Friday, December 10, 2021

Online headline: "Flashback: Biden, Harris led frenzy to amplify Jussie Smollett's false hate crime claims" -- Jussie Smollett has been found guilty of creating a "hate crime hoax"! There will be sentencing forthwith, but the case will mot be over until Resident JoKKKe Biden and VP Chuckles Harris issue retractions of their comments supporting Smollett's lies, and the both apologize to America for perpetuating racism and supporting a "hate crime hoax"... Can't wait to hear Chuckles Harris laugh her way out of this!

Jussie Smollett was convicted for his "hate crime hoax".... can't wait to see what the judge does with tacking on Smollett's court room perjury as well.

Online headline: "Jussie Smollett lawyer says they '100 percent' plan to appeal guilty verdicts, 'confident' on reversal" -- My guess is that Smollett still has money left in his defense fund....

From the "Hey, Resident Biden.. you, too, VP Chuckles Harris.. how could you sleep last night!" department - Online headline/story: "53 die in horror crash of truck smuggling migrants in Mexico * By late Thursday, the death toll stood at 53, and authorities said at least 54 people had been injured. * About 200 migrants may have been packed into the truck, said Guatemala’s top human rights official, Jordán Rodas. While shocking, that number is not unusual for migrant smuggling operations in Mexico" -- Hey, Resident Biden and VP Chuckles Harris... these deaths... this blood.. is on y'all's hands! Y'all invited this! A good Mexican attorney could probably sue y'all on the basis of your border policy and shutting down the WALL construction to be "an attractive nuisance" (akin to a US citizens having a pool in their back yard but no fence to keep people from wandering in uninvited or by accident).

In a california high school girl's basketball game, one player, the daughter of Corey Benjamin, a former Shicago Bulls player, was commanded by her mother to hit an opposing player. The daughter then suckerpunched the player from behind with a crushing blow to the her throat which floored and incapacitated her. Later, the mother of the attacker was charged with two misdemeanor counts, one of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one of battery. If convicted, she faces up to one year in an Orange County jail. What's missing is charges against the daughter for an obvious "hate crime", and a charge against the mother for causing it..

Hmmm... at least one Starbucks employee group in Buffalo, NY voted for "unionization" yesterday... Wow! Hmmm... seems these part time student workers have voted themselves a PAY CUT as union dues will be deducted for their paychecks...You know... I guess too much caffeine, a lack of education about finances, and liberal guidance can get college kids in way over their heads... sorta like not understanding that student loans for non-professional careers will have to be paid back when you begin working at an entry level job...

Online headline: "Biden tells world: Protecting democracy 'defining challenge of our time'" -- Hey, Resident would help if you were actually on future AMERICA's SIDE on this issue!

Online headline: "Fox News Media's All-American Christmas Tree rebuilt, relit at NYC headquarters following arson attack" -- This is the America that works! If the tree had been at CNN, or MSNBC, ... Hey, I said "IF".... the New York Times and Nancy PeLOUSY would be calling for another Trump impeachment while asking for a share of Resident Biden's "infrastructure bill" to replace in a few weeks....

While America got a WIN when Resident Biden's Communist oriented nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova, withdrew her name from he process, the White House ran the old Statue of Stalin end-around play to get Rachael Rollins confirmed as the US Attorney for Massachusetts... Rollins is so colorblind to justice, even Senator Elizabeth Warren will have to live in fear since it was proven she's actually White vs Native American..

From the "times.. they are indeed a-changin' " department - Online headline/story: "Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson says 'racism within the Democratic Party' is '800 lb gorilla in the room' * "I’m confused and a little disturbed by the reasoning here," Johnson tweeted in a response to a statement from Matthew Dowd, who dropped out of the race for Texas lieutenant governor earlier this week to allow for a more "diverse" field. * "Campaigns are precisely for the purpose of selecting the BEST candidate," Johnson continued. "It seems my friend is saying that Democratic primary voters are incapable of nominating women and minorities if there is a white man on the ballot?"" -- Thanks, Mayor Johnson, for saying what NEEDED to be said... of course, Matthew Doud may not have been the BEST candidate if he stayed in the race.. the SMARTEST, maybe, but not necessarily the BEST...

Online headline/story: "Judge allows lawsuits against Georgia’s voting law to move forward * A federal judge on Thursday denied motions to dismiss lawsuits over Georgia's voting law that restricts voter across the state. * Why it matters: Legal challenges emerged from several civil rights groups and the Department of Justice after Gov. Brian Kemp (R) signed the state's election law in March. * The Georgia law imposes new ID requirements, limits the use of ballot drop boxes, changes early voting hours and more. * U.S. District Judge Jean-Paul "J.P." Boulee found that the lawsuits will be determined after facts and evidence are presented." -- Good news for the new GA Law.. Being upheld in federal court will set a precedence to keep more unfounded cases from being filed.

Online headline/story: "Influential Columbus Republican Rep. Richard Smith picks a side in GOP gubernatorial primary race * State Rep. Richard Smith is the most influential Chattahoochee Valley Republican. In an exclusive interview with News 3 Thursday, Smith said he will support Kemp." -- I think .. at this time.. that Kemp is a good choice for GA and the Republican Party.. Haven't been 100% behind some of Kemp's choices, but he's made a lot of good choices, and I hope the primary doesn't get ugly like the Collins campaign to challenge Sen Loeffler in 2020. There are three things that I hope Smith will do/accomplish... one, support some one other than Raffensperger in the Secretary of State, race, and most important, get Muscogee County local elections to be decided on the General Election day in November, and get a state law requiring all state and local tax referendums be decided only on even year General Election dates...

Hey Columbus, GA Mayor-Council... and WRBL-TV3--- Let's get the homicide totals right... Homicide number 66 was a horrific "hit & run homicide by vehicle on Victory Dr the first week of December.. (while 4 other vehicular homicides have not been counted in the running total of violent assaults, this one reeks of violence), and 67 and 68 just happened in the last week.

Online headline: "New York Times reporter fawns over ‘role model’ Brian Williams: ‘You are an icon for journalists’ * The outgoing MSNBC host was suspended and demoted by NBC in 2015 for embellishing stories" -- Hmmm... NY Times reporter Peter Baker was a reporter for the Washington Post during the 1992 campaign of Slick Willy Clinton... if Baker now fawns over "Lyin' Brian", Baker must have drooled when a student asked Clinton if he wore "briefs of boxers"...

Online headline/story: "Democrat Florida gov candidate Fried to stand trial for ethics charges * The Florida Commission on Ethics announced that the body found probable cause against state Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried over allegations of improperly disclosing campaign finances. * The ethics complaint was initially filed against Fried after she amended a couple of financial disclosures to include $350,000 of previously unreported earnings before she hopped into the governor’s race." -- Hmmm... For most people, it's sorta hard to misplace or forget $350,000.00 ...not so much for Democrat elites... Hmmm... speaking of elite Democrats... did Stacey Abrams ever pay off her IRS debt and penalties?

If the Resident Biden's Administration weren't such a circus, the story about an Ivy League swimmer, who was on the Men's team for 3 years at U of Pennsylvania, and is now swimming on the U of Pennsylvania WOMEN's Team (and setting all sorts of records that overshadow the historic efforts of real women who swam before this madness), it would be "Front Page" news. If there's any good in this, it's because it's happening in the Ivy League... and eventually, even liberal females will revolt from the concept that just because a male decides to declare himself "a female"... it ain't so.

Hey, U of Pennsylvania male golfers...are y'all gonna declare yourselves females and play from the Red Tees?

After hearing Hellary read her 2016 Victory speech it made me look up the transcript so I could read it myself. Regardless of the her self-serving wallow, she couldn't have sealed off her future in politics any more than if she'd confessed to killing JFK, Ron Brown, and/or Jeffrey Epstein.

The Democrat concept of "no cash bail" has completely failed. Now street thugs have redefined "no cash bail" to mean "NO JAIL!".


You know.. allowing "no bail" for "poverty" criminals is just.. if not more.. discriminatory as not offering such to "wealthy" criminals with similar crimes... 

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