Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Good grief... now Socialist-Democrats are mounting up a campaign to "IMPEACH BRETT KAVANAUGH". It's gotten to the point that Democrats can no longer even say they are FOR Democracy... it's obvious they want government in the form of Hypocrisy!

Arizona Senate candidate Mark Brnovich came up with a good solution for a problem JoKKKe Biden proposes. You know.. that $450,000.00 to illegal aliens separated at the border. Brnovich suggested that JoKKKe Biden give each one up to 6 Hunter Biden poll paintings and let them sell them for the $75-$500,000.00 price points he values them at.

I wish MSM would actually get things straight about the composition of the Senate.. there are 50 Republicans; there are NOT 50 Democrats... there are 46 Socialist-Democrats, 2 sane Democrats, and 2 Communists.. At best, there is a coalition government enabled only when 46 Socialists, 2 Democrats, and 2 Communists that have a "majority" only when the coalition is 100% behind something and the Socialist-Democrat VP, Chuckles Harris, agrees with them...

Online headline: "Is President Biden to blame for inflation?" -- Hmmm.. combined with his White House "handlers" and Queen PeLOUSY's "guidance" in a word, "YES!".

Talk about "Big Brother" in action, when I post something in the opinion section of an "America On Line" News story, I'm usually met with a message, "Some members of our community find this offensive. Post anyway?" Wait a minute..when the message comes up, my opinion has not even been posted, much less read by anyone other than the AOL (now owned Verizon Media) has even seen my opinion.. this is plainly anti-1st Amendment censorship...

UPDATE: New Message on stories "Verizon Media's AOL" just posted on certain stories it posts, "This content is not available due to your privacy preferences." ... Hmmm... since I post ZERO exclusions or conditions on my preferences, me thinks AOL doesn't want me to post what it thinks I will post...heh heh heh..

You know, when the government floods the economy with new, non-revenue generated cash, the government is doing the same as criminal printing counterfeit money.... the DOJ needs to raid the Treasury Department and make arrests!

From the "why do the Democrats apologize for success?" department - Online story: "President Biden apologized to the world in a Monday speech at the United Nations Climate Change Conference for his predecessor's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord. * “I guess I shouldn’t apologize, but I do apologize for the fact the United States, the last administration, pulled out of the Paris accords and put us sort of behind the eight ball a little bit,” Biden said." -- "Put us... behind the eight ball"? Hmmm ... so sayeth the Goofball! Of course JoKKKe Biden was "right before he was wrong" when he said "I guess I shouldn't apologize, but I do apologize"....

JoKKKe Biden said, "this is the decade" that will determine what Climate Change will do for our future. Wait a minute! Algore said our planet wouldn't make it pass the 1990s yet here we are...

Online headline: "Plan to replace Minneapolis PD worries many Black residents" -- And rightfully so, but Democrats.. mostly White Liberals who don't live in the inner city, and non-resident Black Activist leaders who rake in millions via donations (but don't seem to want to help locals) always KNOW BETTER than the citizens actually affected by Democrat concerns..

Online story: "Minneapolis voters will vote to end the current Police Department and create a new Police Co-operative." -- The "new" one will add healthcare workers such as "Homeless" mentors and Mental Health specialists. Now, with street thugs ambushing police officers, are Homeless mentors and Mental Health specialists even going to want to answer field calls?

From the "Election fraud? What possible election fraud?" department - Online story: " Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday vetoed Republican-sponsored legislation that would have toughened in-person voter identification rules and required people to include additional information, such as their driver’s license number on absentee ballot applications." -- You know... it's only Democrats who are against election security...

Online headline: "Greta Thunberg and her allies lambaste U.N. Climate Change Conference from just outside" -- Good grief.. When she was 16, liberals pedestalized Greta... now she's a pariah...guess even the White House "handlers" aren't far enough left for her...

Online story: "WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government will require companies with at least 100 workers to provide paid time off for employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and paid sick leave to recover from effects of the shots, a Biden administration official said Monday * The rule – issued under emergency standards to respond to the pandemic — will cover firms with 100 or more employees, regardless of how many are located in any particular spot." -- Hmmm.. and now businesses of 100 or more are rethinking their support of Democrats, and seeing if they can get their employees down to 99 or less...

Online headline: "Barclays CEO Staley resigns after Epstein probe" -- Hmmm... and he Clintons (Devil in a Blue Dress) want us to believe Epstein killed himself...

From the "Update Shicago" department - Hmm... The current figure for homicides in Shicago so far this year is 719... Sounds ominous, but when you look at the size of Shicago, there are less homicides per 100,000 people than Columbus, GA..

Greg Gutfield summed up George Conway and his friends' "Lincoln Project" snafu last week at a "Greg Youngkin for Governor" rally in Virginia...Gutfield said: "Lincoln Project was SP lame that Jussie Smollett would have told them to think it over."...

Online headline: China locks 30,000 visitors inside Shanghai Disneyland after one guest got Covid-19 * Swarms of people—many in Halloween costumes—queued up for tests before they could leave" -- It's probably getting obvious to the Democrat voter base that this is JoKKKe Biden and the "White House Handlers" vision for America, too.

Headline/story: "Russia, China leaders glaringly absent from COP26 climate summit *
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping are not among the world leaders in attendance at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, this week, raising questions among attendees regarding their commitment to lowering greenhouse gas emissions." --- Hmmm.. and after seeing.. hearing JoKKKe Biden's stumbling and mumbling. it's more than apparent he's not there either....


From the "Only in the mind of a true racist" department - Online headline: "Cori Bush: Manchin opposition to Build Back Better is 'anti-Black'
Bush claims minorities are also 'overwhelmingly excluded' from a separate infrastructure deal" -- It's the true racist who stops meaningful conversation from happening in it's tracks by leading with "the Race Card".

You know... most of the racial issues in our country are primarily caused by Democratic Party politicians wanting to get elected or re-elected, agenda-based organizations, and biasly promoted by MSM. Wouldn't it be nice.. and fruitful... if political parties involved ran on common ground issues and MSM presented unbiased facts rather than their political opinion?

Terry McAwful brought in Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers to help him win the VA governor's race,,, guess today he'll bring in Bill Clinton to bolster his position on employee sexual harassment...

Online headline: "Australia Confiscating Bank Accounts, Property, Licenses, & Businesses For Non-Compliance With COVID Fines" -- Hmmm... when you see JoKKKe Biden 'drool", it's not about his health.. it's wishful thinking about exchanging our Constitution for one like Australia's...

Online headline: "The FBI Says They Cut Tracking Bracelets Off and Fled. Their Family Says They've Been Abducted" -- Hmmm.. could the "missing: woman be a long-lost sister of Brian Laundrie?

Online headline: "A legal challenge to North Carolina's voter ID law is being put on hold after the state's NAACP requested that two GOP justices on the state Supreme Court recuse themselves, the Associated Press reported." - Wow! And I thought the NAACP displayed it's stupidity when it asked Blacks not to sign up for professional sports in Texas last week.. this NC Supreme Court request is in even a higher league of stupidity that that!

One thing for sure, when Pete Buttigieg was telling Chris Wallace that increased government spending fights inflation, it proved Buttigieg is less versed on economics than he is on Transportation issues above a small City bus line.

McAwful, Democrat candidate for VA Governor's office said the problem with education in Louden County VA was "too many white teachers". Then he added that 80 % were White so 20% are of color (McAwful is another white VA Democrat who feels white is not a color). Hmmm.. let's examine VA for a moment.. VA has 2 Non-White Congresspersons out of 11 (18%), and VA has 2 Senators ..neither is a non-white (0%).
Actually, it looks like 80% white teachers in a liberal school system is what Democrats are really comfortable with...

Seriously ... if JoKKKe Biden is going to give "live speeches" yet not take live questions, nor discuss situations openly, why does MSM even cover those speeches on live TV? All it looks like is an updated version of "Max Headroom" only he's not in a secured basement.

Having heard the Democrats constantly harping on there not being enough Trillions of dollars to spend on their agenda, I'm beginning to "feel" a Billion Dollars is chump change. HELP!

You know..in layman terms, A TRILLION dollars equals THOUSAND Billion dollars!or a MILLION MILLION dollars.... in local terms a TRILLION DOLLARS would be equal to 2,500 $400,000,000.00 SPLOSTS Columbus, GA's Council wants us to pass in today's referendum.. Make sure you vote.. and vote "NO WAY!"

Online headline: "Adam Schiff says the "Marjorie Taylor Greenes" of the Republican party are 'legitimately nuts'" -- Wow! Who knew Congressman A Dam Schi** was a licensed psychiatrist? What? He's not? That man will...and does.. lie about anything..everything!

From the "looks like we'll need a scorecard to see who the players are" department - Looks the US Supreme Court will need an agenda program on 2 issues it will be dealing with ... there's "the Tex. Abortion laws" Democrats want to crush, and then there's the "Abortive Tax laws" Democrats want to cash in on. 

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