Monday, November 1, 2021

 From the "who are these people" department - Online headline: "Biden's job rating sinks to 42 percent in NBC News poll a year from midterms" -- Good grief! Border crisis, immigration crisis, inflation crisis, supply chain crisis, car shortage crisis, education crisis, Covid/Healthcare crisis, drug crisis, China crisis, vaccine crisis, crime crisis, Taiwan crisis, 2022 midterm election crisis, National Debt crisis, .. even a Hunter Biden crisis... .. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE who would still vote for Biden if he was running again tomorrow!? If you never have understood what a "yellow dog Democrat" is... well, this is what the term means... Pray that voting by cellphone is never approved!

YAHOO/MSM Online headline: "'Alarming finding': 30 percent of Republicans say violence may be needed to save U.S., poll shows" -- You know YAHOO.. and MSM could have .. no, PROBABLY DID... run this headline in the Spring of 1776 prior to the Declaration of Independence... getting rid of the Socialist-Democrat concept of government is exactly why we broke with England!

From the "whatta JoKKKe" department - Online story: "ROME (AP) — President Joe Biden wrapped up his time at the Group of 20 summit on Sunday trying to convince Americans and the wider world that he’s got things under control — and taking Russia, China and Saudi Arabia to task for not doing enough to deal with the existential threat of climate change. " -- Hmmm.. calling out China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia... from his knees.. this was called begging (or praying) when I was younger.. especially since those tree control the fossil fuels America is desperate for since JoKKKe Biden shut them down in America on Day 1 of his administration...of course, MSM did not include that JoKKKe Biden is sending Blinken to China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia to do some major "WINKIN' and Blinken"...

Online headline/story: " MLB refutes Trump claim it invited him to World Series * In a statement to Yahoo Sports' Hannah Keyser, MLB officials indicated that Trump, as previously reported, requested to attend the game." -- Hmmm... MLB had chance to make up for it's "blown call" for the All-Star game fiasco, and "Instant Replay" shows MLB blew the call again...

From the "dilemma" department - Online headline: "White House press secretary Psaki says she has COVID-19"-- Wow! Whatta dilemma... how can we trust anything she says? Besides,I already thought she had "hoof 'n mouth" disease...

Did you know that Greg Maddux threw out the "first pitch" in Game 5 of the World Series? Probably not, as it was not shown on TV. We saw him in a background shot of the big outfield TV screen.. Even more infuriating was that John Smoltz was talking on screen Fox was showing at the time. I expected Smoltz to turn and say, "Hey, that's Greg Maddux throwing out the first pitch.. let's watch!"

When I asked questions about why T.A.D. funds/tax breaks were applied to a parking garage project in Columbus, GA's high rent, Uptown river project area, I was told the Company wouldn't have done the project without the T.A.D. tax break and City "participation".. Funny, I thought, because the benefactors of that Company have poured a lot of money into the $400,000,000.00 dollar SPLOST tax increase.

Tomorrow, Columbus, GA votes on a 12.5% sales tax increase that will last at least 10 year and probably longer than that. While I have no issue with businesses looking out for themselves, the private group, Improve Columbus LLC, is working with the Mayor to pass this $400,000,000.00 , but it does raise eyebrows when you see who is funding the Mayor's wish and how much the donors will benefit... Save Columbus so your children and grandchildren will afford to be able to live here in the future.. Vote NO!

Don't know ALL the details, but our Columbus, GA's Animal Control department is about to be "privatized"... that's a dime word for farming it out to a 3rd party. I do have it on good authority that the City will take it back over if it's a bust.. Pray that it works, and that if the City revokes the contract, the damage isn't to bad.

Online headline: "Atlanta named one of the 'rattiest' cities in America" -- Hmmmm. Who'd have thought being one of the rattiest cities in America would be a step up from being one of the DemocRATTIEST cities in America..

Online headline?story: "California high school officials blast team over 106-point victory * Inglewood went for a two-point conversion when up 104 points * The California Interscholastic Federation-Southern Section released a statement blasting Inglewood High School for its relentless defeat over Inglewood Morningside in which quarterback Justyn Martyn threw 13 touchdown passes. Martin had recently committed to UCLA." -- Really? Shouldn't they be blasting the LOSING coach/team... maybe even audit the expenses of the school...Hey.. I got a california idea... don't keep score..

Online headline: "Biden apologizes for being late to G20 press conference: 'We were playing with elevators'" -- Whoa! Playing with elevators.. JoKKKe Biden musta got on one and pushed buttons before his Secret Service got on, and nobody knew where the elevator was gonna stop next...

Online headline: "McAuliffe references raising 5 children in Virginia in touting public schools -- 4 went to private" -- So typical of liberal politicians.. McAuliffe is having a tough time because MSM doesn't have Trump on its mind, so MSM is fact checking liberals for first time in years...Sorta like JoKKKe Biden driving an 18-wheeler, and talking about the Amtrak conductor who pointed out when Biden had accumulated 1-Million Miles on Amtrak... but MSM "fact checked" and found that the conductor had retired years before that...

Online headline: "For The First Time In 3 Years, BLM’s Approval Rating Underwater With The Public" -- Well... it's because BLM promotes the same kind of Socialist government Biden does ....who's also underwater...

Online headline: "Woman billed $700 after sitting in ER waiting room for 7 hours, leaving without treatment" -- This is too much to condense briefly, so please read it for yourself (Oh.. it happened in Atlanta!):

There's a lotta chatter and splatter about Pete Buttigieg taking paternity leave with his husband (doesn't "his husband" just sound weird? Why not just say "spouse"?). But the rub is that Pete Buttigieg IS NOT ELIGIBLE to take off 6 months under the Federal Family Leave program.. Qualifications for eligibility include working for the federal government for 1 full year!

Online headline: " House committee taking aim at 134-year-old law (to prevent another Capitol Siege) -- Why not... they already constantly attack the 233 year old Constitution... illegally I might add, as only "the people" can change it!

Online headline/story: "To save face for Biden, Democrats scheme to tax income that hasn't even been earned yet * Democrats have graduated from double-taxing dead people through the inheritance tax to taxing live people for “income” they haven’t even earned yet." -- Whoa! If this passes, a whole lot of people who've invested in retirement mutual funds are going find out .. all of a sudden.. is that they are going to earn over $400,000.00 that year and come under full assault of the Biden Promise... a.k.a. the big "JoKKKe".

"Insanity".... Webster's Dictionary doesn't have a definition strong enough to describe JoKKKe Biden's "White House handlers" plan to give illegal aliens $450,000.00 EACH! The families of our military who have given their all in service to our country nor the families of the 9-11-2001 terrorist attack don't receive that much money.

Thinking about Webster's Dictionary has made me remember all the words Bill Clinton and the Social-Democrats have redefined to make their shenanigans seem acceptable... Well, I'm gonna suggest... and lay claim on copyrighting it.. THE name for it should be "Clinton's Democratic Party FICTIONARY".

There are two basic inflation accelerators caused directly by the federal government..
Unbridled, non-funded government spending, and politically invoked regulations.

Democrats are eager to state that "17 unnamed Nobel prize winning economists signed a letter saying throwing $3+ TRILLION unbacked dollars will reduce inflation. I want you see these names and publish them so we can get good odds from Las Vegas to bet on any of them ever getting another Nobel nomination.. or private industry job offers.

Double-dipping .. but it needs to be said and repeated... OFTEN! Pete Buttigieg... our absent Secretary of Transportation during the current supply chain breakdown crisis... took Federal Paid Family Leave in spite of the fact he hasn't worked for the federal government long enough TO BE ELIGIBLE! Ah! The perks the "more equals" TAKE for themselves.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders insisted that the Senate can set out a framework for a reconciliation bill that would receive approval from all 50 Democrat senators despite holdouts within the party. " -- Even Bernie practices "new math" ! There aren't 50 Democrats in the Senate. While there are 50 REPUBLICAN Senators, there are only 48 Socialist-Democrats in Senate supported by 2 Communist Senators... Bernie of Vermont and Angus King of Maine. Those 2 states, with a combined total 2,000,000 people .. have less than 6/10ths of 1 percent of the US population, yet Vermont and Maine have 4 percent of our Senators.

From the "whatta difference soaring crime rates and an upcoming re-election make" department - Headline: "Dem mayoral candidates now stressing law and order over BLM, 'defund the police,' report says" -- Yeah but if they re-elected, and you ask'em a week later about what their plan is.. the Democrats will feign any knowledge of saying that or will try to blame Republicans.

Online headline: "McAuliffe repeats '4 Pinocchio' coronavirus stat; calls Youngkin, who was vaccinated, an 'anti-vaxxer'" -- You know.. I can't make this stuff up...

Online headline: "Deported Honduran child sex offender nabbed in Michigan after returning to US illegally * Juan Dias-Pineda, 51, had been deported after sexually assault child under 13 * A Honduran man who was convicted of sexually assaulting a child and deported earlier this year has been arrested in Michigan after returning to the U.S. illegally, federal authorities said Saturday." -- This is on JoKKKe Biden! Build the WALL!.. and bury this illegal alien SOB in the Mexican-side (Mexico could have stopped him every time at ITS Southern Border) in the WALL's foundation!

T'was nice.. exciting.. to see former .. and probably.. NEXT... President Trump in Atlanta at the baseball game on Saturday... guess Stacey Abrams couldn't get anyone to sell her a ticket after she bailed out on Atlanta for the July All-Star game.

Wow! There were 8 "upsets" of Top 25 ranked college football teams this weekend! One of those.. Mississippi State beating 12th Ranked Kentucky clinched the SEC East Championship for Georgia... us bulldogs take care of each other..

From the "just plain hypocrisy" department - Online headline: "Biden joins world leaders in endorsing global corporate minimum tax as G-20 kicks off * While finance representatives from most G-20 countries have already agreed to implement a 15 percent minimum tax on corporations — ending a race to the bottom on corporate taxation that could keep companies from leaving the U.S. for low-tax countries — approval from heads of state is an important step forward towards implementing the deal." -- Good grief! First, politicians love to say they are going to tax corporations because it beats telling the truth to voters they are taxing them more... Secondly, you cannot actually TAX a CORPORATION.. only PEOPLE pay taxes... and only PEOPLE can be held responsible... Hopefully, though, if the 15% minimum rate is adopted by the G-20, a new conservative run US 2022 Congress, can reduce the US Corporate taxes DOWN to 15% by saying it's what the world a=has agreed to and the US must stay competitive...

---From the "grin then cry" department

From the "mixed messages department - Online headline/story: "Colin Kaepernick likens NFL process to slavery in Netflix special * A line of actors playing NFL prospects, all of them Black, then walk by Kaepernick before morphing into slaves at an auction with shackles on while White slave owners bid on them." -- Hmmm... sounds like KaepePRICK forgets he "LIKED" being "bid" his opinion.. shackled...and voluntarily signed both NFL ..AND..Nike contracts at the advice of his own attorney/agent. Unlike SLAVES being sold by African tribes to traders, KaeperPRICK had complete control of his choices.

From the "proof positive..that the White House is ruled by "the handlers", not President JoKKKe Biden" department- Online headline/story: "Biden’s vow to protect Taiwan, walked back by White House, could signal internal policy debate, experts say * A White House spokesperson told Fox News after the town hall that Biden "was not announcing any change in our policy and there is no change in our policy." -- "our policy"? You know, after "advise and consent", don't most SUCCESSFUL private businesses follow the policies of their President? What the White House has become is akin to the government of Panem in "Hunger Games"... a full fledged Socialist run government...

Online headline: "Shooting at California council member's home leaves 1 dead, 3 wounded" -- Two questions... Is this one of those "sanctuary cities", and Will Council vote on to "defund the police "?
Let's get the one fact straight that means anything when the LEFT starts yelling, "Racist!". Racists are racist! And color of the accuser or accused doesn't matter, but it seems that the loudest complainers are actually the biggest racists.

Online headline/story: 'Dem mayoral candidates now stressing law and order over BLM, 'defund the police,' report says * "Mayors aren’t stupid, and they understand if taxpaying residents of their city start leaving, as they did in the 1970s, the whole city is endangered." said "Ned Hill, an Ohio State professor who studies city politics," -- Hmm... who said it was the mayors who were/are stupid? They got elected... now.. it's a different story when we talk about the voters and MSM reporters who GOT THEM ELECTED!

From the Coach Bill Yoast, " leave no doubt" department - Want proof that President Biden is just another "limousine liberal"? Check out his 85-vehicle motorcade through Rome this weekend ahead of Sunday's COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, says Fox News contributor Lisa Boothe.

Another from the "Titans' Coach Bill Yoast, "leave no doubt" department - Online story: "President Biden will ask global leaders to increase energy output as the United States faces a coal shortage and rising energy prices. " -- Hmmm .... another Day 1 regret.... JoKKKe Biden opened up our Border and shut down our energy production AND independence with the sweep of his pen....

From the "obviously... he protests too much" department - Online headline/story: "Alec Baldwin speaks in public for first time amid ongoing 'Rust' movie set shooting investigation * There are incidental accidents on film sets from time to time, but nothing like this," he said. "This is a one in a trillion episode. It's a one in a trillion event."" -- There's nothing "incidental" about normal gun safety..

Online headline: "St. Louis mayor barely pauses as sounds of gunfire interrupt news conference on violence" -- Why should she worry... the shooters were Democrat voters.

From the "truth be known" department- online headline: "Debra Messing says Republicans 'still defend the Nazis' from Charlottesville rally" -- You know.. it's the "unholy trinity"... Biden-PeLOUSY-Schumer... that advocate Hitler's Socialist form of government.

Monday spirit brighteners:


From the "MSM bias? What MSM bias?" department - Online headline/story: "Virginia malls and shopping centers increase security amid ISIS threat * Police in Northern Virginia are on a heightened state of alert as a new law enforcement alert warned of a potential threat against malls and shopping centers located just outside of Washington, D.C. The threat originated with ISIS and is the basis for the alert, sources told CBS News" -- Hmmm... I imagine "the threat" did originate from ISIS... but... ISIS did so because of JoKKKe Biden.. wouldn't be happening if a no-nonsense, America First President was in office..

From the "NSFW" department ... you may skip down if you don't want to read about perversion... Online headline: "FBI: Man exposed himself, touched person without permission on flight * The Northern California man "began masturbating and exposed his penis to the victim saying to the victim, 'Look at this,'" an FBI affidavit states." -- If you got this far, below is the "link" to the NBC News story. Personally, as this was a flight from the Oakland-San Francisco area to Denver, the J@ck@ss was probably a potential Democrat candidate interested in either replacing PeLOUSY in Congress in 2022, or planning to run for am area School Board seat..

From the "MSM bias? What MSM bias?" department - Online headline/story: "Loudoun County sexual assault case dominates final days of Virginia governor's race * A sexual assault case involving high school students in northern Virginia has become a major talking point for the Republican Party in the Virginia governor's race, adding another hot-button issue to an already volatile political environment. The hard-fought gubernatorial election in a Democratic-leaning state is widely seen as a test case for how Republicans could try to win elections in other states next year." -- Good grief! Whatta horribly portrayed angle to divert the horror of.. and the justice for.. a young teenager being assaulted because of a school board decision to be "politically correct". If McAuliffe hadn't supported the school board's mishandling of the rape, this would not be an issue in the Gubernatorial race!

From the it pays... and pays... and keeps on paying to be a Socialist-Democrat" department - Online headline/story: 'NSBA President who said parents were domestic terrorists rewarded by Biden with Department of Education post * After National School Board President Viola Garcia penned a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice calling parents upset at local school board meetings ‘domestic terrorists’, she has been rewarded with a position within the U.S. Department of Education. * The announcement came as Viola was in the process of working with the Biden administration and the Department of Justice to mobile crime-fighting resources such as the FBI to wage a war against dissent. That dissent was a result of the NSBA and the NEA’s push to include subjects such as critical race theory, gender studies, and the lobbying for face mask and vaccination mandates for students and teachers." -- This is how the Democrats handle things.. one screws up... but has too many secrets to be fired (and to visible to end up dead).. promote them out of the current situation and into another job at more money...

Online headline: "Missouri High School Picks Male Student as Its Homecoming Queen for the First Time" -- Good grief! At a time young women are being prepared to become independent and confident young adults, some idiotic school system/school board decision undermines said confidence of every teen girl in that high school.. the indignity that a boy is more feminine.. more acceptable ... than every girl in school...

Online headline: "Biden says pope thinks he is a 'good Catholic,' further fueling U.S. abortion debate" -- Good grief! Why would anyone believe what JoKKKe Biden says is the truth about anything! I'm gonna have to hear the Pope confirm this...

How does a President of the United States have a planned meeting with the Pope, no less, and the US gets embarrassed?

From the "Hello? Did we miss something?" department WTVM-TV9 story: "COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM) - Mayor Skip Henderson has chosen a new warden for the Muscogee County Prison.
* The Columbus mayor selected Herbert Walker to fill the position. Walker has over 20 years of experience in corrections, including 14 years in senior management. * “Walker will bring a new perspective to Muscogee County Prison. He has vast experience in corrections having served at multiple levels. This experience, combined with his knowledge and leadership skills, will forge a dynamic new vision that will undoubtedly enhance the overall operations of the prison,” said Henderson. * Mayor Henderson will go before Columbus city council next Tuesday for approval." -- Herbert Walker sounds like he's well qualified.. but two things bother me about this story... 1st.. "Why is this position "open"?, and 2nd.. Why such a "rush" that here's no time for public input"...

From the "and who says there's no justice in politics?" department - Online headline/story: "The Lincoln Project roasted as 'deranged hacks' for orchestrating viral hoax to smear Youngkin * A stunt involving fake Youngkin supporters posing with tiki torches set Twitter ablaze * The disgraced anti-Trump group The Lincoln Project is facing intense backlash for orchestrating the viral hoax involving tiki torch-holding individuals associating themselves with the Youngkin campaign. * images of a group wearing white shirts, khakis, baseball caps and sunglasses stood alongside the campaign bus of Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin reportedly vocal expressing support for the Republican, according to local NBC affiliate anchor Elizabeth Holmes. * The stunt was seized upon by the left, including staffers from Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe's campaign." -- Remember Kelly Ann Conway's @-hole husb@nd, George Conway? Well he's responsible for "The Lincoln Project" and a Democrat lapdog... It was evident that "the protesters" were hourly paid flunkies... no self-respecting conservative would have stood out in the rain for photo-ops with MSM "reporters...

It's late in the VA race but "the light at the end of the tunnel is shining bright" for Youngkin... following comments on the story about the "Lincoln Project", one writer coined a great name to refer to Democrat candidate McAuliffe... "McAWFUL"! What a great fit!

Online headline: "Loudoun superintendent compared parent protests to Jan. 6, people drinking at beach" -- Good grief... some political people are so full of their own self-importance they forget life is about winning and influencing voters!

From "the Political World of Elected School Boards" department - Online headline/story: "North Carolina middle school art assignment infuriates parents over sexual imagery * Sixth-graders in a North Carolina school were instructed to study an image featuring a sexually explicit act as part of an art assignment, enraged parents claim. * Kennedy Middle School in Charlotte admitted artwork was 'inappropriate' * Following the commotion, the principal of Kennedy Middle School in Charlotte is vowing to ensure teachers only post vetted images and links onto digital learning platforms for its students * "It was brought to my attention that there were some inappropriate artist images that were inadvertently included in a 6th grade art lesson while the teacher is on maternity leave," Principal Kevin Sudimack said in a statement. "I worked with the art teacher to have the pictures removed from the CANVAS platform." " -- Wait a minute! I didn't see mention that the teacher .. or principal for that matter... was fired or reprimanded or banned for from being around minors as a sex offender!

From the "MSM bias? What MSM bias?" department - Online headline: "TIME magazine gives John Kerry glowing cover treatment in climate change issue, ignores his private jet habit * TIME skips private plane but makes sure to note Kerry’s ‘favorite and oft-visited chocolate shop in Geneva’ -- How can TIME not be considered a co-winner with Kerry as the "All-Time Hypocrisy Icon"

Proof positive Alec Baldwin has always been a POS. If you have Hulu, pull up the TV series "Castle"..season 1 episode 2. Castle confirms (about the 14:00-15:00 minute mark) that Alec Baldwin was a POS (with a capital P & S) when we heard him yelling at...and calling his daughter a "fat pig".

JoKKKe Biden is wanting to give $4000,000.00 plus dollars to 1,727 children separated from adults at the border during the Trump administration... MSM is trying to paint this as an Evil Trump breaking up families.. What happened was DNA did not match those children with the "adults" they were with.. and confirmed the "trafficking" fears we've been concerned about. Now, when have Democrats ever done $400,000.00 plus dollars for our law-defending/protecting vets?

Remember Columbus, GA.. the S$400,000,000.00 SPLOST referendum is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 2nd... VOTE "NO"!

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