Monday, December 20, 2021

From the "and do you blame them?" department - Online headline: "Children's mental health declared a national emergency — what parents need to know" -- Of course children and their parents are concerned with mental health... concerned at what Democrats, public school officials, and organ-grinder Resident JoKKKe Biden's monkey, Fauci, are trying to ram down children and their parents throats...

Hey, Columbus, GA Council... we hear the grandiose garbage plan (hmmm.. grandiose garbage is such an oxymoron...) for eliminating hand loaded collections by using a 96 gallon can that the truck picks up mechanically... but have you really though things through? What happens when a family has too much for a single can and has additional bags of garbage placed at the curb? The "mechanical arms" cannot load non-canned  boxes/garbage bags...

WRBL-TV3 headline/story: "Police presence, crime scene tape up on Singer Drive (UPDATE: One dead, another in critical condition) * Muscogee County Coroner Buddy Bryan confirms one person died of a gunshot wound and another is in critical condition." -- 70  (69 plus the last vehicular Homicide)... We've had 70..(with the possibility of a 71st homicide at the hospital now) .. here in Columbus, GA far.... this year... but we've had a ton of non-fatal shootings that no one is keeping up with... We ought to know how many... based on other towns, with our 70/71 homicides, we've probably had 300-350 total shootings.

Online headline: "Real estate websites don't include crime data from property listings due to 'racial bias' * Redfin claims that consumers are more interested in 'safety' and not 'crime'" -- How racist can you get?
From the "you know.. this sorta depends on one's perspective" department - Online headline/story: "Psaki skips Afghanistan in list of Biden's 'biggest foreign policy successes' * White House press secretary Jen Psaki championed the administration’s work over the last year to bolster U.S. ties with foreign partners as its "biggest" successes this year, but omitted the chaotic withdrawal ending the 20-year war in Afghanistan * Psaki first pointed to the work the administration has done "reclaiming our leadership role in international institutions" and reaffirming ties with foreign partners to address "the biggest challenges of our time." * Psaki championed the administration’s role in delivering vaccines not only nationwide but globally. She said the U.S. has been a "driving" force in encouraging economic recovery following the pandemic. * She additionally pointed to the U.S.’s renewed involvement on top issues like climate change as President Biden has reentered the Paris Climate Agreement, pushed climate-forward initiatives in his Build Back Better plan and agreed to work with the UN to lower greenhouse gas emissions." -- you know... what are "successes" in Psaki's eyes are not through mine...

Online headline: "Water detected below Martian surface, researchers say" -- H-2-O .....a.k.a.... WATER! 2-parts Hydrogen, 1-part Oxygen.... hate to be a Darby-Downer but isn't the lack of oxygen why Mars won't be habitable for man? So, where's the oxygen for water come from?

Rahm Emanuel was approved by the Senate as Ambassador to Japan Saturday, but there was "Drama"...Three Democrats opposed Emanuel getting through but two of those "Nay" voles came from Senators Warren and Markey from Massachusetts... and Massachusetts is where the Obama's now reside and party... it's definitely a cRAT-eat-RAT world...
Online headline: "California to drop 3,000 pounds of mouse poison onto coastal islands to save rare seabirds" -- Hmmmm... gonna drop it from helicopters... may as well call in poisoned fish food

From the "Red Allen. "Well how about that" department - Online headline: "Scientists discover ‘surprising’ cause of Europe’s little ice age in late medieval era" --
Oh....Climate Change preceding "Big Oil" fracking and internal combustion engines...
Hmmm... from the "rewriting history BEFORE it's been recorded" department - Online headline: "White House Discreetly Amends Biden Speech Transcript After He Referred to 'President Harris'" -- At least they've rewritten history it BEFORE millions of history books were publisher that would have to be burned...

And another from the "rewriting history BEFORE it's been recorded" department - Online headline: "White House clarifies Harris' statement that the admin 'didn't see' delta, omicron variants coming" -- Even more trees were saved by catching this before it's in school books..

Online headline: "Texas Gov. Abbott shows completed section of state-made border wall, pledges to protect state's sovereignty" -- Hmmm.. seems there is another way to "skin a Democ-RAT"....

Online headline/story: "'Betrayed': House progressives erupt over Manchin Build Back Better opposition * "Today, Senator Manchin has betrayed his commitment not only to the President and Democrats in Congress but most importantly, to the American people," Jayapal, chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said in a statement." -- Manchin betrayed..President, Democrats, American people"? What an absolute LIE... and first, Joe Manchin swears an oath to honor/uphold the U.S. Constitution..;not the Democratic Party... especially the Socialist arm of the Democratic Party.. secondly, he was elected to represent the people of West Virginia, and the Democratic Party Socialist arm and President want him to betray the people of West Virginia by shutting down it's fossil fuel industries..Bottom line is that the President and Democratic Party Progressives have betrayed America. West Virginia, and Joe Manchin..

You know... if Sen Joe Manchin changed party affiliation from Democrat to Republican today, then we would no longer have to see/hear from Chuckles Harris, UpChuck Schmoozer, or Bernie..... or "the Squad" for that matter

From the Bias? What bias? department - Online story: "The Trump administration engaged in “deliberate efforts” to undermine the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic for political purposes, a congressional report released Friday concludes. * The report, prepared by the House select subcommittee investigating the nation’s Covid response, says the White House repeatedly overruled public health and testing guidance by the nation’s top infectious disease experts" -- "overruled public health and testing guidance by the nation’s top infectious disease experts"? As I recall, President Trump had the REAL "top infectious disease experts" from 3 MAJOR pharmaceutical companies developing vaccines to counter what Fauci helped create by using American tax dollars to fund China's development of biological warfare operation in Wuhan. Additionally, this "Congressional report" was initiated.. and approved by Nancy PeLOUSY, and the aim.. the purpose... of the report was to :get Trump"!

History lesson:
The Democrats goal is NOT Democracy.. Democracy is about people controlling their own lives..that's the goal of the conservative element of Americans.. That's not the goal of the Democratic Party.. Democrats want to control everyone via the Karl Marx method.. and this use to be shown in our schools via the study of Aldous Huxley's "Animal Farm". "Animal Farm" presented Socialism in a parable like lesson... the lesson being that "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal that others".. Modern youth have seen advanced results of Socialism demonstrated in the "Hunger Games".. The "more equals" live in Panem in luxury, while all other "equals" live in mundane... but equal ... squalor in 12 "Districts". The Panem citizens lack for nothing... but when the 12 Districts suffer from not enough food, the Panem solution is not to share it's surplus to take care of the shortage, but to eliminate enough citizens of the Districts so the food available is enough for he remainder of the citizens..
The failure of a "pure Democracy" is guaranteed... when an equal split... 50/50.. on opposing concepts exists, nothing gets changes... nothing gets done.. but when one more "voter" is added and votes, the rule of the 51 completely controls the other 50.. Observe our US Senate situation.... There are 50 Republicans with... more or less.. conservative views ... and 48 Democrats with more liberal views... BUT.. there are two independent Senators, Angus King of Maine, and then there's Bernie from Vermont...and if those two vote for the Democrat view, there's a "tie"... then the "tie" is broken with an added 51st voter... by VP Chuckles Harris who is a Democrat, and will always vote for her Party's opinion... Unfortunately, in order to get 50 Senate votes for the liberal view, the two independents personal agendas are added to get their vote, so actually, what the 48 "Democrats "want" is not actually what they get.. they get what the two Socialist independents demand!

Online story: " A U.S. appeals court (the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati) on Friday reinstated a nationwide vaccine-or-testing COVID-19 mandate for large businesses, a federal government rule that covers 80 million American workers." -- Whoa! Did you see it? See that this effects businesses that cover 80,000,000... yes.. 80 MILLION US workers (and hopefully citizens) This means that the White House "handlers" are controlling the environment of MORE THAN HALF of the employed workers in the US...this is... at a minimum... SCARY! A pure case of lambs providing dinner to the wolves!

Remember last week when I reported that over 84% of Americans over age 17 have at least one Covid-19 vaccination "jab"? You know, Resident Biden COULD promote this as a point of success rather than harping on the other less tha 16%... but he's doesn't fit the needs or agenda of the Democratic Party...the Democrats have nothing positive to brag about with the economy, crime, inflation or employment, so they have to focus on the negatives they can create on Covid-19 issues... well, as long as no one brings up .. promotes... that more Americans have died in 2021 under Biden than in 2020 under Trump... since JoKKKe Biden's whole election campaign was he had a better plan for Covid-19 than Trump.

Online headline/story: "Bruce Springsteen Sells Catalog to Sony Music for $500 MILLION * Reps for Springsteen and Sony Music either declined or did not respond to requests for comment, but multiple industry sources tell Variety that the deal is “done.” -- Of course the "deal" is done... In fact, Springsteen had to get it done before January 1, 2022... because... on January 1st, the Trump 20% Long Term Capital Gains tax becomes the 28% Biden tax... and that jump would, depending on the final "beginning costs" IRS allows, Springsteen's taxes would be up to 40% MORE than selling it now under the Trump tax structure. Wonder if Springsteen will release a new song before Dec 31st titled, "Let's Go, Brandon!"

Watching trials on TV that prosecute police officers recently, I think I've noticed a disheartening pattern... It's not just the MSM that presents such biased anti-police angles, but the prosecutors are as bad or worse than the MSM! The prosecutors do not tell the jury the history of the "victims" criminal record, but in most cases, the police officers are aware of who they are dealing with and the dangers they face..... and the threat these criminals are to them. Juries should hear the complete criminal history of the victims the government attorney are using to persecute police officers. Juries should be able to ask themselves, "What would I have felt... what would I have done... if a recidivist felon showed up at my business, and refused to be civil or cooperative? What if this career felon stood between me, and my getting home safely tonight and be with my family...

Headlines show why elected school boards work against communities: "Connecticut school board meeting boils over resulting in board member being punched in face * Missouri school board meeting on masks ends with parking lot brawl" -- Elections are basically about political issues and re-elections; thus civility is swept under the carpet.. appointed school boards are neighbors and naturally concerned about contributing to the future of their community.

At the PNC father-son tournament this weekend, Tiger is playing a brand new Bridgestone golf ball named the "B XS"." After Tiger and his 12 year old son came in second, Bridgestone may have the wrong Woods signed to endorse it... Looks like Charlie Woods might sell more balls than Tiger.

Online headline: "Biden Parties on * President not changing his holiday plans even after winter of "death" warning" -- Wait a minute! Last week, Resident Biden announced cut backs in White House holiday events, and I figured that it was because few... if any... Democrat Congresspersons want to be associated with him as his administration crumbles going into the 2022 campaign period.. What's he now, "Not Changing"?

Online story: ""Democratic Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts took to social media to push President Biden to universally cancel student debt for U.S. college students and graduates. Reporting on her own canvassing efforts, Pressley said allowing student debt to continue was a form of violence." ‐- "allowing student debt to continue was a form of violence"? Only if you realize that the unsecured loan program is a Socialist agenda control issue that targets student to get them indoctrinated in socialism, then devalue the savings accounts of middle class Americans by using inflation so they are controlled by need for government programs that middle class has to pay for as well.

WTVM-TV9 story: "The Muscogee County School District is aware of social media challenges that encourages students to make threats to the schools. * The posts have been made nationwide - therefore, it did not originate in Columbus or in the Muscogee County School District, however, the local school district is taking extra precautions." -- This is exactly the opportunity... and impetus... the MCSD... as well as every other School District in the US... to initiate removing student access to their cellphones in school buildings during school hours!

Online headline/story: "Musk says his tax bill for 2021 was over $11 billion * Musk's payment could be the largest ever for the IRS, a report says * Last week, Musk lashed out at Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass, after she claimed that he does not pay enough in taxes and is essentially "freeloading off everyone else." -- Wish Musk also listed his charitable donations as well... and... and ASKED Pocahontas what SHE had ever done for Native Americans... other than cheat a real Native American out of an elite professorship job at Harvard...
NOTE: Musk also realizes.. like Bruce Springsteen... that taking capital gains in 2021 will save him a ton of taxes versus taking capital gains in 2022 when the JoKKKe Biden tax rates replace the Trump tax rates.

Online "headLIE": "Ben Jealous: Why Stacey Abrams is important for Georgia" -- Ben Jealous? Still Jealous is more like it... jealous of of not being recognized as a legitimate and honest journalist.

Following the PNC Family Teams Championship Golf Tournament, this was headline: "Tiger and Charlie Woods narrowly lose to John Daly and son" -- I had a flashback to the 70s...I remember when the Russian government owned newspaper, "Tass" was such a pro-government tool, that a joke to highlight its bias circulated.. It was about a Russian change to Ford to bring a Mustang over to Russia and race Russia's knockoff of it to determine which was best in a 2-car one-on-one race. The race was held, and the Ford Mustang won easily, but the next day's "Tass" headline was. "Russian car finishes second, America's car finishes NEXT-TO-LAST"... Wow! Sounds... and looks... like CNN personified...

From the "1st Amendment? China has no 1st Amendment for media or citizens" department - Online headline: "Tennis star Peng Shuai denies ever accusing anyone of sexual assault" -- this is why the Democrats want Socialism here! In China, Tara Reade would be apologizing to Resident Biden for existing!

Online headline: "Cory Booker tests positive for COVID * Sen. Cory Booker announced on Sunday night he has tested positive with a breakthrough case of the coronavirus" -- Hmmm Now Sen Booker has Covid... Sen Warren reported she had it earlier... Resident Biden announced the White House was cutting back on Holiday events.. What's going on? ... Hmmm... maybe there's some unmasked, backroom politicking going on...

Online headline: "Outgoing NIH director dismisses Wuhan lab-leak theory as a ‘distraction’ on last day in office" -- Good grief! Just a typical government agency head playing a game of 'CYA" so he can write a book of lies about how well he handled his job...somehow, it sounds like the game plan of Creepo Cuomo.

Nick Sandmann announced NBC settled on the $275 MILLION Dollar suit he filed following NBC & MSNBC's slanderous and libelous attack on teenaged Sandmann on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. There's a gag order on the settlement amount but I hope it was for even MORE!

Online headline: "Not Just China and Russia, U.S. Ally Turkey Says 'Many Are Questioning' Biden's Democracy Summit" -- "Democracy Summit"? All that will be there are despots, oligarchists, tyrants, and liars!


Online story: "Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon announced the launch of a new diversion program for juvenile criminals. * The "Restorative Enhanced Diversion for Youth Pathway" aims to move young people from incarceration into rehabilitation, a move that Deputy DA Jonathan Hatami called "a slap on the wrist" for some felonies. * The qualifying felonies include burglary, assault without firearms or extensive injuries, vehicle theft, robbery, grand theft person, sexual battery and arson, FOX LA reported." -- "Restorative Enhanced Diversion for Youth Pathway"? Must really be an acronym for "RED F-YOU-Path" for Communist Kids... Whatta disgrace for california's law-abiding citizens!

Online headline/story: "Law prof suggests rewrites of First and Second Amendments that do not mention free press or bearing arms * A professor at the University of Miami School of Law has penned a proposal for a "redo" of the First and Second Amendments in a Boston Globe op-ed." -- Good grief! Guess the "professor" couldn't get a Florida paper to run her opinion... but what needs to be rewritten is the requirements to be a law professor... She obviously doesn't understand that the Constitution was written to protect America from left wingers with law degrees.

Online headline: "Harris announces Biden administration's new lead pipe and paint removal effort" -- Question 1 - Why didn't BleepVeep Biden tackle this when he was Obama's VP, and question 2 - Why would all the Blue State Governors and Blue City Mayors WANT Chuckles Harris in charge after knowing she's in charge of the Border chaos?

Online headline: "Kamala Harris interview with Charlamagne Tha God gets heated after he asks who 'real' president is" -- Hmmmm...looks like even the Munchkins are wondering who's behind the curtain in the Wizard's House.

Online headline: "Vice President Kamala Harris said that the Biden administration 'didn't see Omicron coming" -- Hmmm... and Democrat voters nor MSM "anchors" obviously "didn't see" the ineptness of the JoKKKe Biden/Chuckles Harris Administration coming, either.

Online headline: "Columbus law enforcement agencies grapple with staffing shortage" -- Hmmm... sounds like the Mayor, City MisManager, and Columbus, GA Council are trying to shift all the blame to the CPD and Sheriff's Office... The Police Chief and Sheriff have enough pressure just trying to work with the situation they have at hand.. the Administrative "Trinity" (Mayor - City MisManager - Council) needs to make sure Law Enforcement is not short-handed!

Online headline: "White House says double child tax credit payments possible in February" -- Let the VOTE BUYING resume! Sounds like the Democrat incumbents are worried about even surviving their primaries to be even ON THE BALLOT in November...

From the "vote buying confirmation" department - Online story: "The Georgia Resilience and Opportunity (GRO) Fund is partnering with Give Directly to launch an initiative called In Her Hands. The program will give more than 600 low income Black women $850 each month for two years." -- Whatta misplaced ego-trip of a few liberals! As soon as "the 600" are selected, 600 more come forward with greater need, and then 600 more after that!. On top of that, "the 600" will suffer from an $850.00 "salary cut" per month as soon as the 2nd year ends..... but not until after the 2022 Elections...

Online story: "Black-owned businesses are getting a major boost from the Fed. * At the Freedman's Bank Forum on Tuesday (December 14), Vice President Kamala Harris and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen unveiled the US Treasury's plan to distribute $8.78 billion –– with a capital "B" –– to help increase lending to Black-owned business and access to banking in low-income communities." -- Hmmm... what's the plan.. to restock Black businesses in low-income communities... to get them ready for the next looting sprees?

Online headline: "Five FBI Agents Solicited Prostitutes During Official Overseas Trip" -- Hmmmm.... wonder if they were previously assigned to Clinton..

Online headline/story: "Sen. Raphael Warnock takes Manchin, Sinema to task over immoral conservatism * In a stirring speech from the Senate floor Tuesday, Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., urged conservative members of his party to end their ongoing obstruction of voting rights legislation. * "The judgment of history is upon us," Warnock warned. "Future generations will ask, when the democracy was in a 911 state of emergency, what did you do to put the fire out?" -- Good grief! Does Warnock understand that he represents the interests of ALL GA citizens.. regardless of skin color? Does Warnock understand that conservatism is NOT immoral.. in fact, it's liberalism that fits his claim.. Does Warnock understand that protecting all voters from fraud is his JOB! Hurry November!

Online headline: "Columbus Aquatic Center hosts Winter Wonderland event" -- Wonder how much Columbus taxpayers will lose based on cost of operations versus admission tickets?

Online headline: "Will Columbus animal control go private? Deal on hold after Paws Humane CEO leaves job" -- Hmmm... looks like somebody musta put all their eggs in one basket...

Online headline: "Senator Warnock says child tax credit is still needed in Muscogee County" -- Sounds like vote buying to me... Why would Sen Warnock specify Muscogee County "needs" something when every county would be treated the same?


Now, I also think both Warnock AND Stacey Abrams should stand on a different street corner each of the next 24 months (or the next 12 months when they lose in 2022) and pick 600 women to give the CASH to directly while smiling at the cameras and explaining to millions of other GA women WHY they aren't getting any money. 

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