocrisy... MSM-13's that is... for going after President Trump who has overseen the development of vaccines that will combat JoKKKe Biden's communist buddies' virus , and deserves to celebrate, yet CA-razy's Governor Nancy Pelosi's Nephew celebrates and parties, and CA-razy Legislators flew to Hawaii to celebrate even though they "shut down their economy, schools, and citizen's dining rooms" and MSM-13 hardly seems bothered..

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online story: " President Donald Trump is threatening to veto legislation to fund the military as one of his final acts in office unless a widely supported, bipartisan provision to rename military bases honoring Confederate military leaders is removed, according to White House, defense and congressional sources." -- Good grief.. first, since when is "culture cancel" a part of budgeting... secondly, when has any Nancy Pelosi House Bill been considered "widely bipartisan"?

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online "headLIE": " How Democrats came up short in bid to expand House majority" -- "come up short"?. The "headline" seems to indicate Pelosi made gains but fell short of expectations.. the truth is that America basically hand Pelosi's butt back to her in a brown paper sack, and the Socialist-Democrats will finish her off in January.

Online headline: "4 problems with Biden’s plan to cancel student debt" -- The one, though, that matters most is that canceling all student debt doesn't "boost" the economy...while it will eliminate fixed monthly outgo for grads and those who took the loans and did not complete the course work, the debt, whether federally or privately held, destroys the cash flow expected from repayment, and eliminates the jobs made to collect the debt...

Poor CA-razy Governor Nancy Pelosi's Nephew.... he's made his bed, and now has to lie down in it... With Kama-Kama-Chameleon becoming VP in January, Newsom will have to select a person to replace her in the Senate,,, and "BLM" and a coalition of another 150 special interest groups are threatening him with demands the replacement better be "a woman of color".. Hmmm.. you know. when you think about it, Newsom may have the perfect out.. he can name anybody he wants.. even himself.. and claim he's a "transgender woman of color", and none of the special interest groups can complain without being called hypocrites.

Online headline: "Republican former national security officials urge party to demand Trump concession" -- Good grief! There is no policy.. no mention ... in the Constitutionally outlined transfer of power to a new administration... for a losing candidate to "concede" at any time.. and none should ever do so! Until the process is completed, and all the legal votes are counted and confirmed, all a concession does is eliminate digging into possible irregularities committed in one or more states.. which.. by the way.. will only encourage more cheating in the future. Now, using a more common analysis, what would U of Alabama fans feel like if their undefeated football team was behind by 2 points, and Alabama had the ball om their own 20, and had 2 minutes to move into field goal range ... and Nick Saban threw up his hands, yelled "We can't win" and had his team walk of the field accepting defeat...

Hmmm... how about JoKKKe Biden selecting John Kerry as his "climate czar"... Hmmm... are we talking about the same John Kerry who bought a yacht and avoided MA sales taxes by docking it in Rhode Island to save $437,500.00 (Now if you or I bought a car in another state without sales taxes, the dealer would still have to file it with GA and existing state and local taxes would be in play), and a few years ago, put his and Teresa Heinz' Nantucket mansion on the market for $25 MILLION with instructions to real estate agents " to tour the property on the condition they not discuss the fact that it's for sale or take photographs, and quietly market it to discriminating clients (this is in addition to his Italian mansion he sold to a "discriminating George Clooney). Now, does it sound like Kerry has anything in common with middle-class America's "climate" issues?

From the "yeah.. right" department - Online headline: "Colin Kaepernick says he's ready to return to NFL * On Monday, Kaepernick posted a video on Twitter showing that he is still motivated as ever" -- Hmmm... you know..posting a video on Twitter just shows he;s a "Big Tweet"... nothing else.. Now, his declaration of his readiness.. and availability .. may be the reason so many NFL Quarterbacks have been drastically injured this season.. maybe there ought to be an investigation to see if NIKE is paying defensive players a "bounty" to take out opposing QBs.

From the "Finally... an AG doing his job... protecting individual citizens' rights" department - Online headline: "Kentucky AG files restraining order against governor to block religious school closures" -- Are there any Democratic Party Governors who believe in the 1st Amendment?

Hmmm... NY Gov, Fredo Cuomo says that sheriffs that decide not to enforce his executive orders are "dictators" because they can't decide which laws they will enforce or not... Hmmm.. Hey Governor Fredo.. since when is a personal Executive Order a "law".. It's you, Gov Fredo, who has become the dictator...

Poor Gov Fredo Cuomo.. he's so proud of his Emmy...too bad he doesn't understand that Emmy's are awarded for "acting"... and in Fredo Cuomo's case, he was acting like a Jackass.

One other accomplishment the MSM-13 doesn't want to acknowledge about President Trump is that no SITTING President has ever gotten as many votes as he has.. and JoKKKe Biden got most of his votes because people voted against Trump, not "for" Biden or Harris.

From the it's hard to stop cheating" department - Online headline/story: "Big Ten team gets robbed of win after worst penalty call of the season * The Purdue Boilermakers should be celebrating a win Saturday morning. Instead, they’re reeling from a loss to Minnesota aided by the worst pass interference of the year." -- Hmmm... guess the football referees thought they should help the Minnesota Gopher win since the Minnesota voting referees had helped the Democrat Jackass to win in Minnesota.

L-E headline/story: "These are the MCSD projects your tax dollars are funding. Take a look at what’s next * Despite a $15,141,218 shortfall in the expected collections, MCSD is on track to complete all the advertised projects with 2015 ESPLOST money except a systemwide sports complex, superintendent David Lewis told the Ledger-Enquirer. That project was deferred and is among the 2020 ESPLOST projects. * The current ESPLOST, which keeps the city’s total sales tax at 8%, is designed to pay for 22 projects totaling an estimated $189 million." -- The real story here is that NO ESPLOST has ever collected the full an=mount of tax revenue projected by the MCSD's overly ambitious "Wish LUST". In fact, intentionally adding unachievable expectations in a sense is "bribery/vote buying" as some votes are cast in favor feeling their special interest will be their reward.. One thing our Legislators should add to the SPLOST/ESPLOST requirements is that no future SPLOST request can exceed the revenue amount ACTUALLY received in the prior SPLOST/EPLOST.

Oregon epitomizes the Socialist-Democrats' concept of law enforcement. Portland people actually re-elected the Mayor who not only shut down the Police Department, but as the head of Portland Law Enforcement, actually led protests against his police department, but now Oregon is making it unlawful to have a large family Thanksgiving dinner in your own home, and even to point they are asking people to spy on and report their neighbors if they suspect more than 10 people have gathered together. Remember, these are the same politicians who adamantly protest any government intrusion in a bedroom telling the same people what they can or cannot do in their dining rooms.

From the "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise....NOT!" department - Seriously? Word is out that one of the new taxes that JoKKKe Biden is "floating" is a tax on guns we already own... so many, many people with income under $400,000.00..even under $10,000.00 will be hit with new taxes JoKKKe Biden promised he wouldn't raise taxes on.

Didn't we just see a MSM-13 story about Republicans bringing in outsiders to influence GA's runoff elections, without any mention of what the Democrats are going...George Soros and Michael Bloomberg are pouring in 100s of millions of dollars, Democrats are being encouraged to "move" to GA, and claim temporary residency to vote, Leo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, and Joaquin Phoenix are coming to campaign ("against" Republicans vs "for" Ossoff & Warnock), and now we hear JoKKKe Biden is coming to GA to campaign but he may be campaigning for the Republicans so a Democrat House and Senate can't send him bills loaded with Far Left amendments he would have to veto and lose any chance of a Dem winning the next election.

Saw a video report on what was purportedly a Mustang-E given a basic run-through on an agility course. It may be electric, but it looks more like a compact cross-over than a sports car. I'm predicting a "Thunderbird-like" death of the Mustang.

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