Friday, November 12, 2021

 That $1.2 TRILLION dollar "Infrastructure" bill.. The one NY "Republican", Nicole Malliotakis, who says she voted for it because SHE READ THE BILL, and it's great for her district (Staten Island). Well she only started "serving" in January of this year (and hasn't responded to my inquiry of where I can read it, too). Now... this is what I find "summarized":

$110 billion goes to repairing, replacing and adding new roads and bridges.
$66 billion will go into passenger and freight rail improvements, helping reverse years
of delayed maintenance and upgrades by Amtrak
$39 billion is for public transit, including a long-sought series of projects in New
York City
$25 billion goes to airports to address repairs and maintenance
$17 billion is for work on the nation’s ports
$15 billion is for vehicle electrification programs. A centerpiece of this will be the
creation of a nationwide network of charging stations
$11 billion goes the “Safe Streets for All” program aimed at reversing the recent
increase in U.S. highway deaths
$283 Billion subtotal

$550 Billion for transportation of all kinds
$240 Billion for utilities including power infrastructure, broadband and water systems
$1.073 TRILLION Total

Now, aside from the non-specific categories being $127 BILLION "unaccounted for" everything past Group 1's $283 Billion should be state responsibility.. To boot, the $15 Billion for mainly "charging stations" should be private sector utility and car industry expenses...the $11 Billion for "Safe Streets for All" should fall on local cities and states.'; and the $39 Billion for NYC should fall ON NYC , So.. instead of $1.073 TRILLION (plus an unaccounted for $127 BILLION), all that's "legitimate" (though not necessarily needed nor should be a federal expense) is about $209 Billion.. That's a lot of money.. and NONE of it is earmarked to SECURE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!

Online story: "A court in military-ruled Myanmar on Friday sentenced detained U.S. journalist Danny Fenster to 11 years in prison with hard labor after finding him guilty on several charges, including incitement for allegedly spreading false or inflammatory information." -- Wow! Maybe we should hire/elect some MYANMAR prosecutors for America! Maybe their presence would have a positive effect on MainStreamMedia and Public School History Curriculum Experts telling the truth...

Online headline: "DHS issues fresh warning of terrorism, citing 'diverse and challenging threat environment'" -- Well, I reckon so,, after the Afghanistan debacle, JoKKKe Biden's "apology tour", and open access for terrorists to get into our country via our Southern Sieve (a.k.a. BORDER), and the probability of mass RIF due to Vaccination Mandates, what ego-driven, Muslim dictator wouldn't dream of striking into the heart of a Christian holiday season?

Online headline: "Poll: Build Back Better becoming less popular" -- Yeah... since even to MSM and 40% of the Democrat voter base realize "Build Back BROKE" is a more accurate assessment.

WRBL-TV3 headline/story: "Why you may want to think twice before mailing checks in USPS boxes * Police in Massachusetts have warned residents and businesses not to place envelopes with checks inside of United States Postal Service collection boxes. Officials said the issue has popped up across the country. * Springfield detectives said they received recent reports of individuals breaking into the blue boxes to steal mail and cash any checks they’ve found after altering the payee’s name. People have also complained about thieves raising the amount on the check and siphoning the funds from their victims’ bank accounts. * USPS Strategic Communications Specialist Steve Doherty said that these incidents have been an issue nationwide." -- Hmmm... and Democrats want to increase "mail-in" ballots... I DON'T THINK SO!

Online story: "The Taliban on Tuesday inaugurated its “Islamic Emirate Army” in the large city of Kandahar in Afghanistan’s south by showcasing a lengthy parade of armored vehicles taken from US and NATO forces." -- Hmmm... and how will our soldiers detect which vehicles are currently ours should America have to return to Afghanistan .. or other Mid-Eastern Muslim countries?

With the advancement of other scanning procedures to check what's going on in "the human body". X-rays are still viable... I remember when our children's shoe department had an X-ray machine that allowed customers and clerks to see how the foot fit inside a pair of shoes,, and that was free. What I want to know is why are X-rays procedures so expensive today? (Of course the practice was stopped as people realized how dangerous X-ray used too often could be)

From the "liberal hypocrisy at it's zenith" department - Online headline/story: "High school runner disqualified at state championship after using profanities at finish line * Michigan high school runner Garrett Winter finished second in a Division 2 state championship race and yelled a curse word in excitement as he crossed the finish line.
* Due to the use of "four-letter words of joy," Winter was disqualified" -- Hmmm.. yet when Bleep Veep JoKKKe Biden uttered "It's a "Big F***ing Deal" over a live microphone that the WORLD could hear, he wasn't disqualified.. but what's even worse is that the same runner could have announced "I'm a girl.. today"... and won the Girls race without being disqualified!

Online headline/story: "Rep. Hank Johnson calls for investigation into ‘racist, bigoted conduct’ of federal law clerk" -- Maybe so... but at the same time, there should have been.. and still ought to be.. a competency investigation over a Congressperson feeling...and especially stating OUT LOUD... that Guam might "tip over" if we moved all of our military equipment and personnel onto the base area the US maintained..

Hey, Columbus GA Council! Do you still "feel" that keeping the left turn arrow at the access yield signs at the River Road Roundabout is "safe"? This happened yesterday as a driver turned left from Cascade into the southbound lane of Green Island Drive.. the white truck is the vehicle just in front of me.. fortunately the truck driver was observant and there were no people injuries and only slight vehicle damages.

Online headline: Obama advisor says Biden spending partially to blame for surging inflation * Economist warns federal government needs to take inflation seriously" -- Hmmm... as they say, the rats get off at the port when they know a ship is about to sink..

Online story: "The U.S. Postal Service is expanding into paycheck cashing services at four East Coast locations in a pilot program that resembles a policy pushed in the "Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations" from the 2020 presidential campaign." -- You know... I.. and I'm sure all of you reading this, remember the "House Bank"... where Congressperson could "bounce checks" without public knowledge. Excuse me if I'm 'a little skeptical' about our government getting back into the banking business.

Online headline: 'Hunter Biden appears at NYC art gallery displaying his paintings with wife Melissa" -- Hmmm... well, at $75K to $500K per pop, who blames Hunter from selling his stuff where Democrat Mayors and Governors have advertised the police are not going to arrest anyone for a non-violent crime.... and in cities where an unopposed Republican politician would lose on "suddenly found" absentee ballots of write-in votes for "None of the above".

From the "wait a minute... MSM is suppose to be on our side" department - Online headline: "Democrats who probed Russian interference and hyped Steele dossier silent after Danchenko indictment" -- Hmmm things have changed since MSM can;t write about what Trump :tweets" or posts on Meta (formerly known as Facebook).

I tell you what, I cannot believe... conceive even.. that President Trump, as Commander- in-Chief, would have ever worn a mask while honoring those who lost their lives defending our country.

After listening myself, and having heard experts discussing the Prosecutors presentations in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, I may have been too hard, in the past, about blaming juries for some decisions I've found incredulous. I hope the judge decides on a mistrial and drops all the charges!

Online headline: "Looks like Columbus, GA will get the short end of the wishbone for Thanksgiving.. Nearly all of Muscogee County is in Democrat Congressman Bishop's District 2, and our City Mis-Manager's bride is the Minority (Socialist-Democratic) Whip.

Online headline: "Maryland university admissions graphic separates 'Asian' students from 'Students of Color'" -- Hmmm... Guess all the children of the world Jesus loves are
"Red and Black" only since now Yellow joins White as a non-color...

WTVM-TV9 story: "COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM) - A new group in Columbus - the River Valley Black Chamber of Commerce - is working to establish itself as top resource for the development and strengthening of Black-owned businesses in the River Valley. * The group launched about three months ago and has approximately 100 members." -- Wow! ​Sounds like a historic moment for unity and diversity......NOT!

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