Wednesday, July 14, 2021

 I didn't think it was possible, but JoKKKe Biden has completely devolved past dementia.. now he can't remember from sentence-to-sentence what he just repeated from his Teleprompters and note cards... pretty soon he'll start forgetting to move his lips to the tune his "handlers" have written down..The diatribe about the wave of voting integrity laws being about voter suppression was his worst presentation... at best.. It's depressing to think that there are enough living American citizens left who believe Democrats deserve their votes. Hey! Wait a minute! Fair elections ARE American.. the fraud elections are the type Jimmy Carter went overseas to monitor...

You know, in a world of talent and reality, listening to the Texas House Democrat Caucus trying to sing a 60's protest song while AWOL in Washington, DC proved one thing conclusively... that the Texas Democrat Caucus "GOT NO TALENT"!

Online story: "Emerging from a private meeting at the White House, Sen. Bernie Sanders said Monday that he and President Joe Biden are on the same page as Democrats" -- Hearing Bernie "emerged" from the White House saying he and Prez JoKKKe Biden were "on the same page" conjured up images of Bill Clinton's escapades with Monica....
From the "Is our intelligence community this naive?" department - Online story: "The Russia-based criminal syndicate behind a devastating series of recent ransomware attacks was offline on Tuesday, but cybersecurity experts said that it was premature to speculate why and that there was no indication of a law enforcement takedown." -- Good grief! If I take the battery out of my cellphone, I'm "invisible.. and it I change to another "sim card" and "url" or "IP" address before I put it back in and turn it on, my old location will still show me "gone".

Online story: "For some Native Hawaiians, surfing’s Olympic debut is both a celebration of a cultural touchstone invented by their ancestors, and an extension of the racial indignities seared into the history of the game and their homeland. * “You had Native Hawaiians in the background being a part of the development of it and just not being really recognized,” said Isaiah Helekunihi Walker, a Hawaii historian and activist. “There’s an element of them taking over. That’s when there’s no more aloha.” -- Hey! What about BASKETBALL! It was "invented" by Whites and now appropriated by Blacks ... some of which feel there shouldn't be any Whites on our Olympic team...

Online story: "Prices for U.S. consumers jumped in June by the most in 13 years, evidence that a swift rebound in spending has run up against widespread supply shortages that have escalated the costs of many goods and services." -- The main reason there is a "supply shortage" is that the Democrats have injected so much cash into the hands of the non-employed they won't go back to work making the products that are in short supply...

Update on my yesterday's story about my granddaughter's neighborhood... "brown and brittle" yard debris is still there after the scheduled pick-up day... and more "kindlin" like than the day before...

Hmmmm... I can see why our debris pick up on Tuesday was so shoddy... Council spent $500K on appeasement rather than fixing the garbage trucks.

While I did not watch a single pitch in the all-star baseball game, I did see a picture from it his morning, and the first .. and most obvious thing I noticed.. is that this year's game abandoned the diversity aspect we've come to expect over the decades.. Instead of every player wearing a uniform of his regular team, each league's players were draped in single colored uniforms then separated by darks and lights..

Last night's mlb all-star game should be remembered for 3 things... Atlanta lost $100-plus million dollars in economic thrust, Hank Aaron's life didn't matter, and Sens Raphael Warnock and Joel Ossoff didn't lift a finger to help GA.

Obviously, mlb should have given Peyton Manning and oval elongated baseball to throw.. but "bounce" aside, his "first pitch" was a much better effort than Obama's or Fauci's.

Online headline: "Biden to make "morals case" for voting rights"... Huh? What in the hell does JoKKKe Biden know about "morals"? He's a dictionary icon for breaking the 9th Commandment!

Today is "Bastille Day".. a celebration of the 1789 insurrection and revolution in France that led to the decapitations of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI.. and many others ...Hmmm... and Democrats of today claim events of January 6th of 2021 were an even worse insurrection...

Online headline: "Trump wrong about officer who shot Capitol rioter, law enforcement official says" -- Trump is wrong? Then prove it by reporting which Capitol Police officer short the unarmed white American woman.. Ashli Babbitt.. and killed her? There was an "unconfirmed" identity released recently, but Internet info for him seems to have been scrubbed.. One thing that really is even more disturbing is that the gun used to killed her was found "abandoned", and it doesn't appear that it has been matched up with it's owner.. There's something ominous about this...

Online headline: "The death toll climbed to 72 from rioting in South Africa on Tuesday, with many people trampled to death during looting at stores, as police and the military fired stun grenades and rubber bullets to try to halt the unrest set off by the imprisonment of former President Jacob Zuma." -- Hmmm.. and not one "BLM" sign was seen in the available videos

JoKKKe of the Day:

From the "Look what I found while looking up something else" department - On Muscogee County's tax database, even though we see physical buildings here in Columbus. all the owner addresses for business/taxes have an Atlanta, GA PO Box address... guess the "Bank of Here" is no longer "here".

Dr Ben Carson blew every liberal's excuse for not recognizing fetuses as human being before physical birth OUT OF THE WATER! Dr. Carson asked the rhetorical question: "If it's not a human being, then why are you harvesting organs from it?"... This is about as simply stated as one can get...

Advice for Presidential/Senate 3rd Party voters: Work within to regain the conservative strength of the Republican Party... voting for third party candidates is a vote for Democrats. The Libertarians cost Republicans both US Senate seats, and elected JoKKKe Biden.

Hitting the nail on the head:

From the "Yes, Blacks are racists, too" department - Online headline/story: "REPORT: Federal judge withdraws opinion after anti-white texts emerge in Boston public schools case * A Massachusetts federal judge retracted an opinion in a case involving Boston Public Schools after the emergence of anti-white texts between two school committee members. * Judge William Young, who had issued an opinion favoring the school system’s plan to factor ZIP code into admissions, said that he could no longer stand behind that opinion after it appeared that the body’s push was motivated by racial animus. During a Friday hearing, Young said that he had been misled when the offensive texts were not originally included in the school’s testimony." -- Yes.. Martin Luther King, JR's message... and giving civil rights equality... apply to Blacks as well...

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