Friday, April 16, 2021

 From the "what's wrong with this scenario?" department - Online story: "A popular North Carolina high school teacher and married father-of-three has been killed in a shoot-out with a Mexican cartel after he tried to rob them of drugs and cash. * The shootout started after the pair were confronted by a member of the cartel, 18-year-old Alonso Beltran Lara, when they broke into the stash house. * The cartel member was found with his feet bound and two gunshot wounds to the back of his head." -- What's wrong? Besides a high school teacher who performed a gang-style execution of a student aged person, there's a Mexican DRUG STASH house in NORTH CAROLINA! Hey, we're not talking LA or Shicago, or NYC.. we're talking Green Level, NC.. a town of less than 2,500. And you know what else is wrong... the cartel will probably retaliate on Harris's and his brother-in-law's families... Hey.. PeLOUSY! BUILD THE WALL!

From the "I'm not sure what's worse" department - WTVM-TV9 story: "One person is dead, and another has been arrested following a fatal vehicle crash in Columbus Sunday night. * (Cedric) Dent, Jr was released from the hospital Thursday and transported to the Muscogee County Jail on warrants. He is scheduled to appear in Recorder’s Court Friday for homicide by vehicle, hit-and-run, and reckless driving charges." -- Another HOMICIDE! Number 25... or 28 in my count.. but I don't know whether it's even worse that the shooting deaths we have too much of.. most shooting deaths involve drug crimes or gang retaliations.. this death was of an ordinary, law abiding couple who happened to be driving to a destination...and leaves her family wondering "why?"

I'd call this "amazing" if it weren't so mindboggling.... This is a population map of the US... the red areas have more population than the gray areas...

This is the reason our forefathers established the Electoral College

Pop Test!... Visualize the United States and it's 330 Million people on a globe... now visualize China with it's 1.4 Billion people on the globe as well..Now, which country is bigger that the other? My first.. and probably yours... thoughts was "undoubtedly China.. but then I looked up some stats.. China is big... but the US has 200,000 more square kilometers than China... we live and we learn...

I see the casino issue is bubbling again in GA.. the latest conjures up one in Midway, GA, about 35 miles south of Savannah of I-95. Midway has a population of about 2,100.. You know, when the issue first arose, I remember on two high population areas in GA were even considered.. then the greed stepped in.. and even Columbus jumped into the picture (even though there's a casino in nearby Shorter, AL (about 65 miles). Now, it seems, the casino interests feel they can isolate in a small city and overwhelm the local population and become the controlling interest over it's government.. greed is the red-eyed devil.

It's amazing.. MSM has successfully diverted attention from the four most damaging issues for the Democrats in the 2022 elections.. By focusing on the Minneapolis trial, it has buried the Cuomo/Covid-19/ & sexual harassment issues, the border chaos, election integrity, and Democrats' attempts at rewriting our Judicial system and 2nd Amendment.

Of course the Democrats are trying to destroy the balance of government! There attempt to "Pack the US Supreme Court" is SO OBVIOUS! Why 4 new judges? Why not one or two or three> Why... because 4 liberals is the only number they can add (versus only true Constitution scholars) that would guarantee getting their agenda approved for the immediate 2-to-4 years and for decades to come before they are replaced following death or resignation. Ironically, JoKKKe Biden nailed the expansion thought back in the 80s when Republican Reagan was President, and he called such a BONEHEAD idea! Of course, he wasn't even thinking about himself becoming our most boneheaded President since FDR ...

Online headline: "House passes bill to combat gender pay gap" -- Wait a minute! Don't Democrats ever read anything? n equal pay law was passed years ago and is already in effect.. This is just another diversionary grandstand play to distract voters from real Democrat problems...

Have you watched CNN's coverage of the Minnesota trial of the former law enforcement officer? Is it just me that thinks the judge should order that CNN stop referring to it as "The Trial of The George Floyd Killing?

The prosecutor in the Minnesota trial asked the defense's expert forensic witness about the oxygen level in Floyd's blood, and Dr Tobin said it was at a 98% level. Hmmm... seems obvious to me that the law enforcement officers knee had no real effect on Floyd's ability to breath since there was neither an oxygen deficiency nor was his ability to speak (I can't breathe) hindered.

Good grief! CNN made a real overblown fuss about the defendant not testifying (It;s a Constitution protect safeguard for all citizens). You know, when was the last time you heard of any defendant in a murder trial taking the stand? Also remember that CNN didn't raise an eyebrow when a witness who was riding in Floyd's car was not put on the stand by the prosecutor, and the judge forbid the defense from calling him to the stand. In my book, that witness should have had to plead his 5th Amendment right in front of the jury... his witness testimony isn't protected like the accused.

Online headline: "POLITICS: Barack Obama is Stepping Out of Shadows to Aid Biden’s Struggling Presidency" -- Hmmm... it's more like MSM can no longer pretend they don't see Obama pulling the strings.

One Congresswoman even suggests traffic control "police" be unarmed social workers...Can you imagine the delight in any criminal's mind if he is pulled over for a traffic offense knowing the person writing the ticket is not an actual police officer and is not armed?

It's just the beginning, but the Buffalo Bill's have announced you will have to prove you've been vaccinated in order to be allowed into their stadium. Think I'll start a pool on when Buffalo reverses itself.

From the "good news" department - WTVM-TV9 headline: "It's just the beginning, but the Buffalo Bill's have announced you.have to prove you've been vaccinated in order to be allowed into their stadium. " -- Hmmm Great news, but what about the game that was planning to move to Birmingham?

From the "Jury is out on this one" department - WTVM-TV9 headline/story: "Off-leash dog park with food and drinks to open in Columbus * Fetch Park will also have a full-service bar in a vintage airstream" -- Hmmm.. and also a "food truck"... now all it will need is another Axe-Throwing concession.

Now former Brooklyn, MN law enforcement officer Kim Potter needs to be exonerated immediately! Knowing that Daunte Wright had an on sight arrest warrant for violence with a gun, she was more than justified to pull her gun and use it when Wright jumped back in his car.

Online headline: "Reporter grills Psaki: How are more abortions in minority communities 'equity'?" -- Hmmm... and now another reporter needs to grill her on the TRUTH about the Jim Crow 1.0 Era when Democrats were fully in charge.

Online "headLIE" and "story": "New York Times argues Georgia voting law won't shrink turnout — but what it does might be worse * A New York Times analysis last week lent credence to those Republican talking points, arguing that the restrictions are unlikely to have a large effect on voter turnout. But that analysis casts aside the intent of the law, voting rights groups say, and the law could have even worse effects than reducing turnout. * The new regulations will likely make it harder to vote, argued Nate Cohn, the Times' election data guru." -- "harder to vote"? Only if people try to vote ILLEGALLY!

From the Socialist-Democrats agenda to end "the American Dream" of home ownership" department - Online headline/story: " Biden's infrastructure plan calls for cities to limit single-family zoning and instead build affordable housing * As part of his $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan , cities would allow for smaller lots and for apartment buildings with fewer than six units to be built next to a traditional house." -- Good grief! Two things destroy a neighborhood's home values.. the influx of crime and rental creep.. and both will happen in any neighborhood where government housing programs become the norm.

Online headline: "Officials Fear Statue Could Be Sold for Scrap After Theft" -- Good grief! I do hope Columbus Council has ALREADY alerted every scrap metal business and foundry in the South about this, and provided them with a picture of "May Flower". And if she isn't recovered, the CSU policing department should have to pay for the artist to make another one.

From the "what in the heck does he mean" department - Online headline/story: "Tackling The Student Debt Crisis: President Biden Will Give Every American A Free Minor In Digital Humanities From SUNY Oswego" * In a press conference earlier today, Biden announced that all U.S. citizens over the age of 18 will soon receive a diploma certifying the completion of 18 Digital Humanities credits at SUNY Oswego. With millions of Americans struggling to make payments on their student loans, a free minor that shows they’ve completed courses such as Digital Imagery Fundamentals and Ethics And Social Policy In The Digital Age will prevent our next generation from getting stuck with the kind of crippling debt that the generation before them endured. * “Students who would have taken out thousands of dollars in loans for a college education can now save their money instead and use their Digital Humanities minor to help secure job opportunities involving skills such as digital text analysis, digital mapping, and web design,” said the president. “At the very least, these minors should qualify all Americans for professional internships, which, while not full time jobs, would definitely provide the on-the-job experience and networking necessary to build a career in the field.”" -- "GIVE every American A Free Minor In Digital Humanities From SUNY Oswego"? Good grief.. how valuable can anything be when EVERY American already has one... and they don;t even have to EARN it! Of course, we know SUNY Oswego will be paid for every diploma it sends out which will help bail out NY's financial woes for Gov Fredo Cuomo, and pay the US Post Office for 330,000,000 pack deliveries.

Online headline/story: "Fact Check: Daunte Wright Was NOT Pulled Over By Police Because He Had An Air Freshener Hanging From His Mirror * No, that's not true: Police have said that they stopped Wright because of expired tags, and that it was when officers approached the vehicle that they saw something hanging from his rearview mirror, which is a violation of Minnesota safe driving laws." -- Hope this corrects what MSM wanted you to "think" .. The first report I saw/heard was about the seemingly petty "air freshener violation" but now we know the truth..

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