Tuesday, November 23, 2021

From the "talk about glorified lip service" department - Online story: 'Last year, Bezos committed to spend $10 billion by 2030 to enhance climate change efforts through his Bezos Earth Fund. In recent months, he has released some details on how he plans to spend that money. " -- $10 Billion"? Over 10 years? For a man who's worth northward of $200 BILLION, a billion dollars per year for 10 years is pocket change.. Even with his life style, $1 Billion would probably be enough living expenses for the rest of his life, so his $10 Billion "tax deductible donations" are a "hey, Look at me" publicity promotion. If Bezos sincerely believes in Climate Change, why not give $100 Billion or more NOW and "solve it"?

Resident Biden said, "“While we don't have all the facts and the details yet, we know this morning that five families in Waukesha are facing fresh grief of a life without a loved one,”" -- "Don't have all the facts... yet"? Hmmm that didn't matter to him when he slandered Kyle Rittenhouse....

Well, JoKKKe Biden has been attributed... well, perhaps coerced... to making a statement about the Christmas Parade act of terrorism in Waukesha, WI. Somehow, his words didn't condemn the killer for an obvious act of a "Black Supremacist" nor condemn Darrell Brooks, Jr. for a "HATE CRIME" nor act of "domestic terrorism". Obviously Resident Biden;s "handlers" felt Brooks was "Black Enough" to get away with condemnation...

Let's not forget Harris on the Parade slaughter! Online headline: "Waukesha parade horror: Darrell Brooks freed on bail twice this year despite active warrant in Nevada" -- Hey, Chuckles Harris... talk about NO JUSTICE.. we remember when you actively raised funds for fast bail money for criminals during the 2020 campaign... Hey Resident Biden, what are you going to say... DO.. about this?

Online headline: "Biden deals blow to those hoping for new Fed chair * The president on Monday named his choice to lead the Federal Reserve amid questions over whether he would replace Jerome Powell.* 'America needs steady ... leadership' -- Resident Biden is ALMOST right about one thing... "America needs leadership".. but he's not specific enough.. "America needs leadership in the RIGHT DIRECTION!

Instant repeat... From the "deja vu" department - Online headline: ""Biden deals blow to those hoping for new Fed chair * The president on Monday named his choice to lead the Federal Reserve amid questions over whether he would replace Jerome Powell. * 'America needs steady ... leadership'" -- Remember 1996... when Clinton won re-election.. and he kept Janet Reno on as his Atty General... despite the disaster she caused in Waco, TX at the Branch Davidian Compound in 1993.. Reno had something on Clinton that he didn't want publicized.. Wonder what Powell has on JoKKKe Biden and his China involvement?

Online YAHOO headline/story: "Remote schooling led to catastrophic learning loss, new study finds * Remote schooling during the 2020-21 academic year contributed to “highly significant” learning loss, according to a new study published Monday by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). The findings are based on scores from standardized tests administered to American students last spring, and come as some school districts revert to closures once more, for reasons including student maladjustment, teacher burnout or concerns about rising infection rates." -- Before going any further.. this is a report via YAHOO which means it's as complimentary as possible to the LEFT without causing too much investigating by real truth seekers...What we really need to see are this FALL's test scores...

Just saw that Turkeys for Thanksgiving are up 15.6% over last year's prices.. How in the world can Resident Biden feel, must less project .. that unleashing trillions of "monopoly dollars" into the economy will bring down prices determined by "supply & demand"?

WRBL-TV3 headline/story: "Homeless Resource Network prepares to halt homeless services next month; Other agencies filling the gaps * The Second Avenue building that houses Homeless Resource Network is owned by the city of Columbus. That building will be part of a land swap with the Housing Authority of Columbus." -- Hmm.. wonder what we taxpayers will be getting for overinflated land? Remember when the City bought that property from a speculator? Seems the City paid 3-times the price that it was being taxed for in previous years...

Humor is the great differentiation between conservatives and liberals.. that's why successful satirists are conservative ones... there is humor only when it tickles a nerve of the truth:

Online headline: "Nordstrom store in Los Angeles sees ‘smash and grab’ attack by 20 looters * Other recent strikes against big retailers have occurred in metro areas such as Chicago and San Francisco" -- Hmmm... looks like Holiday looting has replaced Christmas shopping in BLUE Cities. Hey, San Francisco.. wanna stop this? Publish Queen PeLOUSY's home address along with some pictures of her high-end "collectibles"... once her home is looted, she'll be more interested in protecting other people's homes and businesses..

This is a "must watch" video of a police camera.. turn sound up to get the best results:
Ohio kidnap, assault suspect bounces off glass in failed attempt to flee cops


Online headline: "Biden risks being an immediate 'lame duck' president if he doesn't reassure Dems on 2024 bid: Perino" -- "Risks being an immediate lame duck President"? Good grief! Not only is he already a "lame duck" president as well as a "BLAME DUCK" president...

Online story: "Vermont’s sole member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Democratic Rep. Peter Welch, announced Monday that he will run for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy. * “It’s just a critical moment in our democracy and in our country,” the 74-year-old Welch told The Associated Press on Monday. “Are we going to continue to make progress facing climate change? Are we going to fight for reproductive rights and racial justice? Are we going to help working families?” * Shortly after Welch announced his candidacy, Vermont’s independent U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders endorsed him * The decisions by Leahy and now Welch will create the first open seats in Vermont’s three-member congressional delegation since 2006, when Sanders moved to the Senate and Welch took his seat in the House" -- There are no elections in Vermont.. just predetermined assignments! It's a perfect example for the need for term limits!

WRBL-TV3 headline/story: "Muscogee County Coroner: Man dies following shooting on Lamore Street on Friday * According to the Muscogee County Coroner’s Office, Jones’ death marks the 63rd homicide of 2021." -- 63... can't finish talking about one number when a new number pops up.. Now we are already at 31.5 homicides per 100,000 Columbusites! Last year Columbus, GA in the Top... uh.. worse 20 cities in America for homicides per 100K... and we're already 36% higher than that this year... already! HELP!

Online headline/story: "Democrats celebrate SPLC anniversary, ignore race, sex, fundraising scandals * Not one of them mentioned the 2019 firing of Morris Dees, the SPLC's co-founder, amid claims of racial discrimination and sexual harassment * Prominent Democratic legislators congratulated the Southern Poverty Law Center on its 50th anniversary on Thursday, without once mentioning the leftist organization's 2019 scandal involving claims of sexual harassment, racial discrimination and a deceptive fundraising scheme based on "hate" labeling. They also did not mention the attempted terrorist attack at the Family Research Council in 2012, in which a shooter used the SPLC's "hate map" to target a conservative Christian nonprofit. * "Congratulations to the Southern Poverty Law Center on your 50th anniversary, 50 years of defending the rights of the vulnerable, of speaking up for the marginalized, of protecting the disadvantaged," Abrams said. "We appreciate everything you've done."" -- Wow! In her own words, Stacey Abrams appreciates sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and fraud...guess she's getting warmed up for 2022!


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