Wednesday, November 4, 2020

 Looks like the only things we know for sure is that liberal polls were contrived and wrong ....again, major cities' inner city areas will not get any safer post-election than before, and California should be cordoned off and gifted back to Mexico.

Historians should look back at the records making California a US State... surely there were errors made that would hold up in court as technical issues invalidating its statehood. I'm not even sure that California has a majority actual US citizens. Maybe the US can file a suit declaring California insane... I mean, how could Californians be considered anything other than insane.. California is sending Pelosi, Schi** and Waters back to Washington, DC...

Two races really define why Republicans should concentrate of Making America Great Again versus appeasing Democrats in an attempt to create unity.. Can you believe that Portland, Oregon re-elected it's mayor.. yeah.. Wheeler.. the one that actually joined Antifa rioters and refused o stop the violence Portland citizens have suffered for the last 6 months or so.. but even worse is Baltimore, MD.. in spite of one of the most revealing campaign ads of an outstanding young Republican candidate's expose` of the utter despair in Baltimore's inner city, inner city Democrats overwhelmingly returned Kweisi Mfume (72%) to Washington. For the next two years, the Republican Party should rerun Kimberly Klacik's ads.. and impose current views of the blight that Klacik so deftly brought to light and show Mfume face in them to remind the voters in District 7 of who they picked to improve their lives..

While not "as damaging" as the Portland, OR and Baltimore races exposed the Democratic Party, GA District 4 did our state no favor by re-electing Hank Johnson... again...this is the guy who felt the Island of Guam would flip over if we moved all our military gear there to out base.. I hate to admit that I really miss Cynthia McKinney as GA District Representative.. we could MUTE her words, but it's impossible to ignore the visual impression Hank Johnson emits..

Online headline: "Ginsburg's granddaughter cuts election ad for progressive group: 'Make her voice heard at the ballot box' -- Good grief.... No one has a voice from the grave... and Justice Ginsburg job was to insure the voice of our Forefathers vision for America was upheld as they visioned.

After about 8 years and $4.6 Million after it was originally approved, the River Road Roundabout in Columbus, GA opened ..less than a year later, one section of the sidewalk has self-destructed and has been removed for replacement.

From the "this is why we need local races to be run in November " department - WTVM-9 headline: "District Attorney-elect Marks Jones indicted on multiple felonies by Muscogee Co. Grand Jury" -- Hmmm this broke the day before Election Day.. and might have made a difference...

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