Monday, November 2, 2020


JoKKKe Biden strategists were countering reports that Biden was holed up in his basement on Sunday by claiming he was on the road in Pennsylvania... good grief .. JoKKKe Joe was in Philadelphia... some 30 miles from his Delaware bunker. For most people, 30 miles is a routine commute.. not a road trip.

JoKKKe Biden is desperate! He pleads rather than leads. I listened to him rant at another "drive by tooting" in Phillie, and never heard any hope nor any plans...

JoKKKe Biden really does believe "Truth...his version anyway... over Facts". He says Trump supporters in Texas tried to run a Biden Bus over the road... sure, the Trump supporters surrounded it... legally... but no effort or attempt was made to run it off the Interstate highway. Besides, I have no doubt the professional bus driver knew his huge bus could handle any pick-up truck in a game of "push and shove" if it was to happen. Biden has just derailed himself.

JoKKKe Biden was awfully proud of his Eagle's jacket in Philadelphia... even pointed it out with his "rally's" only moment of enthusiasm...too bad he was really wearing a Delaware Blue Hens jacket at the time... Question: how do Eagles fans at a drive-in rally "give a "boooooooo" with their car horns? ... Hmmm, and it makes you wonder who he was thinking he was pointing at when he was pointing to former President Obama?

Wonder if he'll wear a jacket with a Microsoft Windows emblem to Pittsburgh and claim its a Steelers jacket'

You know.. While in Michigan and Philadelphia, it looked like President Obama was trying to "social distance" himself from JoKKKe Biden ... and it had nothing to do with "Covid-19 protocol".

From the "suspicions confirmed" department - Online headline: "CNN Misses Revenue Targets by $100+ Million" -- Yep.. Since AT&T bought it, I stated AT&T would either sell it or overhaul it as AT&T will not tolerate a division that doesn't look good on the bottom line. It's been mentioned that Jeff Bezos might be interested but since he also own the WaPo newspaper, the FCC is not likely to approve such.. so it looks like the CNN anchors are going to have to act in a way that attracts advertisers .. and appealing to the current CNN audience is not going to do that.

One last time before tomorrow's Election Day.....don't believe the liberal polls! Poll companies are like any other business... they have to have sales revenues to be profitable, and 90+ percent of MSM-13 companies are liberals, and they won't buy polls showing Trump ahead.

Talking about "Deja Pew" --- online headline: "Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez offer bill to create national public banking system" -- Good grief.. We've seen ,,, and suffered under "banking regs" created by the Dodd-Frank Bill that brought the nation and housing market to their knees, and who can forget the scandal when the Democrats created the "House Bank" allowed Congresspersons to cash any amount of checks regardless of whether they had any money in their account.. No Thanks! We do not need any more banking advice from any Democrats..

From the "liberals are already backtracking on their promises to move" department - Online headline: "Bill Maher Says ‘Skip the Civil War’ After Election: ‘No Other Country Will Take Us’ -- "no other country will take us"? I guess Maher is saying that the countries that they want to emulate.. Venezuela & Cuba & China... aren't looking so good to them as a destination, and and other well run countries really don't want any more liberals moving in..

You know.. when deciding who you cast your vote for, records matter... think back to your middle and high school class president races... did you ever get more free ice cream or more recesses... or less homework? Do you want our president to be the one who just PROMISES, or the one that actually DELIVERS!

Online headline: "Expect a lot more of the same if Trump wins a second term" -- You bet! Who wouldn't want more success and greatness for America.... hmmm... you know, I can answer that question in one word: "Socialist-Democrats"...With Trump, we'll get more greatness, and with Socialist-Democrats, we'd get more of their same old Schi**.

From the "suspicions confirmed" department - Was looking at the Congressional race in District 12 in CA-razy... Due to the rigged primaries in CA-razy, District 12's Pelosi has a Democrat, not a Republican, challenger. Let's hope we get the OTHER Democrat ...

From the "regardless of what MSM-13 has been saying" department - What we're seeing/hearing must be the truth... We've been seeing and hearing of more and more Black celebrities and politicos out supporting President Trump... Now we're hearing and seeing ex-President Obama trying to rally the Black vote in Michigan and Miami
and Philadelphia, PA to vote for JoKKKe Joe Biden... It's particularly telling when Obama is taking Biden by the hand in Michigan.

Wow! in Beverly Hills, CA-razy, there was "an event" Saturday ... some Trump supporters were attacked by "counter protesters" ((MSM-13 just cannot... well, WILL NOT.. call these animals Biden Supporters/Democrats/Socialist-Democrats)) .. but what's really scary for Pelosi is that there's still such a need to squash the voice of Republicans talking about "freedom of speech" in CA=razy.

Did you hear about Philip Walton being "snatched.. kidnapped" in Nigeria on October 26th? Well President Trump sent in Seal Team 6 on October 31st and snatched him back safely...and left some vividly gruesome scenes for Nigerian terrorists to cope with on Halloween. Trump 2020!

Online YAHOO headline: "Study finds brain abnormalities 'common' in COVID-19 patients" -- Slow down. pardner! Somehow 600 of some 9,100,000 cases were "selected" with the "median age of 61, and 2/3rds were men. * “Diffuse slowing of the brainwaves was the most common finding, which suggests that the brain is not working as good as it usually does,” Dr. Zulfi Haneef, co-author of the study and an assistant professor of neurology and neurophysiology at Baylor College of Medicine, tells Yahoo Life." -- "diffuse slowing of the brainwaves was the most common finding"? When applying said findings to two 70= year old presidential candidates, it's apparent that two other "in common variables" are also to be considered.. whether the men are liberals and what political party they belong ...

Online story: "Walmart on Friday reversed its decision to take guns and ammunition from store displays in response to concerns about "isolated civil unrest." -- "isolated civil unrest"? Yep.. major cities in BLUE States where the governors and mayor refuse to stand up against anarchists, rioters, and looters.

Good grief! Blue State governors/legislators must want to shut down their entire restaurant business! Limiting restaurants to primarily "outdoor spaces" helps in the Spring, Summer, and Fall weather, but is a "kiss of death" in Winter months.

From the rest of the story" department - Online headline/story: "Philadelphia expects to release police body camera video in Wallace death next week * The fatal shooting Monday sparked protests and calls for changes to police training. Police have said that Wallace, 27, had a knife, was ordered to drop the weapon but continued to advance on the officers. * Wallace's family has said that Wallace had mental illness and they called 911 hoping for medical treatment, but police arrived first." -- hmm.. aside from the family have=ing made MULTIPLE 911 Calls during he day.. even if a "family member" has a medical degree and can diagnose a mental disorder, when a 911 is about a "violent domestic issue" or any weapon is involved, OF COURSE the police will arrive before a medical team!

HuffPOOPOO "poop" headline: "Real-life hero Paul Rudd stood In the rain to give waiting voters cookies" -- Hmmm.. and how is this different than handing out "shots of liquor or $5.00 bills to influence voting? Of course, there could have been variable circumstances... such as if he was passing them out at his own polling place...oh... Paul Rudd lives in Rhinebeck, New York so he had no reason to be at Brooklyn polling site other than to illegally influence voters within the 150' "no campaigning zone".

After "Trump-Pence 2020" , how about "Pence-Trump 2024"!

If JoKKKe Biden actually had any leadership skills, he'd have waved that "Magic Wand" and Blue State Governors would have stopped the rioting, looting, and violence in its tracks!

Hmmm... "Buy Biden, Get Harris!" ...You know, the FCC needs to step into the Democrat campaign advertising ruse.. it's the worse "bait & switch" campaign since car ads began!

I'm glad to see the MCSD selling unused/obsolete properties but as much as I like to see the MCSD cash in the 44+/- acres at Whitesville Rd/ Veterans &Bradley Park Dr, I'm afraid the MCSD would sell it way under value .. I hope the sale of he "old" new Spencer High property includes the new owner HAVING to level the entire building since
we HAD to have a NEW one because the old "new one was too dangerous to use.

Seriously? ...Pelosi feels she'll get a good Stimulus package after the election. The woman is deranged! Trump is not going to give her "pork" to pay off Blue State money management issues, and if Biden should win, he won't become President until late January.

Biden held a "drive-in" rally... Drive-in rally? More like a "drive by tooting".

WRBL-3 headline/story: "Mayor Skip Henderson recommends 34-year police veteran to be new Columbus Police Chief * Major Freddie Blackmon will become chief this weekend when longtime Chief Ricky Boren relinquishes his command at midnight Saturday. *“We did a nationwide search,” Henderson said. “We felt like the police department, employs of the police department and the citizens of Columbus deserved the most qualified individual available. And we were thrilled to discover the best available candidate was already working in the Columbus Police Department.” -- Great choice! New Chief Blackmon is a great choice.. too bad taxpayer's dollars were wasted on an out-of-town "search"..

After 47 years of making bad decisions, and promises that he hasn't kept, why would anyone expect JoKKKe Biden to keep any of the ones he's making now?

Online AJC story: "Estimates for Georgia’s turnout in Tuesday’s election have hovered around 5 million for much of this year, but a surge in voting in advance, either through early voting or absentee ballots, is now pushing those projections as high as 6 million." -- Never has here been an election with more need for ballot validation! Earlier this year, Stacey Abrams announced a new record a=mount of registered GA voters... in fact, it was such a record number that it eclipsed the actually number of estimated legal citizens in GA that are actually OLD ENOUGH to register.

From the "whatta joke" department - Online headline: "People are calling to boycott Home Depot after its co-founder said he was voting for Trump and encouraged others to do the same" -- Seriously... "some people" are calling for a boycott of Home Depot? And we could probably name them all using CNN's protocol.. and I don't see any of the CNN anchors knowing the purpose of a hammer.. Home Depot "shoppers" are either "small businesses" or industrious home-owners who fix things WITHOUT waiting for some government official telling them "how" or saying "you don't know how to fix it without government help".

There were "big issues" over Trump supporters blocking traffic in various states this weekend.. Celebrity media, Democrats, and entertainers were livid. Question: Where was this "anger" when antifa and BLM did the same?

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