Wednesday, July 21, 2021

 From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online story: "U.S. life expectancy fell by a year and a half in 2020, the largest one-year decline since World War II, public health officials said Wednesday. The decrease for both Black Americans and Hispanic Americans was even worse: three years. * The drop spelled out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is due mainly to the COVID-19 pandemic, which health officials said is responsible for close to 74% of the overall life expectancy decline. More than 3.3 million Americans died last year, far more than any other year in U.S. history, with COVID-19 accounting for about 11% of those deaths." -- Of course the CDC blames Covid-19... and doesn't even hint at the huge impact of street gang killings of young people in the Democrat run major cities! Plus, blaming Covid-19 as "THE" cause even when most of the deaths associated with it are caused by other old age issues is a natural for Democrats..

The Olympics are upon us...and for the first time in my life, I'm not really excited about watching the games on TV. There's been so much political poo-poo encouraging segregation within American teams, allowing men to compete in women's events, and shutting out the public from attending that I'm just fed up .

You know.. the only reason I can think of that Dr Anthony FRAUDI to be "the mouth" of the NIH is that his boss, Francis Collins has a harder time at telling lies and flip-flopping positions at the beck-n-call of the Democrats..

Following shootings outside the Washington Nationals Baseball Stadium his past weekend, who's surprised at more shootings outside the Milwaukee Bucks Basketball Arena following the Bucks win? I hope the SuperBowl is held in a RED City... hmmm.. Question: Do we have a major city in the US that has a NFL stadium  AND  a Republican mayor?.. Yes! We do.. Jacksonville, Miami, and Arlington!

Have you noticed the almost void of interest in this year's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition Cover? Could it simply be that SI felt being politically correct/trendy was more important than delivering a product it's customer base actually identifies with?

Hmmm.. with the US Supreme Court recently stripping the NCAA of it's control of players Name-Image-Likeness marketing, recruiting will change forever... it's also gonna change coaches compensation. After Alabama's QB just signed up for a Million Dollar endorsement deal, Saban.. and other major college coaches will probably demand to be the agents for players they give scholarships to, and take 10-15% of the players earnings for life...

And I can see how a highly compensated QB will have to negotiate with the other players.. Like Offensive Left Tackles may not protect the QB's "Blind Side" without a good cash deal.. or Receivers being "butterfingers" without a deal, or Running Backs have "fumblitis" without a deal.. etc etc...

Online headline: "Oregon fire official: 'We are prepared for the worst'" -- Hmmm.. guess he woke p when he realized the Governor of Oregon and the US President are both Socialist-Democrats...

Headlines around GA: "FBI, Bibb County deputies serve warrants in response to ‘violent crime increase’"... "Atlanta’s mayoral candidates pitch public safety plans to address crime" ..."Gov. Kemp Says Anti-Crime Bills Will Be Part of Fall Special Session" -- Hmmm.. now, what about Columbus, GA.. What's our Council doing!

Online headline: "Chicago family blasts city, says they're moving after baby girl shot in head" -- Hmmmm.... I don't think "moving" is the answer nor the solution to their problem. They must first move their MISPLACED LOYALTY away from the Socialist-Democrat Party!

Online headline: "Texas Democrats in DC is a 'super-spreader,' doctor says Psaki 'refusing to acknowledge a medical reality'" -- Hmmm... and only Trump Rallies are super-spreader events to MSM...

WRBL-TV3 headline/story: "Columbus residents can now take bulk trash to landfills with no fee * The City of Columbus will waive the tipping fee for the Pine Grove and Granite Bluff landfill through Aug. 31. " -- Golly Gee!!! Now I can drop-the-top on my convertible sports car and put tree parts in the back seat and haul them off to the landfill! Never has, Council been so liberal as they are now.. feeling that if it addresses an issue and sees any kind of alternative option relieving it of its responsibility, that the problem is solved so it can move on to something else! We need a recall petition on 9 of the 10 Councilors.. and the Mayor!

Self explanatory:

Self explanatory:

New Shepard...that's what Jeff Bezos named his spaceship he rode into "the heavens". I've always thought Bezos considered himself bigger than Jesus, but couldn't live up to being called "the GOOD Shepherd"

Lest we forget... as had as the Democrats push the evil of Covid-19, and it's
pandemic total of 4,136.928 World Wide deaths, none of the Democrats want to talk about the 23,516,800-PLUS babies killed by ABORTIONS in the first 6.5 months of 2021...

Online headline: "COVID cases among migrants in Rio Grande Valley sector surge 900% as border numbers continue to rise" -- Hmmm.. and not one "mask-mandate" for illegal aliens crossing our border!

Good grief! The Democrats are trying to work in an 'amnesty' deal into one of their economy busting cash giveaway bills for all illegal aliens in our country. Talk about doubling down on busting our economy!

WTVM-TV9 story: "A trial date is set to begin on September 13 for District Attorney Mark Jones. * In May 2020, Jones hosted a campaign music video in the Columbus Civic Center parking lot. However the next day, Columbus police claimed that there was thousands of dollars worth of damage after citizens participating in Jones’ campaign music video did “donuts” with a vehicle in the civic center parking lot." -- Hmmm Now, almost 9 months after his election, there's finally some action of the DA ... the same DA who couldn't wait for a civil suit against 3 Columbus Law Enforcement Officers to be appeased before appointing a Special Prosecutor even though no criminal charges had made...

WTVM-TV9 Headline: "MCSB doubles down on reopening plans; discusses retention incentive pay" -- Hmmm The school board approved a one-time retention recruitment employee stipend funded through the American Rescue Plan. It's a shame... though it probably ought to be considered a crime..that the MCSD/MCSB is spending unspecified federal funds on bonus "incentive pay" rather than assuring taxpayers that they will take better care of the buildings/assets which so much tax dollars were spent. thus making our taxpayer paid buildings last longer.

Don-Key Oatee?

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